Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Attendance:   16

The meeting opened at 7:05 with the introduction of our speaker, Pamela Brown, Special Services Librarian.   Ms. Brown introduced herself by giving us an overview of her education and background. She stated that when she came to VA beach, she realized that she had the “Best” possible job.  

Her job has two parts:
First, Ms. Brown is Senior Disability Librarian.  This is a program for older adults.   They offer a variety of services including a speakers program.  A recent program was on belly dancing.  It included a demonstration and lessons with audience participation.  
The program is not as well attended, as it should be with the variety and depth of the speakers.
Second, she is in charge of the Special Services Library, which has 20,000 audio books available.  She discussed the latest in audio equipment and the advances in equipment to aid the blind. She mentioned that there are many blind individuals that do not read Braille and rely on tapes etc.  Those that can read Braille tend to be the very young or old. 

Books that are available for the blind include books for children, teens and older adults.  There are a number of magazines on tape as well.
The services provided are not limited to Virginia Beach.  Since the program is federally funded, it serves a large region including the Eastern Shore. There are 8 regions in Virginia, with Richmond the largest.

The business meeting started at 7:35

Donna Price brought up possible topics for future meetings.
October’s meeting will feature “Ask your Civic League.”  It will give members an opportunity to ask questions about the history of our community and our Civic League, as well as a discussion on the Gazebo.  


Income to date:    $ 16,554.08
Expenses:           $ 3,994.29
Net Worth:         $ 25,110.38

There will be an opening on the Board for the Treasurer’s position in January.
The Committee (Bill Hawley, Mike White and Clif Furedy) developed a plan for the new gazebo.  There were a number of different options and they met Tuesday with a contractor who gave a reasonable bid. The price he quoted for the gazebo was using recycled and quality materials that would last. Five builders were contacted and those that submitted a bid gave a price at least twice as high (as the builder they met with.)  The current gazebo is a replacement for the one that was demolished by a car.

Jeanette Willenbrink stated:   “We need a quality gazebo that will truly represent our community.”   The gazebo is the first thing people see on entering our community.

Questions were asked about the plants around the gazebo.  Jeannette Willenbrink suggested that the plants be removed and when the gazebo was completed it would be re-landscaped.  This was done previously.   Input will be obtained from the Garden Club and others.
Bill Hawley was questioned about the median strip mowing.
The board hired a contractor who alternated with the city’s mowing schedule.  The city cut the grass so low that it became burned out. At the park, it was also cut low enough that erosion was visible.  With the advent of cooler weather, the contractor was discontinued.  The city has started pruning trees.


John Sheadel stated that we currently have 250 members.
The Welcome Wagon will be revived.  


Jeanne Blair commented that we have a beautiful pool and we need to encourage more members of our community to join.  The pool has been totally redone and we can be very proud of our Recreation Center.  Encourage your friends to join the Recreation Center and Civic League.   Civic League members who attend Civic League Meetings can put their names in for the drawing of a Recreation Center Membership.  

The pool is sponsoring a Yard Sale on October 17th.   It will be held on the grassy section of the corner lot.   All donations are welcome.  
If anyone has a utility trailer that can be use to store donated items, please call any Pool Board Member.   A possibility of obtaining an empty store in the Lowes/Giant parking lot will be checked on.

Rose and Womble Realty have moved to a new location.


Belinda is not helping with the Halloween Walk this year.

Volunteers are badly needed.  Help is needed to decorate the park, help maintain the pace of the parade and stand at every street corner of the walk to make sure traffic doesn’t interfere with the Walk.  

Donations of juice cookies etc. and, of course, money are needed. 


One of our neighbors has been undergoing chemotherapy and a Susan G. Komen team is being put together in her honor.  Jim Hall will send information through the neighborhood e-mail for anyone who may wish to participate.

Jim Price moved that we adjourn at 8:13.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2009