Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, October 19, 2006

Pre-meeting program began at 7:05. The guest speaker was from Virginia Beach Emergency Medical Service (EMS) at Pembroke Meadows Elementary School Cafetorium.

The meeting was opened by Don Sanders, PMCL president at 7:50 PM.

The treasure’s report was given by Don Sanders for Jim Hall. Report attached to the minutes.  The current balance is $10,805.39.

The minutes were approved as ready by the recording secretary.

Don Sanders shared:
• Looking for people to organize/head the Nominating Committee. 
•  He shared that we should have a slate together within the next month.  
• If anyone is interested in any of the PMCL office positions or to head the Nominating Committee to please contact him.
• Pool raised about $2,500 from the Community Yard Sale.  
• PMCL and PMRC (pool) are in negotiations with T-Mobile for a cell phone tower.  More information will be forthcoming at the next General Meeting.
- Rental fees for the use of the land would be about $1,000 - $1,500
- Proposed agreement would give a year’s option as T-Mobile waits for the city to give approval
- About an 100 ft. tower with two pods on it for the servers (it would stand about 10-20 ft. above existing tree line)
- Could provide pool with money for needed renovations

Head Editor for the neighborhood directory will be Krystal Ruggle.  She will have assistance from Peggy Caverly., Mrs. Sanders, and Clif Furedy.

Don has someone in mind for the Advertising Coordinator position and will have more information at the next meeting in November.

Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center (Pool) is selling Norfolk Florist Cards again this year for $25.  If you are interested please contact Don Sanders or any Pool Board Member.

No New Business was shared at this time.

Reminder: Pembroke Meadows Civic League Board Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 14th at 7PM.  The Pembroke Meadows General Meeting will be held on Thursday, November 16th at 7PM at Ferry Plantation.  A guided tour will be given with a Wine (and other refreshments) and Cheese Tasting will be provided.  Please come out and join us.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Terri Hawley
Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006