Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, January 20th, 2011

Because of illness, our scheduled speaker from the Police Department was unable to come.  In her stead, Jim Price talked to us about burglaries and some things we could do to prevent them or help recover stolen property.

Following Jim’s talk, refreshments were served.

The business meeting was called to order by Mike Moore at 7:35 p.m.  There were 27 members present. 

The minutes from the last meeting were approved.

Mike, who will be our new Treasurer, presented the Treasurer’s Report.  After payment of the final installment, the gazebo will come in just about as budgeted.  The budget for 2011 will be the subject of next month’s Board Meeting and then will be presented to the general membership.

Kristine Martin gave a brief report on the gazebo project.  There are a few finishing touches to be made, and the builder is waiting for warmer weather to complete those.  It probably will be completed in the next few weeks.

There was a question about plants around the gazebo.  Jeanette Willenbrink is talking to the City about landscaping.  The plants will have a very low profile.  At this point it looks like Variegated Liriope.  It has to be something that tolerates heat and dust from cars at the intersection.

Median Sign-up:  Brian Miller keeps the median sign-up list.  Please let him know if you’d like to take a turn at median cleanup.

Pool Report:  Jeanne Blair.  

  • Jeanne has Norfolk Florist cards for sale.  There are 92 cards available.  The cards will be available for the next four weeks.  Twenty-five dollars lets you get a free bouquet every month.
  • There will be pool support dinner on February 27 from 5-7 pm at the Old Donation Episcopal Church.  Adult tickets are $8.  Have received lots of support from local businesses donating things for a silent auction.
  • Membership prices will remain the same.  Civic League Board will decide if there will be another stimulus program.

Peggy Caverly plans to get started again with her little red wagon.  She reported that the extreme make-over program is coming to Virginia Beach.  January 20 to February 5.  Food banks are getting food together to present to the family whose home will be made over.  They will get a year’s supply of food.

New business:

  • Next month there will be no business meeting.  Instead there will be a pot luck dinner.  Remember this will be an hour earlier—at 6 pm.  The date is February 17.
  • Cub Pack 475 is about to go dormant for a while.  The current Cubs will cross over in March.  
  • Jim Willenbrink told us about a medical needs planning list.  People who register will be called or contacted in emergencies.  Donna will put something in the newsletter about this list and how to sign up.
  • The last item of new business was installation of new officers.  The oath was administered by Jim Willenbrink.
  • New officers are:
    • President – Jim Price
      First VP – Kristine Martin
      Second VP – Brian Miller
      Treasurer – Mike Moore
      Membership Chairman – Cheryl Douglas
      Recording Secretary – Barbara Amos
      Corresponding Secretary – Peggy Caverly
The meeting was adjourned at 8:07 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2011