Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Pre- meeting program was McDonald’s Lawn and Garden Center – Lawn Care.

The meeting was opened by Don Sanders, PMCL President at 8:15 PM.

The minutes were approved as read by the recording secretary.

The treasurer’s report was given by Jim Hall. The Current Balance is about $11,000.  Two flags have been purchased to replace flag ripped because of the last storm. 

Kim Vaughn spoke about the newsletter.  She shared with members present that they are considering cutting back printing of issues to about 725 and that they hope to have everything in order to raise advertising rates beginning in October to new advertisers and then to renewing advertisers throughout the year.

Don Shared highlights from the Pembroke Meadows Recreation Center Pool.  

  • The Yard Sale Fun Raiser is scheduled for September 30th.  The pool board is still looking for donations and assistance before, during and after the sale.  The contact person is Kris Jackson.
  • At the last pool meeting, profit and loss reports were shared.  Paid approx. $21,000 in renovations, $15,000 raised from pool fundraiser and donations.  117 paying families/individuals for 2006 up from 80 the previous system.
  • Program for paying in installments for 2007 pool membership begins in the next month or so.  If you have questions please contact Kim Vaughan or Kris Jackson.
Directory news was shared by Don Sanders.  About 2/3 of the neighborhood has responded to updating/adding their information in the directory.  Publishing the directory will be on the agenda of the next board meeting.  Discussion followed about past estimates for advertising sales within the directory.

New Business:

  • 16th Annual Halloween Walk is scheduled for Sat., Oct. 28th.  Jerry Richter is collecting donations, juice, and/or cookies for the event.  The Moon Walk for the children will be sponsored by The First National Bank of Virginia.  Cotton Candy will also be shared with the children that day at the park after the walk.
  • Clera Hall also shared that the Garden Club’s greenery sale has begun and if you are interested to please give your orders to any Garden Club member.
  • Thursday, October 19th next PMCL General Meeting – speakers V.B. -  EMS
The meeting was adjourned by our PMCL President, Don Sanders at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Terri Hawley
Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006