Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, January 16, 2009

The meeting started at 7:05, with 17 members present.

Program Chair, Donna Price, introduced our speaker, Master Police Officer, Brian Walters.

Officer Walters presented a program on the Photo Safe Program, involving placing cameras at appropriate intersections to photograph cars running red lights.  The program stresses safety through consistent enforcement.  In Fairfax, the second year that cameras were in place, accidents at intersections were reduced by 50%.

The triggers for the cameras are activated when a vehicle crosses the stop bar after the light turns red.  The camera starts taking photos 0.5 seconds after the light turns red.  Video footage for each incident is retained for 6 seconds prior to the first photo being taken and about 6 seconds after the violation.

Signs will be posted at the intersections where the “red light cameras” are installed.  The decision to install cameras is ultimately made by VDOT in cooperation with the police Department and Public Works Traffic Engineering.

More information can be obtained from the Photo Safe web site:


The people, who assaulted our Postal Carrier, are being prosecuted and going to trial.

Sign ups are needed for cleaning the medium strip.


A young person called Mike Moore last week needing community volunteer hours and he cleaned the pool and park area.
If a young person, or anyone, needs “community service hours” the Civic League is a non-profit organization and can sign off on required community service hours.  Mike is trying to figure out a good system to match projects with volunteers.  Please contact him with ideas.


There will be a Pool fundraiser, a Spaghetti Dinner, on February 22nd at Old Donation Episcopal Church, 4449 N. Witchduck Road from 5 to 7 PM.
This will include a drawing for prizes.

A Brunch fundraiser will be held the Saturday before mother’s day at Appleby’s to raise money for the pool.  Tickets will be sold in April.

Flower Cards will be sold again, beginning in March.
The pool has been cleaned, covered etc. and it is on track to get started in the spring.

Many of the bushes around the Cell Tower have died and need replacing.  This will be referred to T-Mobile.

February is our Pot-Luck Dinner.  Everyone should bring a main dish or desert. Plates, cups etc. will be provided by the civic League.  The Garden Club will decorate the tables.


There is $ 24,486.32 in the Treasury. $ 15,000 of it will be turned over to the Pool in March leaving an approximate balance of $9,486.32.


Teri Hawley presented the slate of officers for 2009:

President:    Mike Moore
1st Vice President:   Brian Rabe
2nd Vice President:   Bill Hawley
Treasurer:    Clera Hall
Corresponding secretary: Peggy Caverly
Recording Secretary:  Teri Mikulka

Jeanette Willenbrink made a motion to accept the slate.
The motion was seconded and passed.

The Officers for 2009 were sworn in by Terri Hawley.
Civic League Officers serve for one year, but can be re-elected for a 2nd term.

Mike Moore continued with the meeting.

Teri Mikulka commented on how dark some of our streets are.
Mike White asked her to send him an e-mail with the needed information.
Mike will contact Traffic engineering to request they check the lumens (i.e., light output) for the street light of interest to see if it needs to be replaced.  Traffic Engineering funds the cost of the street lights in the city.

Peggy Caverly said she was a part of a Grass Roots group that is collecting food for the Food Bank.  Especially needed are non-perishable items such as peanut butter, powdered milk, chunky soups, tuna, mac & cheese etc.  She will be turning the food items to the Food Bank on Sunday.

Jeanette Willenbrink reminded that the Ladies Lunch will be January 29th at Cypress Point at noon.

Mark Tietjen, a new member of the Civic League, has registered under the "Adopt A Street Program,” volunteered to police Pembroke Blvd. from the end of the Medium strip to the Pool. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:15.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2009