Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Joe Avoli introduced the speaker, David Bastiaans, an attorney, who spoke on wills, trusts, long term care insurance and topics related to aging as well as elder care.  The pros and cons of Advanced Medical Directives, Durable Power of Attorney, Springing Power of Attorney, probate and wills were also covered.  There was an additional discussion of the hazards of giving someone a straight Power of Attorney.  Mr. Bastiaans provided a lot of valuable information and a great number of questions were asked.

Mr. Bastianns introduced Josh J. Cuff with A. J. Edwards & Sons, a Financial Consultant and Accredited Asset Management Consultant, who spoke about Long Term Care Insurance.  One important piece of information that was provided was that Medicaid now has a 5 year roll back (it was previously 3 years) and long term care insurance could be important to provide the coverage and fill in any gaps.   Someone going on Medicaid has to provide information going back 5 years to prove that assets weren’t disposed of during the 5 year period.   A large number of questions were asked and our speakers stayed until after the meeting to answer additional questions. 

The Spring Fling is Saturday, April 21, 2007.    It will start at 8 AM and go until.....
Lunch will be provided.   Please try to attend.  

The Civic League   received $ 1,000 lease money from T-Mobile.  On April 24th it will go to the City Council for final approval.   If approved, the construction will probably start in the Fall.  They will receive $1,200 a month if only one company uses the tower.

Saturday, April 21st   the Witch of Pungo statue will be unveiled.  It is located at the corner of Witchduck Road and Independence Boulevard on Bayside Hospital property.

Joe Avoli   discussed the programs set up for the next two months.

In May City Councilman, Louis Jones will attend our meeting and bring with him Jerry Bannigan, City Tax Assessor.  They will explain how assessments are done and what plans the City Council may have to help offset the heavy tax burden the new assessments are placing on residents.

In September, Master Police Officer, Leta Krieger will speak to us about safety in our area and what we can do to make our neighborhood safe.

This August there is a nation-wide program, National Night Out that is done with the police department.  It will take place Tuesday, August 7th.    Communities get together and display their lights etc.   Joe Avoli suggested we do it in conjunction with the Recreation Center.  Marge Brotman suggested the if we contact the Police Department early, they will bring Police Dogs and even helicopters etc.,  but we need to contact them very quickly.  

Ferry Plantation will be holding “The Queens Tea” on May 5th.    If you want tickets, you need to purchase them now.   They only have 40 to sell.   The cost is $25.00 per tickets.   It’s first come first served.   

It was asked if we could fly a Virginia Tech Flag at half mast on the flag pole with our American Flag.  The response was that it couldn’t be done.

Tomorrow (Friday, April 20th) is Hokie Hope Day and we are asked to wear orange and maroon in memory of those students slaughtered on Monday.

 An audit was held of the Civic League books on April 18, 2007.
The Audit Committee consisted of Jeanette Willenbrink,   Don Sanders and Clif Furedy.  The Treasurer’s records were found to be in order.  The period covered was from January 1, 2005   through April 18, 2007.  The balance on hand in the checking account is $11,850.08.  The Committee recommended that the Treasurer document receipts and disbursements for which no other paper trail is received.   This would more clearly reveal what some receipts or disbursements are.

John Shedaeal reported that there were two break-ins on St.  Mark’s Road.  One was in a house that has been vacant for over a year.   The owner lives in DC.  The second had the house and shed broken into.   Only gas cans were taken.  The police have the name of the young person that did the break- ins. 

The median clean-up is covered to June.  Sign ups are needed to continue maintaining the medium strip.  Members are asked to sign up to take a week of picking up at the Median Strip.  Jim Willenbrink will give movie passes to those that sign up at the meeting.

The Ladies Luncheon is next Wednesday, April 25th, at Frederico’s   at noon.

The meeting adjourned at 8:50.

Respectfully Submitted:
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2007