Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Joe Avoli introduced our first speaker, Vice Mayor Louis Jones.

Mr. Jones spoke for a few minutes and then introduced the City Real Estate Assessor, Jerry Banagan.

Mr. Banagan explained the process his office follows in determining the value of property/homes in Virginia Beach.  The assessed value of homes in Virginia is largely controlled by the state which requires that homes be appraised at Fair Market Value.   Assessments are done annually.

If homeowners feel that their homes are unfairly appraised, they can appeal to his office and if an adjustment is denied, he will give the home owner the information needed for further appeal.  The appeal goes to the Board of Equalization.  

There is a break for Senior Citizens 65 or older whose family income is less than $62,000 and their assets are under $350,000 excluding the value of their home.  Disabled home owners can also receive a tax break.

Assessments are determined by a number of things, but especially the sale price of similar homes in the area.  When setting values they start with the smallest and work up to the larger homes.  They assess lot size, shape, proximity to water etc. as part of their process.

Approximately 8 % of the homes in Virginia Beach are sold annually.

The average price for all homes in VA Beach is $323,000 and single family homes is $360,000.

The City Budget Director, Catheryn Whitesell explained the process the city uses in making its budget. 

30% of the cities revenue is from the Real Estate Tax.   The city is required to have the same rate for businesses as for family homes.  

There are a number of State Mandates for Education, but the state does not provide any funds to implement the mandates.  The city is looking at Revenue Diversification, as a means of providing additional funds.
 Impact Fees: The only area that the state allows impact fees to be levied is for transportation. 

Vice Mayor Jones informed the community that when Virginia Beach was still Princess Anne County, land owners requested and received B-4 Zoning which is the highest density level. To offset this, the city requires a Use Permit. 

Mr. Jones said that there is a plan for dredging lakes and ponds, but with funding as it is, it will take 15 years to do them.  Rivers are under a different plan.    They have acquired Whitehurst Pitt to use for the dredge material from the Lynnhaven River.  It is also possible that the dredging of the river will have to be done with private funds.


Clera Hall reported that the current balance in the treasury is: $11,889.88.

On May 24th   there will be a fund raiser at the Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center sponsored by Fankie's Ribs and 21st Century Remodeling.  Dollar Tree and Food Lion will be helping as well.  The meal will consist of baby back rigs, barbecued chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, cornbread muffins, drink and dessert.  The cost is $20 a person.  Takeout is available.

This will be held on Tuesday, August 7th with communities around the United States and Canada as well as Military Bases participating.  In 2006, over 34 million people participated.   
National Night out is designed to:

  •  Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness;
  •  Generate support for, and participate in, local anti-crime programs;
  •  Strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; and
  •  Send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.
Along with the traditional display of lights, other possible activities include block parties, parades and visits from local police or sheriff's departments.  Barbara Willenbrink, who works with the Police on the Citizen's Advisory Committee, will work with the Committee that will be formed to work out the details.  Pembroke Meadows Civic League has registered with the National Program and has been in contact with the Coordinator for the City of Virginia Beach,   Master Police Officer Helen Gillespie.  Pembroke Meadows Civic League has reserved the pool for that night and host a cook out. The Police and Fire Departments, Emergency Medical Personnel and hopefully a representative from the Canine Corps and Officer McGruff will also participate as well.

No date has been set to start construction on the tower.  The person in charge of construction has left T-Mobile and the earliest starting date will possibly be Fall, 2007.

Roger and Kim Vaughn will no longer be doing the Newsletter.   It was suggested that the major tasks in getting out the Newsletter be divided into at least 3 tasks.

Joe Avoli has resigned as Program Chair, but has September's Meeting covered.

Loretta Watson remarked that many people in our community do not know of the existence of the pool.  She suggested that a small sign be placed on the medium strip with the words,   “Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center straight ahead - Memberships Available.”   It was suggested that the sign be placed at the flowered area where cars turn for the school.  Robert Westmont suggested that the Recreation Center Board be contacted to look at the Balance sheet to see what the finances are and if a major increase in membership is necessary.  Jim Willenbrink suggested a joint Recreation Center and Civic League Board Meeting as has been done in the past.

It was brought up that a number of people do not want their names published in the Directory.  It was suggested that in lieu of a Directory an informational Handbook containing information on the community, street maps etc.  A member of the community who lives in the Townhouses has a friend who is a publisher.  She will contact them and take care of the advertising as well.

The meeting adjourned at    9:00.

Respectfully Submitted:
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2007