Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Twenty-one people signed in.

Jim Price called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.  Last month’s meeting minutes were accepted. 

Jim Price made an inquiry regarding the additional connection on the cell tower.  Apparently there is a disconnect between Sales and the contractors performing the work.  We will get an additional monthly payment for the added connection.  Clif Furedy is thanked for his eagle eye in noticing the additional connection.

Treasurer’s Report: 

• The last payment of $4400 was made for the gazebo. 
• Right now we have $2837 in checking and $15,321 in the money market account for a total of $18,158.
• Based on the stimulus approved last month we budgeted for 65 additional memberships.  We can do more than that. 
• We have budgeted tentatively for at least one capital improvement—a permanent pavilion.  We are waiting to hear from the pool to see if they have any other proposals.
First VP’s report:
  • Kristine said she had little to report.
  • She has been told that she is responsible for lining up speakers for meetings.  Donna said she had been doing that.  They agreed to do it jointly.
    • Jim said that he had sent an e-mail to the pro-uranium mining people asking if they would like to make a presentation.  There has been no response.  Someone asked how uranium mining might affect us.  Ultimately, if there is any run-off it could endanger our water supply (Lake Gaston).
Second VP’s report:
  • Brian has filed a report with the City regarding median upkeep.
  • The Blair family has volunteered for median pick-up duty May 1-15.  (Barbara Amos told Brian that she and her son Robert would take May 16-31.)
Since [Jim Price] had to go next door to a Scout meeting, Jim introduced Dolly Deans, Master Police Officer, to make a presentation to us regarding home security.

After Dolly’s interesting and helpful presentation, Mike Moore conducted the rest of the meeting.

Report from Pool director:

  • The Spaghetti Dinner netted about $600.  The silent auction made about $300. 
  • There will be a pre-Memorial Day dinner—the date isn’t yet fixed.
  • Spring Fling will be May 14.
  • Pool opens Memorial Day weekend.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:12, with the note that we currently have 183 memberships.

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2011