Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Membership Meeting
Thursday, October 21, 2010

The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:04 p.m.  There were 14 members present. 

Mike introduced our Richmond delegate, Chris Stolle, who gave a brief summary of events in the legislature and then asked for questions from the audience.  Among the issues addressed:  sale of ABC stores, re-districting, recent state computer system problems and vendor’s liability for resulting costs to the state.

There was a motion to approve last month’s meeting minutes.  The motion was seconded and the minutes were approved.

Jim Hall distributed copies of the Treasurer’s Report and then discussed it.  We haven’t spent much money since last month’s meeting.  We did pay the first installment on the gazebo and that was $5900.  The amount still owed is $8800.  Work on the gazebo is scheduled to begin on Monday, October 25.  Clif Furedy moved that we accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Seconded and approved.

Kristine Martin gave a report on the gazebo project.  We have the permit, and as previously noted the project is set to begin next Monday.  Jim Hall asked if the builder would provide a bill when he begins construction?  Kristine will check on that.

Median Sign-up:  Mr. Thorp, a new resident, signed up through the end of October.

Pool Report:  Jeanne Blair.  This was a very good year.  We are currently in the process of wrapping up the finances for the year.  At this point, we are still looking at about $11,000 in the pool’s coffers.  We have a few ideas for next year, but would welcome suggestions from the membership.  If anyone wants to begin paying for next year’s memberships, we will take installments.  After we know definitely where we are with regard to money in the bank, we will take a look at the price-point for memberships for the coming year.  We gained an additional 24 members over last year’s number.  Eight of those were senior citizens.  There were 136 families

Lakes and Waterways:  Tester came out and noted that we have a lot of algae.  Jason Nixon is checking about getting some fish to help alleviate that problem.

Ladies Lunch group meets next Wednesday at Coastal Catering.

Halloween Walk:  We need a volunteer from 1:30 to 3:15 to sit at the park.  There was a problem with the band availability for this year.  As a result we will have a golf cart equipped with an amplifier.  We would like to continue to support the band even though they won’t be there this year.  There was a motion to consider continued support for the band in the amount of $100.  Jim Hall and Clif Furedy were opposed—no play, no pay.  The motion was re-stated:  The motion on the floor is that we support the Independence Middle School Band with a donation of $100, to be taken out of the Halloween Walk project funds.  The motion was seconded.  There were seven votes for and five against, with two abstentions.  The motion passed.

2011 Slate of Civic League Board officers:  

  • President – Jim Price
  • First VP – Kristine Martin
  • Second VP – Brian Miller
  • Treasurer – Mike Moore
  • Membership Chairman – Cheryl Douglas
  • Recording Secretary – Barbara Amos
There were no additional nominations from the floor.
The election will be held at the November Civic League meeting to be held at the Ferry Plantation House.
The motion to accept the slate of officers was made, seconded and passed.

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2010