Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, May 15, 2008

Don Sanders called the meeting to order at  7:05 PM.

Treasurer’s Report:
Clera Hall handed out the monthly budget statement and we began by discussing the numbers.  Don Sanders started the discussion by stating that the current balance for the time period,  1/1/08 through 5/13/08 was  $16,035.69.  He said, breaking it down, we have, $10,000.00 in checking and $6,000.00 in the CD.  This increased by $2,400.00 because of the first two checks from T-Mobile.  Our biggest expense is the printing cost.  The printing total for the year-to-date is approximately $900.00. The great news with the revenue now is that members are giving additional funds to the Civic League in the form of donations along with their annual dues.  So far this year, we have received $780.00 in donations.  This additional funding is a tremendous help to the bottom line.

Last Month’s Meeting Minutes:
Last Month’s speaker, Carol Gurioli, presented information on Alzheimer’s disease.  
The new “News Letter Editor” is Bruce Blair and articles for the Newsletter are needed.  Send the written article to Bruce, he will edit it and put it in the Newsletter.

The opening day for the Pool will be Memorial Day with a barbeque on Thursday night, May 22nd.  It will be called Tango Barbeque at the Pool and will start at 6:30. There will be chicken, pork barbeque, sides, drinks and dessert for $15.00 a ticket.  

June 7th is Clean the Bay Day. 

We need a new National Night Out chairperson.

One of the last pieces of business was the scholarship fund.  This topic will need to be brought up again to determine whether or not a quorum will vote to pass it.

T-Mobile Income:
Don brought up T-Mobile Income and how best to utilize it.  We now have received two checks totaling $2,400.00, and should be receiving $1,200 a month on a regular basis.  

Jeanne Blair brought us to date on the number of families that had signed.  Currently 68 families have signed up for pool memberships.  There are 10 new memberships, 41 family or grandparent family, 1 single family, 3 individual, 3 senior couples, 3 lifetime and 2 board members.   Currently we have $16,000.00, which is half as much money as we collected last year, but many members sign up closer to the summer and after the pool actually opens.    The Tango Diner at the pool will be Thursday, May 22, 2008 at 6:30.   We will be having chicken and barbeque with sides and ice cream for dessert.  Tickets will be $15.00 a person for the event.

Garden Club:
Clera said that the bushes around the sign and gazebo need to be trimmed.  This initiated up a discussion about, not only the bushes, but the care of the entire median strip. Clera will look into getting someone to trim the bushes, cut the grass, trim the edges and put down weed and feed.  There will be a  $250.00  limit set for this job to be overseen by the garden club.  If the Garden Club likes the company and they perform their duties well, they may be hired on a regular basis.  We will discuss this at a later date to see how we want to continue based on their effectiveness.  

Don Sanders brought up the $1,200.00 income that will be coming in from T-Mobile. Two checks having been already received (likely for April and May) and checks should be coming in regularly now.  He asked the group what the Civic League would like to do with the income.

Don also asked Jeanne Blair about the potential and immediate future expenses of the pool.  Jeanne mentioned that the pool is currently experiencing electrical difficulties.  The breakers in the electrical box are blowing regularly.  There is not, currently, an estimate for the electrical work.  The pool surface needs to be re-coated at an estimated cost of $31,000.  This is not an immediate concern and has been slated for the year 2010 at a cost of $40,000.  It was decided that the pool would use their budget money to repair the electrical problems right now.
The re-coating will be a long-term plan and funding will be discussed at a later date. 

A motion was made by Don that we set aside a separate fund for the T-Mobile Income for the next seven months (April through October.)  In October, the board would decide how best to handle the fund.  The motion carried and it was agreed that this would be presented at the General Membership Meeting in October.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brian Rabe

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2008