Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, February 18, 2010

There were 43 members in attendance at the Pot Luck Dinner.

Vice-President Bill Hawley opened the meeting at 6:10.

After introducing himself, he welcomed everyone to our Annual Pot Luck Dinner.

Bill Hawley read the slate of Officers for the 2010 year.

President:     Mike Moore
1st Vice-President:   Brian Rabe
2nd Vice-President:   Bill Hawley
Treasurer:    Jim Hall
Corresponding Secretary:  Peggy Caverly
Recording Secretary:  Barbara Amos

The Slate of Officers was accepted by acclamation. 
The oath of office was then administered to the 2010 officers.


Jeanne Blair has tickets for sale for the Spaghetti Dinner on February 28th.  The tickets cost  $8.00 for adults, $5.00 for children 3 to 12.  Children under 3 are free.  

The Board will be getting 3 bids for the repair of the wall on the median strip.
The insurance company of the person who hit it will pay the cost.

Donna Price had forms for Civic League Members to fill out for a chance on a free pool membership.    

Peggy Caverly provided slips to vote on your favorite dish at the Pot Luck Dinner.

Belinda Nash, as The Witch of Pungo will be “jailed” at the Hilton Hotel at Town Center on March 4th.  She needs to raise $3,000 to be “sprung from jail.”    Proceeds will go to the Muscular Dystrophy Association with checks made out to MDA.  Donations are tax deductible.  Money can brought to the Hilton between 10 and 12:30 with payment by cash, check or credit card.  Advanced donations may be taken to Belinda at 801 Cathedral Drive or Gerry Richter at 613 Abbey Drive.  

The brief business meeting was concluded at 6:25 and followed by food and fellowship.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2009