Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Teri Hawley, Acting President, opened the meeting at 7 P.M.

The minutes of the last Civic League Meeting were handed out and asked for corrections or additions.  The necessary changes were made and the minutes were approved.

Treasurers Report:

The Civic League has $8,115.31 in an account and another $6,100.21 in a CD.
There is an additional $7,202.27 in the Business Money Market account which is earmarked for the Recreation Center.

2nd Vice-President:

Mike more reported that the Pool resurfacing is anticipated to begin in late March with March 21st as the anticipated starting date.  It is expected to be completed by the end of April.

The pool is covered for the winter and the pumps run occasionally.

The Brick Wall at the entrance, on the Food Lion side, was hit by a car and damaged.  The management for the Shopping Center will be contacted to facilitate repairs as they are responsible for the wall.

E-mails have been received regarding deteriorating yards and other properties that are of concern to the community.  The suggestion was made that we return to giving a Yard of the Month Award. We were informed that the last time a yard was given the award, someone used Round Up and destroyed the lawn.  The award was discontinued.

It was suggested that the Newsletter cite a street, corner or area that is attractive and/or has been well maintained as a way of reinforcing the maintenance of our community.


They need a new source for printing as the costs are going up, and every small addition increases the costs.  

The deadline for the submission of Newsletter Articles is October 21st.


John Shiedel is Membership Chair.   The 2009 dues are being collected.  Checks should be sent to Clera Hall, Treasurer. 

Pool Budget for 2009

Jeanne Blair commented that the Budget seemed inflated at this time, but it is balanced and is based on the income from last year and doesn’t include fund raisers.   A number of repairs are needed, including the hot water heater which died just before the pool closed this year.   It will be replaced.  Based on current usage, utilities budget will probably go up $500 this year.

Possible Fund Raisers:

Jeanne is trying to set up a fund raiser at Appleby’s, a pancake breakfast.  Volunteers will be needed to serve.  The charge will be $5 for the breakfast, with $4 going the pool.
Jeanne hopes to lock in the Saturday before Mother’s Day for the breakfast.

A Yard Sale will be held in April.

Jim Willenbrink, Sr. contacted Cinema Café.  They will allow us to hold a Bingo Night.  It will be restricted to Pool, Civic League and swim team members.  It is believed that no permit is needed if there are prizes rather than money for the winners.

Max & Irma’s:   Their cookie sales are for group fund raising.   Groups sign up for a quarter of the calendar year for the fundraising.  Jeanne will try to lock in a quarter with the profits going to the Civic League.

The question of T-mobile and taxes is being handled by Bob

Web Master.   

Clif said the neighborhood directory is available on the web site and that Robert Westmont has only received one update in the past year.  Residents are encouraged to send Robert or the webmaster any corrections to their information.  We know there were a number of changes but we haven’t received them. 

The Halloween Walk is on Saturday, October 25th and donations are needed.

Ferry Plantation is holding a Mystery Tea (cost $25) on November 15th.

December 13th is the Annual Caroling Hayride.  Cost:  $2.50

The Dickens Tea will again be held.

The Garden Club is looking for additional members.

The ladies luncheon will be held at Harold’s on October 22nd.

Neighborhood Watch:

Jim Hall requested that people let him know if they have changed their e-mail address so he can continue to provide them with information on our community. 

New Business:

A Reminder that we need to keep our curbs and gutters clean to protect the waterways.

At 3 AM a loud scooter went through a neighborhood in the Meadows.

The meeting adjourned at   7:32

The next meeting will be at Ferry Plantation House for a Wine & Cheese.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2008