Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, March 18, 2010

The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:00 p.m.  He introduced our guest speaker, Clay Bernick, who would be making a presentation on Bayscaping.

Mike asked if there was a motion to approve last month’s minutes.  Donna Price so moved.  The motion was seconded and passed.

Jim Hall gave the Treasurer’s Report, a copy of which is attached with this document.

Mike Moore then asked for reports from officers and committees.

Bill Hawley 

  • Asked that people sign up for cleaning the median—either call him or send him an e-mail. 
  • The brick entryway is being repaired.  The light for that structure is on order and should arrive in about a month.
  • Mike Moore has been working with the city on the gazebo, and has hit a couple of ‘brick walls.’  He has been told that it should be out of legal review soon and then it will be good to go.
  • 4-wheeler on Pembroke Blvd.  This has been reported to the city three times now.  Not sure if we are going to get any results. (On a side note, someone saw an old blue Bronco in the vicinity absolutely dripping with mud.  He did not see the guy doing it, but did take down his license number.)
The Membership Chairman reported that we have 155 members.  The associate membership letter for businesses has been written, but has not yet been distributed.  We are down to about five associate members.

Mike Moore gave the report for the Recreation Center Director. 

  • The Spring Fling will be on Saturday, April 17. 
  • The trees at the pool are going to be pruned, starting next week.
  • Gravel will be put on the parking lot.  If anybody has connections with someone with a back hoe or with a gravel company, we’d appreciate any help you can provide.
  • There will be some bathroom improvements at the pool.
  • The pool cover will come off on the 17th.
 Standing committee reports:
  • Peggy has her report ready, but it has not been signed by the President.
  • Peggy asked that new people be introduced.  Jim Hall said he will include them on the Neighborhood Watch e-mail list if they will provide him with their e-mail addresses.
  • Mugs have been ordered for giving to new people.  There will be picture of the gazebo on one side and on the other our web address.
  • Jeanette reported for the Garden Club.  We have a very important City Council meeting coming up on Tuesday night at which LED signs will be discussed.  There will be no vote at this meeting.  We are hoping that the Council will not allow flashing or moving lights on these signs—only text.  We would like to have as many people as possible at this meeting, so that the Council will understand that people are not in favor of these signs.  Among other things, they are a very real traffic hazard.  Next month the Council will be reviewing the issue of billboards.  Adams Advertising is pushing to have billboards digitalized.  Our Civic League is basically opposed to LED signs.  There was a motion that we allow Jeanette to speak on our behalf against the signs at the Council meeting—if she so desires.  The motion was seconded and passed.
  • Stimulus Plan for Pool memberships.  Bill Hawley led the discussion. 
    • We are trying to get more participation in our neighborhood.
    • If we get more members, then in subsequent years the membership cost could come down.
    • Last year we had 35 members from the neighborhood.  That is 35 members out of 600 houses in the neighborhood.
    • The stimulus plan would provide a $100 credit to the membership cost for this year.
    • There was discussion as to who would be eligible for the credit.  Bill said—people in the neighborhood who are members in good standing in the Civic League.  We can word it in the newsletter:  Pembroke Meadows, Shores, townhomes, Hudgins Shores
    • Here is the proposal:  That voting members of the Pembroke Meadows Civic League are entitled to a $100 credit in 2010 toward pool membership in partnership between The Civic League and the Pool.  After adding the caveat that there can be only one credit per household, the motion was passed.
  • Jim Hall passed out copies of the proposed budget for 2010 (copy attached with this document):
    • The only real changes are the cost of a new bunny suit and some added insurance costs.
    • It was decided to add $100 to the budget for the Halloween Walk (for a total of $250) and to reduce the newsletter budget by $100
    • With these changes, there was a motion to approve the budget.  There was a second and the budget was approved.
  • The Easter Egg Hunt will be a week from Saturday—that’s March 27.
  • Jeanette said the Ladies Luncheon will be next Thursday.  All ladies are invited.  Location is the Surf Rider and time is 11:30 a.m.
  • That concluded the business meeting.
  • We then had a presentation from Mr. Bernick about Bayscaping.

Respectfully Submitted,
Barbara Amos

Proposed 2010 Budget     (Click here to view PDF File)
2010 Spending Year-To-Date     (Click here to view PDF File)
All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2010