Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, January 17, 2008

President Don Sanders opened the meeting at 7:05.

The scheduled speaker was unable to attend.

Don displayed the National Night Out Plaque awarded to the Civic League.   The decision was made to display the plaque at the Recreation Center.

Treasurers Report:
Clera Hall stated that the Civic League has $12,429.53 in the Treasury, which includes the $6,000 placed in a CD.
To date, Income for the 2008 year is $90. 
January 17, 2008 balance:  $ 12,429.53 

Don believes T. Mobile will start installation on the tower during the first part of February.  Expected income is $1,300 for one user with an estimated $15,000 for the year.
Current expectations are that 75% of this would be given to the pool for necessary repairs; additions etc. and the balance (apx. $4,500) would be used to provide college scholarships to members of our Civic League. 

Joe Avoli made a motion that a percentage of the T Mobile funds be used for 2  $1,000 scholarships when and if the funds become available.  It would be given to students in their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year in school.  The motion was held until we know how much we will be receiving.  The expectation is that it will be in the 2008/2009 school year.   The motion passed.

Jeanne Blair suggested that the money that goes to the pool be put into a CD and allowed to accumulate for necessary repairs and/or improvements.

Clera suggested that funds be put into the budget for the maintenance of the median strip.   The Garden Club has always maintained it, but their numbers have dwindled. 

Fifteen years ago Pembroke Meadows Civic League dropped out of the Council of Civic Leagues.  Clif made a motion that we re-join the Council, Jim seconded it and the motion passed.

Nominating Committee:
Peggy Caverly reported that we have a new Corresponding Secretary, Julie Saye.   She will start the next meeting.

It was suggested that we give every family with children who are active Civic League members a $100 reduction in their pool dues. Jeanne said that at this time that it was not fiscally possible.
She stated that in 2007 there were more members on the swim team than non-members. 

Jim Hall (Newsletter editor) requested articles for the Newsletter.  He stated that when we don’t print the newsletter we loose funds.
The cut off for February’s newsletter is February 3rd. 

The Next Civic League Meeting is  February 21st and is our Annual Pot Luck Dinner.

It was suggested that the Recreation Center build a room onto the Center and have the Civic League hold their meetings there.
Jeanne Blair stated that they have looked into it and there are problems finding the land due to wetland restrictions.

The Recreation Center had a recent review of their insurance coverage.   Currently they are paying  $3,800 a year.   Their current coverage covers anyone hurt at a swim team meet up to  $100,000 for the first person, for the 2nd person and aggregates, up to  $200,000.
For the parking lot,  $1,000,000  for the 1st person and  $2,000,000 for the second and aggregate. 

Joe Avoli asked about the status of getting lights at the park.
Mike White was to contact the city, but he has changed jobs and is extremely busy at this time. 
The shrubs around the gazebo need to be thinned. 

Garden Club Report:
The Garden Club spent  $101.51 on Holiday decorations for the Gazebo this year.  Reimbursement of  $101.51   to the Garden Club was approved.

Ladies Lunch:
The next Ladies Neighborhood Lunch will be held on Thursday, January 24th at Vals.

We need to find someone to do the next National Night out for 2008.  This is expected to be a scaled down event.

Bruce Blair will take over as Newsletter Editor.

Lakes and Waterways:
Jim Willenbrink is meeting with the city to discuss the condition of our lakes, which need work, especially the lake that goes under Independence Boulevard. 

Pembroke Meadows Elementary School’s Principal has been contacted with regard to the “Foul” Problem.  The principal said that they had sprayed the field with a “deterrent” but he doesn’t believe that it worked.

A motion was made that we look into building a new Gazebo.  It was seconded and passed.   Jim Hall will look into replacing it. 

The meeting adjourned at  8:30.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2008