Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, January 21, 2010

President Mike Moore opened the meeting with the introduction of Julia Karasiewicy, Coordinator of the Forever Young Group at Bayside Recreation Center.   She has been with Parks and Recreation for 10 years.

There are six Recreation Centers throughout the city with a variety of programs.  There are numerous activities available from exercise programs  (including yoga and pilates, dance, table tennis etc.), trips to a variety of places and Bridge and Canasta groups.   A number of family events take place throughout the year.

The Recreation Center opens at 6:30 in the morning and a number of people are there to exercise when it opens.

Bayside Recreation Center has a Silver Sneakers program that meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

A personal trainer is available for one or more sessions at the cost of  $40.00 per session.
Membership for seniors is  $52.00, adults  $66.00, youth (ages 9-17)  $27.00 and children (3-8)   $24.00 per year.

Kempsville Recreation Center is having a Winter Wildlife Festival on January 30, 2010.   The exhibit hall will be open from 9 AM to 3 PM with educational programs throughout the day. 


The Business meeting started at 7:45 after a short break.

The minutes of October’s meeting were approved.


Total income to date:  $ 1,281.00
Total expenses to date:    $  387.40
Grand total:    $ 893.60

Checking account balance:   $ 9,488.79
Money Market Balance:     $ 13, 327.53
CD:  $6,207.23
Net Worth:     $ 29,023.55


Bill Hawley is working to get the Gazebo Replacement under way.
Before we can start Construction of the Gazebo, we need to obtain permission from the city.

Jeanette Willenbrink suggested that we get the Department of Public Works  & Land Management to help with the permit.

Volunteers are needed for the median clean up.


John Sheadel thanked the members who brought their membership dues for   2010.
The checks are given to John Sheadel and later turned over to Treasurer Clera Hall for deposit.


There will be a Spaghetti Dinner Fund raiser on February 28th from 5 to 8.
Tickets are $8.00 for adults,  $5.00 for Children and children under 3 are free.

Donna Price is our Newsletter Editor


Jeff Brown has taken over the Lynnhaven River Committee from Robert Westmont.    Robert Westmont is now in charge of the Old Donation Creek Committee.


Gerry Richter suggested that all pets in our area have collars with the owners name and phone # on it.   ID Tags can fall off, and the collars with identifying ID make it more possible for the pet to be returned to its owner.

More dogs have been found through the Neighborhood E-Mail alert than through the Lost and Found.


The Pot Luck Dinner starts at 6 PM and is the 3rd Thursday of February.


Peggy congratulated Pam Kirt, daughter of Valerie Davis, on the birth of twins.   

Movie tickets will be available at the Pot Luck Dinner.

Jim Willenbrink reminded us that our CCO Representative is a voting Director.


Officers are elected for a 1 Year term and can be re-elected for a 2nd year in the same position.   After that, they can take a different office on the Board.

President Mike Moore asked if there were any volunteers to run for the positions on the Board.     Ernie Pancho volunteered to run for Treasurer.


President:     Mike Moore

1st Vice President:  Brian Rabe

2nd Vice President:  Bill Hawley

Treasurer:    Jim  Hall
Ernie Poncho

Corresponding Secretary: Peggy Caverly

Recording Secretary:  Barbara Amos

Membership Secretary: John Sheadel

The meeting adjourned at 8:13.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2009