Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, March 15, 2007

Joe Avoli, Program Chair, introduced Gwen Elmore, the President of Fun Tours to the Civic League.  Ms. Elmore talked about the numerous tours that were available, including long, short, gaming and Christian Tours, as well as tours to Niagara Falls, Fall Foliage, Italy, Switzerland and Milan. She discussed how the tours could be used for Fund Raising.   Tours arranged through the Civic League or Recreation Center would receive a small return for each person who goes on the tour.   Additionally, for every 30 who are on the tour, the cost of the 31st person is donated to the Civic League/Recreation Center.  If 40 book the tour, the fees for the  41st & 42nd person going are returned to the community.  The information will be given to the Recreation Center.

After a brief intermission, Don Sanders opened the business session.

Don Sanders attended the Planning Commission meeting where the plans for the construction of the tower by T-Mobile were unanimously approved.  The plans now go to the City Council for final approval.  Upon approval, the plans for the tower will  undergo an engineering review to make sure it is done properly.  This will be a procedure, not approval.

The proposed budget for  2007 was presented to the membership.  Jim Hall reviewed the 2007 budget totaling $ 7,200.00.   The cost of printing the Newsletter is the largest increase in the budget.  Roger Vaughn is in the process of trying to find another printer for the newsletter.  A motion was made by  Clif  Furdy  and seconded by Jim Willenbrink.
The motion to accept the 2007 budget was passed.

Jim Hall passed out an, “Income vs. Spending” breakdown for the period from January 1, 2007   to   March 15, 2007. $800 in donations were received with membership dues, with most of them indicating that the donations were to go towards specific items (electric costs, the Flag etc.)  

Terri Hawley read the minutes from the last membership meeting and they were approved.

Mayor  Myera Oberndorf was present at the February meeting. There was a great deal of good food and fellowship. The Oriental restaurant in Pembroke Meadows Shopping Center supplied donations of food.  Joe Avoli sent a thank you note to the Mayor for attending the February meeting.

Peggy Caverly gave a nominating Committee report:

President:  Don Sanders
1st VP:  Terri Hawley
2nd VP:   Open
Treasurer:  Clera   Hall
Corresponding secretary:  Jeanne Blair
Recording Secretary:  Brian Rabe and Teri Mikulka
3rd VP   (Pool Director):  Kris Johnson

Kim Vaughn made a motion that the slate be accepted.   The motion was seconded and passed.


Travis Little will become Building and Grounds Chair. 
Clif Furdy will continue as Webmaster.

It was requested that Joe Avoli ask Louis Jones to attend a Civic League Meeting.  Joe said that he had asked him previously, but Mr. Jones was about to undergo surgery at the time.  It was also suggested that we combine with the two other area Civic Leagues (Witchduck and Aragona ) and have Mr. Jones address a combined meeting.

Peggy Caverly stated that the members of the committee are Peggy Caverly,  Daphne Saunders  and Teri Mikulka.

The spring fling will be held on April 21st, starting at 7 AM and ending at ....  
There was a discussion about  the removal of leaves, trash etc. from the median strip, entrance way and throughout the neighborhood.  It was also  suggested that we contact the city for a community wide pick up shortly after the spring fling.  Sara Lowman will be contacted about the possibility of placing the bags from the clean up (including branches up to 6" in diameter) from the side of her yard on Pembroke Blvd.   The city will only pick up from a private residence, not from a public street.

A community clean up was discussed.  It will be advertised and the Civic League will contact the city for a special community pick up.  Residents will not have to make individual calls for the pick up.

Barking dogs as a nuisance was discussed.  The city code that deals with barking dogs is  385444   5A-10, and the number to call to file a complaint is  757-385-4444.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35.  

Respectfully submitted,
Brian Rabe
Teri Mikulka

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2007