Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, March 19, 2009

President Mike Moore opened the meeting at 7:08 and introduced our speaker, Officer Kevin Rowland.   Sixteen Civic League members were present at the meeting,

Officer Rowland is in charge of the Neighborhood Watch Program for the 3rd Precinct.

Officer Rowland cited crime statistics for our area:  two instances of motor vehicle larceny, one aggravated assault (on the Meadows Mail Carrier) and a home invasion on January 1st.  Vehicle larceny has been on the rise. Most of the cars affected were left unlocked.  A number of neighborhood homes that were broken into also had their doors unlocked.  
A large number of victims and criminals are acquainted with each other.  Businesses that keep large amounts of cash on site are particularly vulnerable. 

It is important for residents to get involved in the Neighborhood Watch Program.   Officer Rowland urged the neighborhood coordinators to report anything suspicious. The number to call is the non-emergency number (385-5000.)

E-mail contact is important.  Jim Hall sends out e-mails notifying the community of what is going on.  

Residents can access the Police Department Web site by typing:  The Police Department’s page is on the right side.  If you click on the Police Department, then go halfway down you can access e-pro.   E-pro allows you to access crime statistics for the city and neighborhoods.   Criminal reports made for specific addresses etc. can also be obtained from e-pro.   Sixty-second crime prevention tips are available by accessing Division then Crime Prevention.  

Jim Willenbrink asked about the theft of Inspection stickers.  It was suggested that car owners use a razor to cut an X across the inspection sticker.  This would prevent the sticker from being removed in one piece. 

Home safety tips included putting a wooden bar across the top of an open window would keep it from being opened further.  Having just the top of the window open would also be a deterrent.

Solicitors must have a visible badge when soliciting.   Exceptions are:   Charities and other non-profits (including Girl Scouts,) Political Solicitors (giving out political information) and neighborhood information.  If they are asked to leave, they must comply.

Officer Rowland can be reached at:

Officer Kevin Rowland
Phone #   385-1338

After a short break, the business meeting started at 7:58


The potluck dinner was a huge success with 43 members in attendance.


For the period 1/1/09 through 3/19/09, the balance in the Treasury is $28,009.23.
Income for this period was $ 6,129.46 and expenses $ 1,582.20.


Bill Hawley would like to thank everyone for signing up for the Median Strip Clean-up.
May 1st through May 16th is open.


Work on the pool has started. The preliminary repairs will be about $3,000, well within the variance budgeted.

If all goes well, the fiberglass coating should be started by the middle of April.  Please be on the look-out for Skate Boarders at the pool. An empty pool seems to be very attractive to skate boarders.


There are still 25 Flower Cards left. Please get the word out. They can be obtained by contacting 
Jeanne Blair at:   497-8844.

The day before Mother’s Day there will be a breakfast at Appleby’s.   Tickets are $5.00 and it would be a great time for the “kids” to take Mom out to breakfast.


Lakes and & Waterways:
Jim Willenbrink reported that weeds are clogging Lake Meadows with a particular problem in dealing with Alligator Weeds. Except for the 15 feet from the shoreline, the Civic League owns Lake Meadows.  For this reason, the city is not inclined to help with any work that needs to be done on the lake.   The Lynnhaven River, south of Witchduck Point is polluted.  
Jim Willenbrink has been in touch with the “Lynnhaven Now” organization and he will invite them to present a program at the Civic League meeting.  

It was suggested that the Civic League check on the cost of the city’s removal of geese from Mt. Trashmore and possibly hire them to remove the geese from the park and lake.  

There are still residents feeding the geese at the park. This is illegal and a potential health hazard.  

Jim Willenbrink has been in touch with Virginia Beach’s Economic Development Department. It may be possible for them send a speaker to a future Civic League Meeting.
Our April speaker will be from the Virginia Beach Department of Consumer Affairs. Among the information they will present will be Safety, especially for seniors.


President Mike Moore has been approached by a family of scouts.  Sponsors are needed for exchange students between the ages of 17 and 18.   They will be from diverse countries and both male and female.   If interested, more information can be obtained from Mike Moore at 557-0328.

A new feature, Meet Your Local Business Entrepreneur, has been added to our Civic League Meeting.:  Mike Moore Introduced April Rose, a long time resident, who has worked at Pembroke Meadows Elementary school and started a new business, Home Hair Care. Ms. Rose is a licensed cosmetologist who has worked in Hair Care for 30 years.  She will bring hair care to your home.  This is a wonderful service for anyone who has been confined to home, is unable to do his or her own hair or just likes the convenience of home hair care.  It is especially good for young children.

Ms. Rose will donate one free haircut to the Civic League to be raffled off.  The haircut can be obtained anytime for a year.

Reminder:   The Ladies Lunch will be next Thursday, March 26th at Cypress Point.

The meeting adjourned at:  8:35

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2009