Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, October 18, 2007

The meeting opened at 7:05 with the introduction of Chris Stolle, candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates.

Dr. Stolle introduced himself and gave his background and occupation.   He is an Annapolis graduate and head of OB/GYN at Riverside Hospital on the peninsula.   His major concern for Virginians is Health Care, especially as the baby boomers are beginning to enter the Medicare system.

He answered questions about illegal immigration, informing members that in North Carolina, illegal aliens are held in jail with the federal Government paying North Carolina a fee for their detention.  He believes it is possible for Virginia to also incarcerate illegal immigrants and have the Federal Government pay the bill.

He favors drilling for natural gas off the coast of Virginia Beach to help reduce our dependence on foreign oil.   He also mentioned the possibility of using Windmill Farms to help with our energy crisis.

He believes that a user tax is the fairest way to fund badly needed road improvements, with the most practical being an increase in the gasoline tax. The current formula for the distribution of road funds gives the largest percentage of the money to the rural areas.  The formula was made 40 years ago and needs to be revised.  

He is in favor of closing the beds at Bayside Hospital while maintaining emergency and outpatient services. The one drawback he believes is that essential heart catherization will no longer be part of the services provided.


Don Sanders announced that Joe Avoli received the Citizen of the Year Award for the work he did for our National Night Out program.  Joe Avoli received the award from Mayor Meyra Oberndorf at a luncheon.  Don gave him the plaque and a certificate and said that Mayor Oberndorf commented that it was the best program in the city.   There were 42 NNO programs in Virginia Beach.

Joe reminded the community that we still need to follow through with Project 365, to increase lighting at the community park.  We have 365 days from our NNO event to make progress or complete our project.  If we have completed the project, even better and that would be included in our final report for the Award.
The city approved the revised plans for the Cell Tower and it is hoped T Mobile will get start construction in January or February.

The Treasurer’s report was distributed and discussed.

Belinda Nash and Jerry Richter need donations of money and candy for the Halloween Walk and party.   Donations will also be needed for Independence Middle School’s Band who provides the music for the Halloween Walk. 

There will be a November Newsletter with the next newsletter in January.
Jim Hall is Interim Newsletter Editor.  A permanent editor is still needed, as well as an advertising coordinator.

The position of Directory Coordinator is still unfilled.

The pool ran well this year.   Director Jeanne Blair told the members that they can pay ahead and avoid an increase in dues, if there is one.

A number of people have been “booed” and hopefully, the spirit will continue throughout the community.


The Mayor’s response to the letters opposing the closing of inpatient services at Bayside was essentially, “Don’t bother me with this...”

Sentara would like to speak to our Civic League about the closing of the inpatient services.   Since we will be at Ferry Plantation House in November and there is no meeting in December with the decision will be made in January the meeting will not be scheduled.

Pat Angelo provided a “Goodie Bag” to a member who had a birthday in October.  

Peggy Caverly volunteered to supply the refreshments for our January meeting.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

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