Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, October 15, 2009

President Mike Moore called the meeting to order.

There were 24 members present.

A motion was made not to read the minutes of September 2009’s Civic League Meeting because they are available on-line.  It was approved.


Income for the year to date:    $ 17,185.93
Expenses:    $ 2,593.01    

Business Money Market:  $ 9,616.64
CD     $ 6,207.23
Checking Balance   $ 10,285.88

Net Worth:    $ 26,109.75


Bill Hawley presented his credentials for running the schools equipment.  Bill is a Communications Resource specialist in an elementary school.

In response to the decision at the May General Membership Meeting, a Committee was formed to pursue the replacement of the old gazebo. 

The current gazebo was rebuilt in 1982 at a cost of $3,200, approximately $7,000 at today’s dollars.    The current gazebo lacks the details and design of the original.   It is deteriorating with a lot of rotting wood.  

The original gazebo was taller (18 ½’ ) than the current one.   The proposed design will bring it back to the original design.  There will be an electrical outlet at the base and two outlets in the roof.  Hurricane cables will help secure the gazebo to the ground.  

The proposed gazebo is 18 ½’ high with a 6’ roof with a finial at the top.  
The gazebo will be maintenance free and built to last.  There will be no exposed wood and nothing to paint.  The original concrete base will be used. Removing the old gazebo will be our responsibility.  

The estimate from Tad Helm Enterprise   (web site: ) with a cost of  $14,300 and includes the dumpster rental.  The final cost will not exceed $16,000.

The electric meter for the gazebo and flagpole is located on the other side of the stonewall in the Food Lion Parking lot.

Jim Willenbrink asked about the insurance for the gazebo and the flagpole.
Currently, neither the flag pole nor the gazebo have liability insurance.

Bill Hawley received 2 additional estimates:
The 1st,  estimate, without the composite roof,  was $11,000.
The 2nd estimate was from Pittsburgh.  It would be pre-made and cost $13,000.

The question of the city’s approval for the flagpole and gazebo was brought up. Mike Moore stated that the flagpole encroachment is approved, but there are no records on file indicating that we had approval for the gazebo from the city. There is a requirement that we have a minimum of  $500,000 in liability insurance.

Charlie Russ said that it is possible to get a pre-made redwood gazebo.   Jeannette Willenbrink commented that Alanton Baycliff  Recreation Center has composite shakes and they are beautiful.  

Donna Price remarked that our community is getting older and cannot continue to do the maintenance.  

Ginger Avoli commented that discussion about the gazebo is about money.  The funds are there and if the community wants a quality product you do have to pay for it.

A motion was made by Carol Moore that we stick with the Historic Gazebo  (a duplicate of the original.)   It was seconded by Donna Price.   A discussion (including the May CL meeting mandate to pursue it) followed and a vote was taken. The motion to stay with the “historical design” passed overwhelming.

The funds for the tower are for the neighborhood and community as well as the Recreation Center.   

A motion was made by Jim Price to build the gazebo in the most economical fashion, but not to exceed  $16,000.    Peggy Caverly seconded the motion.   The vote overwhelmingly passed.


Donna Price requested articles for the Newsletter.


Tony and Bridget South volunteered to police the median.

The ladies Pot Luck Lunch will be held at Loretta Watkins on December 4th.  Bring a dish to share.  

Please let Donna Price know of any new people who have moved into our neighborhood.

Jeanne commented on how quickly her dog was found.  Jim Hall put out the neighborhood alert and 30 minutes later she was able to pick up her dog at St. Marks Road.

Due to the cost of Liability Insurance the yard sale will be held on Severn Drive.
Rain date is October 24th.  

Mike Moore explained that the Civic League needed liability insurance for the flagpole, gazebo and any special events we conduct.  Clif made a motion that the Civic League pay $204.50 for insurance on the Halloween walk, Jeanne Blair seconded it.  The motion carried.

A motion was made by Jeanne Blair, and seconded, that the insurance be put into the budget for 2010.and gazebo.   It was seconded by Mike White and passed.

Jim Willenbrink will invite Louis Jones  (our city council representative) to our Wine and Cheese Party at Ferry Plantation House in November.

Jim Willenbrink brought up the drainage into Lake Pembroke. Mike Moore stated that almost all of Independence, from Haygood down, ultimately drains into Lake Pembroke.

For a number of years, a Christmas Tree was donated to Pembroke Meadows Elementary School and the school children decorated the tree.   The question arose as to whether or not we can resurrect the tradition.  Gerry Richter stated that it died due to the lack of volunteers.  It will be looked into re-instating the tradition.

New members of the community were introduced at the end of the Civic League Meeting.

Jeanne Blair moved that we adjourn at 8:38.  Brian Rabe seconded the motion.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2009