Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, May 18, 2006

The scheduled program speaker was not able to attend this evening.

Don Sanders, the PMCL President opened the general meeting at 7:05 pm. 

Terri Hawley, the recording secretary, read the April meeting minutes; they were read – noted changes are that Travis Little has the weed sprayer. 

Treasurer, Jim Hall, read his report and shared that total income categories was $4,296.04 and the total expense categories was $4,256.39 since January 1, 2006.  A complete listing of report will be filed with the minutes.

Jana reported on membership.  To date, out of 645 homes, 232 have paid dues.  Last year’s final total was 156 homes contributed dues. A complete report of the dues will be filed with the minutes.

Travis, the second vice-president, reminded those present that he has the sprayer and Roundup chemical.  Also, the median signup is missing and people will need to re-sign up for clean up duty.  He also shared that the construction in the neighborhood is in preparation of the new bank being built in the neighborhood.

Jim Willenbrink, from the local bank Ad-hoc committee shared that the construction workers are laying fiber optic cables throughout the whole neighborhood.  They legally can dig within the 10 ft easement on your property.  They are responsible for notifying you three days in advance of digging in your yard, but this sometimes does not happen before digging begins. If you are present, you may have a say in the placement of a utility box that will need to be placed about every 5th house. 

Roger Vaughn shared information about the newsletter.  He stated that there will be a June issue, but not a July, August or December issue this year.  A notice is planned to go out to local advertisers that advertisement space prices within the newsletter will increase.  It has been over 10 years since an increase has been made for advertising within the newsletter.

A volunteer is needed to assemble the newsletters.  Anyone interested should contact Roger or his wife, Kim.

Roger also spoke as a representative from the pool.  Painting is being done and upgrades are being made to the pool and surrounding grounds.  There is an increase of about 20% in the membership over last year, mostly in the area of senior citizens that have joined.  The pool is definitely becoming more of a recreational center with the addition of the volleyball court and other amenities.

Spring Fling news was shared.  Approximately 55 people volunteered for clean up that day.  The Garden club will continue it’s landscaping of the pool area on the following Monday.  Roger also shared that there are approximately 20 tickets left for the Outback Steakhouse dinner night at the pool on the 25th of May.  Jeanne Blair will be at the meeting later with tickets.

Robert Westmount shared information about the directory.  He stated that they are still continuing to canvas the neighborhood.  He counted that we had about 270 replies from canvassing and about 160 replies were mailed.  He is looking for volunteers to help input data.  He also stated that it might be a good idea to add a reminder in the newsletter to add PMCL web site as a favorite to those that have computer use access.

Other assistance is needed to help with the directory. Volunteers are needed for editor of the directory and also advertising manager.  If anyone is interested please contact any member of the board or Robert Westmount.

Discussion followed about our next steps regarding the directory.

Robert also had a general question to share regarding the geese and ducks at the pond.  He stated that there is a possibility that the ducks and geese wings had been clipped and that that was the reason that people felt the need to feed them.  The question was raised to find out if there was anyone that knew information regarding this issue.  Discussion followed. 

Jim Willenbrink stated that he had called and spoken to Susan T. about the sign issue; wanting to know if there was any final decision made about the posting.  He clarified with those there that he was wanting and additional sign to warn of the health hazard that is raised because of the ducks feces in the playground area where children play.

Jeanne Blair spoke more about the pool.  She shared recent pictures of the freshly painted pool and the surrounding areas.  There is still work to be done.  If anyone is interested in helping please contact anyone on the pool board.

Jim Willenbrink shared that Saturday, June 10th from 9-12 is Clean the Bay Day.  If you want to participate please contact him.  You may also work on any of the days before or after that date.  They are planning to work in all surrounding area waterways… Old Donation Creek…

Peggy shared some information from Jake F. regarding the local sales of homes.
Those that brought refreshments were thanked and volunteers were requested for September.

No new business
Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm

Respectfully submitted,
Terri Hawley
Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006