Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, September 27, 2007

The meeting opened at 7:05 P.M.

Master Police Officer Leta Krieger, of the Virginia Beach Police Department's Crime Prevention Unit was introduced by Civic League President Don Sanders.  Officer Krieger provided a great deal of information to our members as well as fielding a number of questions from our community. 

 The Crime Prevention Unit will provide Security Assessments, individual and/or community assessments.  Among them include the CPTED program, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design to provide the maximum protection. 

The "Every 15 Minutes" Program is a 2-day event given at the Middle and High Schools in Virginia Beach.  The Police Department stages a simulated fatal accident and brings in the services, EMR, Nightingale etc. to show what it would be like in a real accident.  It is part of their alcohol prevention program.  Officer Krieger suggested that parents get to know the School Resource Officer in their child's school (Middle and/or High School.)

She presented a breakdown of reported incidents in our community from September 6, 2006 through September 6, 2007: Seventy were reported including 10 domestic assaults, 6 larceny, 4 resident burglaries, 1 vehicle theft and 2-3 kidnapping incidents.  It was mentioned that there are rings of vehicle theft operations near major roads.  She reminded us not to leave anything visible in a car.  It should be taken with us when we exit the car.

Community Safety includes becoming Pro-Active, for example, having teams walk the neighborhood at night. Anything suspicious should be called into the non-emergency number, 385-5000. 
During the first week of November, there will be a Forum on Gangs.  Prior registration is required.

Around the holidays there is an increase in robberies.  It is suggested that shoppers carry themselves straight and alert and park in a well lit area.  Shoppers can request that mall security escort them to their car.  If you carry Pepper Spray, make sure you can get away if you breathe it in.  If your home has a security system, make sure the alarm is audible inside and out.

There will be a Seminar, "Refuse to Be a Victim" on November 14th from 3 to 5 PM at Bayside Library.  Call Bayside Library to register.

Our second speaker was Joe Bouchard, a candidate for the House of Delegates.  Mr. Bouchard introduced himself by letting the members know about his background. 
He retired from the Navy after serving as Commanding Officer of Norfolk Naval Station.
He fielded a number of questions from the members, including transportation, the abusive driver fee's, and drilling off the coast of Virginia Beach.  On off shore drilling, he commented that the area under consideration is a training area for the military and two bases would be in jeopardy, and possibly closed. 

Sentara has proposed taking beds from Bayside Hospital and moving them to the Princess Anne area.  Clif Furedy had copies of the letter that needs to be sent (should be personalized) to the State Health Commissioner as well as others who have an impact on the decision.  The names and addresses of those who should also receive a letter were provided.

Next Tuesday (10/2/07), Sentara is hosting a tour of their Princess Anne campus.  If you wish to attend, you must call and make reservations in advance.  Their proposal is to take all 158 beds at Bayside Hospital and transfer them to a new hospital at Princess Anne.

DePaul Hospital has over 200 unused beds and they have a competing proposal before the Board of Health to move some of these beds to new facilities at Princess.  Riverside Hospital is interested in expanding and there is a possibility that they will also be interested in the Princess Anne area.  We believe that if the inpatient beds are removed, there is the potential for a decline in local real estate.  Bayside has 158 beds, but Sentara has only maintained the staff for 98 beds.  If an emergency room patient needs to be admitted, because of the short staffing, they often have a long wait to get into a room.

Jim Willenbrink has a copy of the report that Joe Avoli submitted to the National Night Out for the Rookie Award.  Members can view it after the meeting.

The site plan for the cell tower was approved by the city.  T-Mobil has paid the Civic League an initial $1,000.  The Civic League will not receive any further payments until the cell tower is operational.

Jim Hall is temporary Newsletter Editor.

NNO was budgeted for $1,000.  The total cost was $1,700. 
With the monetary donations ($1,100 including the $500 from the raffle) the total cost to the Civic League was $611.

Our community has a major problem with the overpopulation of migratory geese.  The water quality of our lakes is deteriorating and it is believed to probably be due to fecal material.  A recent test of the pH levels in Lake Pembroke was 9+.

At the end of the meeting, Pat Angelo had a few door prizes for the members in attendance.  Pat also provided the refreshments for the meeting and has agreed to coordinate the refreshments for our meetings.
Thank you Pat!

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2007