Pembroke Meadows Civic League
Pot Luck Dinner and Membership Meeting
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Twenty-eight people signed in, and there were at least 4 others in attendance.
Jim Price called the group to order for a short business meeting before
the pot luck dinner. The one order of business was to decide if we
will again have a pool stimulus.
Jim read the proposal: That voting members of the Pembroke Meadows
Civic League are entitled to a $100 credit in 2011 toward pool membership
in partnership between The Civic League and the Pool.
We need to vote tonight on the proposal. Jeanne Blair moved that
we have the stimulus program again for 2011. She said it worked fantastically
well last year. Membership was up to 157 families. Everyone
enjoyed it. In these times, Jeanne said she thinks it would be a
great opportunity to strengthen the pool, strengthen the neighborhood.
Clif Furedy offered his opinion about the stimulus. Our civic
league wants to encourage the pool; we like having it. He thinks
it is a good idea to support the pool. Because we have money from
the cell tower, we want to share it with the pool.
Mike Moore said that last year we gave a stimulus to 59 families.
We can afford that. It is coming out of the cell tower money.
We have put it in the budget this year. We budgeted for 60 or more
families. There is no problem from the Treasurer’s point of view.
A vote was taken and the proposal passed with no objections.
Before ending our meeting, Jim introduced one of our associate members—Akeem
Prosser, Financial Advisor from Edward Jones.
There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned. The
hearty meal that followed was enjoyed by all.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos |