Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, September 16, 2010

The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:00 p.m.  Our scheduled guest speaker was unable to come.  Twelve people were present.

The minutes from our last meeting in May were approved.

Jim Hall gave the Treasurer’s Report, a copy of which is attached with this document [not included on website].  Basically, we haven’t spent too much money over the summer.  One major purchase was the down payment on the gazebo ($5290). We added some liabilities because $8800 is still owed for the gazebo, and the finial, the cost of which is still to be determined.  Our net worth is $17,425.54.

New Business:

  • Elections:
    • We need to find and elect a First and Second Vice President, and a Membership Committee Chairman.
    • Jeanne Blair and Clera Hall will serve as the Nominating Committee.  We are hoping that they will come up with a slate of names to be presented at the October General Meeting.  Voting will take place in November.
    • Kristine Martin volunteered to take a Board position.
  • Gazebo report:
    • Kristine went down to Courthouse today.  She was told that we need a survey of where the gazebo is to be located.  That is needed in order to get a building permit.  Clif will give her a new CAD.  The new drawing should show hurricane grips instead of cables tied down to the slab.
  • Block Security:
    • Someone tried to break down Mike’s door.
    • A boat was stolen, but due to someone’s alertness, it was recovered.
  • Lake:
    • Jim Willenbrink reported that he had both lakes tested, and they were not as bad as he had expected.  The readings were a little bit high, but were within normal range.  Lake Meadows has a problem with algae growth.  We no longer have shad to take care of the algae.  Only thing a little high was the PH in Lake Meadows.
    • Alligator Weed treatment—group of residents on Liverpool had Virginia Lake Management spray the weed.  That was not entirely satisfactory as the dead weed is cluttering up the lake in that area.
  • Giant Square?
    • Somebody said Lowe’s had pulled out and that Target might be building there.
  • Pool Report:  Mike Moore
    • Did very well this summer.
    • There are about 150 members—about 130 aside from life members.
    • The civic league paid the stimulus for 59 people.
  • Guest Speaker topics:
    • Master Gardener.
    • Design night.
    • Progressive tour.
    • Possible topic for 2011 is to get someone from Sentara to tell us what is going to happen to Bayside.
    • Town Center.
    • Additional ideas can be e-mailed to Donna Price.
  • Halloween Walk:
    • October 30, 3 o’clock.
    • Need volunteers to help serve.
    • Donations of cookies and juice.
    • Have money in budget to supplement donations.
    • Have money in the budget to give the band.
  • Mike asked for a volunteer to take over the coffee pot for meetings.
  • Mike will send around pictures by e-mail of the various finial possibilities.
  • Newsletter distribution
    • Mike and Donna will work on getting distribution volunteers.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos
All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2010