Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, April 10, 2008

Attendance:   21

Don Sanders introduced our speaker, Carol Gurioli, who gave a wonderful and informative talk on Alzheimer’s disease.

Some highlights included the following information:

10% of people 65 and over and 50% of those 85 and over will develop Alzheimer’s..

There is no definitive test for Alzheimer’s.  Diagnosis is based on symptoms progressing over time. If a person has trouble in 2 out of the 5 areas they are given a diagnosis of dementia.  These include:

  1. Short-term memory loss.
  2. Logic and reasoning:   An impaired ability to cope.
  3. Language   the ability to name things and look at patterns
  4. Executive   the ability to plan, complete and carry out functions
  5. Visual/Spatial perception Perceptual difficulties and an inability to visualize your body in space.


There is $14,406.20 in the Treasury.
Editor Bruce Blair needs articles for the Newsletter.
He has not yet made a decision about a Printer, and was not happy with Minute Man for the April issue.  Jim Willenbrink suggested Bruce look into Special Person’s Mailing Service for the printing.  Jeanette Willenbrink added that she believes they hire people from the Louise Eggleston Center.


T-Mobile is working on the Tower.  There is no definite date as to when it will be operational.   The Tower should go up fairly quickly and the building will be pre-fab.
The Spring Fling needs volunteer workers.  The pool area as well as the park will be cleaned up.   The work will be done even if the tower contractors are still there.  

POOL  OPENING:    The pool opens Memorial Day weekend with a cook out.

The pool needs to maintain a minimum membership of 110 to meet expenses.  Below that, the pool looses money.   With a membership over 110, the balance goes into pool improvements.
The pool and community need to attract more members…
The Recreation Center was set up to be a true recreation center including a meetinghouse. 
Jim Willenbrink commented that if the pool isn’t maintained and fails, the Civic League will have to pay for the work of removal, including filling in the pool.

If anyone knows anyone interested in joining, a membership application may be downloaded from the Civic League Web site.


June 7th is Clean The Bay Day.    There are six different areas with their respective area coordinators

The Civic League needs a Chair for  National Night Out.


Mike Moore expressed concerns about the Civic League Scholarship.  His major concern centered around the possibility of a number of families applying and qualifying for the scholarship and it being awarded to only two young people.  There is the possibility that it might cause hard feelings within the community.  
Additionally, the money coming from the tower, approximately  $12,000 a year, will not be available indefinitely.   We need to decide if we want the money to help just a few members or use it to benefit the entire community.  It was suggested that the Civic League income be used for whatever is in the best interest of the community.
Jim Willenbrink suggested that we look into Corporate Sponsorships for scholarships through the PTA.

It was suggested that the money be used on whatever is in the best interests of the community.  The median area around the Gazebo needs work and possibly a new Gazebo in the future.

Jim Willenbrink suggested we that we hire someone to clean up the median area and the park.

The owner of the house on Hudgins Drive that was burned out is in the process of contacting a builder.  To date, the city seems to be happy with the progress that is being made.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2008