Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Teri Hawley called the meeting to order at  7:00  pm.

Buildings and Grounds:

Mike Moore discussed some important needs of the pool prior to a presentation from “AAA Pools.”  Mike brought up the fact that the pool needs to be re-surfaced and that the tile, coping, and potentially, the deck needed to be replaced as well if possible.  Kevin from “AAA Pools” then went over suggestions, the process and expenses involved in this type of repair job.   He said that the materials are approximately half of the cost in a job like this.  As a precaution, “AAA” makes an additional seal cut four inches down from the doping in case the water chemistry happens to be out of balance and the water penetrates the substance at the waterline seal.  The fiberglass comes with a 25year warranty.  The tile is not covered in the warranty.  There is a winter maintenance program option as well.  This would include the PMRC providing the chemicals and they would then provide the upkeep through November.  They would put in the chemicals at the beginning of next summer and get the pool up and running.  Kevin mentioned some facilities that they have worked on, in case we wanted references.  They are Norfolk Academy, Old Donation and Haygood Falls.

Treasurers Report:

Clera Hall handed out the monthly budget statement and there was a discussion of the numbers.  The T-Mobile funds have grown to $7,200.00 to date.  The account is increasing monthly by $1,200.00.
The checking account balance was $7,001.83.  The Business Money Market fund was  $7,201.45 and the PMCL Money Market CD was  $6,159.20.   These three numbers gave us a grand total for all accounts of  $20,362.48.

Lakes and Waterways:

Jim Willenbrink stated that tests regarding algae levels at Lake Pembroke were good.

Web Site:

Clif Furedy reminded everyone that the web site is a forum for news dissemination.  Please send in information that you would like everyone to know about.  The membership site has been repaired.

Welcoming Committee:

A new couple has moved into the neighborhood and they have been contacted.

Pet Lost and Found:

Gerry Richter said that forms for registration of pets are available on the web site.  If you do not have access to the web, the forms may be obtained from Gerry Richter.   She recommends collars that are embroidered and contain all of the information necessary. has these collars for $13 to $15.   They are able to reunite 15 to 75 animals per year.   Jim and Clera Hall will get information out by e-mail.

Second Vice-President:

Mike Moore said that the burned house on Hudgins is being re-built.

First Vice-President:

Teri Hawley let everyone know that in the previous meeting that the PMCL Board agreed on  $350.00 as the prize for winning a free pool membership at an upcoming raffle.  Up until April, 2009, every member  who attends a monthly meeting will have an opportunity to win the free pool membership.  Jeanne Blair made the motion to accept this and Jim Willenbrink seconded it.  The motion passed.   A notice will be posted in the Newsletter.

First Vice-President continued:

The annual Halloween walk will be October 25th at 3:00.  The Independence Middle School Band will be playing.  Please make a donation to the band.  Donations of juice, cookies, napkins etc. are needed for the walk as well as volunteers to pour juice etc.  
The Lantern tour will be held on October 31st at Ferry Plantation from 8 to 12 midnight.  There will be tours of the house, palm readings and you can spend the night for  $25.00.

Teri asked for volunteers to be on the upcoming Nominating Committee.


The pool board expressed its interest in re-surfacing the bottom and sides of the pool and replacing the tile.  Jim Hall motioned that the Civic League authorize the pool board to use  $40,000 to re-surface the bottom and sides with fiberglass per the  “AAA Pool” estimate. Sid Sward seconded the motion.  There was discussion about hidden costs.  If hidden costs went above the funding, the pool company can stop work, put the water back in and stop the job.  The concern was that if too much money went into hidden costs, there would not be enough money for insurance, payroll, licensing and opening the pool next year.  The motion carried.

The discussion continued with concerns about the possibility of massive damage being discovered after the pool is drained.  It was mentioned again that if the damage was too great for the funds, the job could be postponed and the pool refilled.  The Pool Board was asked about their funding situation for this job.  They stated that they had the money to re-surface the bottom and sides, but wanted to have the tile replaced as well.  Jim Price then made a substitute motion that the Civic League authorize $15,000.00 of Civic League money to the Pool Board to replace the water line tile.  Jeanne Blair seconded the motion.   The motion carried. 

Our Holiday meeting will be at Ferry Plantation House.

The meeting was adjourned at  9:14  p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brian Rabe

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2008