Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, March 20, 2008

The meeting opened at 7 P.M.

President Don Sanders introduced our speaker, Captain Ed Estes, USN Ret. 
Captain Estes spoke about his prisoner-of war experience in the Hanoi Hilton from January 1968 until the war’s end.  His talk was extremely interesting and poignant, even more so for those of us old enough to have participated in the Vietnam War or had family or close friends who served.   We all learned a great deal.

The business part commenced after a short break.


The Civic League currently has about  $13,000 in the Treasury with 166 paid members.  (The membership year starts in October.)


Jeanne Blair has been checking daily and, as of yet, the work on the tower hasn’t started.  
There is a possibility that the tower will, eventually, have 3 companies on it.
The Spring Fling is April 19th.   Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served to all workers. The “Fling” is in need of a cook. Don will organize the rest of  “lunch.”  A dumpster will arrive on the 15th of April, but a few things that cannot be put into the dumpster.   Leaves will be raked and put in the front of some yards.  Jim will order a city dumpster, but it must be sponsored by a resident and placed in front of their yard.   Sarah Lowman will be contacted to be the “sponsor.”   She has done it in the past. 

At the moment, pool membership is at 12. The majority of memberships are paid in April.

Only about 15 showed up for the Easter Egg + 3 from a neighboring Civil League.
Those who attended had a wonderful time.

The Civic League Scholarship will be given in July.  Details are still being worked out.

Bruce Blair is our new Editor and produced his first edition this month.   As he continues as editor, he expects to make changes.   This deadline for April’s edition is March 22nd.  


There are a number of proposals, including a flyover (over 264) with traffic coming out at Southern Blvd as well as a possible tunnel for Independence.  K Mart will be closed, but Michaels and Panera should be safe.
Light rail is a possibility.

The city recently held an information meeting for the Pembroke Area Comprehensive Transportation Plan.  There are a number of proposals to reduce congestion on Independence and Virginia Beach Blvd., creating additional north/south street connectors across I-264 as well as a possible tunnel for Independence.  Bike paths, parks and two light rail stations were also discussed in the long-term proposal.  More details, pictures and maps are available online.  Go to to view the plans and leave your comments before April 1st.  

There was a hearing on the possible dredging of the eastern branch of the Lynnhaven in 2009.   The turnout for the meeting was large, especially from the Shore Drive area.   
Tugboat captains who were present voiced some valid complaints.  They are concerned about the strength of the currents and the problems that would incur in bring in the barges to haul away the dredge material.  The feeling is that the city may re-think the dredging.


The house that burned down on Hudgins was brought up.  It is considered an eyesore.  However, until an insurance adjustor makes a decision on the house, it is unlikely that anything can be done.

There were additional concerns about the school bus parked on St James Drive.  It has become a problem navigating the street in that area.  However, the city requires the bus drivers to park the buses in front of their house.
Another on St. Mark’s Ct. regularly has 7 cars parked in front. Mike will find out what the city rules are for standard and over size vehicles parked in a residential area.

Income from the tower was conservatively estimated at  $9,000 for the 2008 year.   With a late start on construction, that may be less.
$2,000 was put in the budget for the Scholarships.

The Civic League sponsors a Cub Scout Troop, Pack 475.  The troop meets at Pembroke Meadows Elementary School.

Don reminded the Civic League that the Budget is the Best Estimate of the year’s expenditures.

A vote was taken and the 2008 Budget was approved.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2008