Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pre-meeting program was Pieces of Eight Pirate Cruises.

The treasurer’s report was given. The Current Balance is $13, 105.99.

The minutes were approved as read.

The 2004 by–laws were addressed first.  There was a motion to clean up the verbiage on the by-laws to reflect the changes suggested by the Pool board.  The by–laws had been posted on the website, within the March meeting minutes and in the last newsletter.  The amendment was passed with none opposed.

The pool board shared that they would also like to propose changes to the membership categories – a corporation membership. This would be another way to guarantee revenue.  The proposed changes are posted on the website, with an explanation given.  A vote was taken to offer the corporate sponsorship.  All present agreed.

Kris Jackson was announced as the new pool director.  Hubert Pancho resigned after a number of years of service.

The pool building’s roof will be done by next Friday.  Saturday the 22nd is Spring Fling.  The clean up will begin at 9 am.  14 pool guards have been hired, opening is scheduled for Memorial Day, Outback dinner with music will be held May 25th at the pool – kids are welcome to attend as well.  Projected recreational attractions include a volleyball court, ping pong, and horseshoe pits.

The group at large shared an appreciation about the great job that was being done for fundraising and communication for the pool by the Pool Board.

It was shared at this time that the PMCL board would like to contribute $2,000 towards painting/landscaping and general maintenance for the pool.  The motion was put to a vote and it was unanimous for approval.

A motion was made to give $150 to provide food for the people that help with the April Spring Fling Clean-up day.  Approval was given by all present.

Clera Hall and Jeanette W.  shared the news from the Garden Club –they have measured and decided on plants; they have made a detailed list for Saturday’s yard work at Spring Fling.  An appeal for donated plants was made to create natural mature landscaping.

Gerry R. donated her azaleas for the project.

There was discussion about the color of the pool building’s paint and other details related to the grounds.

Travis, the Second Vice President spoke. He stated that he had nothing new to add to the meeting.  Some discussion followed about some areas of concern.  Travis stated that he would collect the information and forward it on to Randy Blake.

Jim Willenbrink spoke on behalf of the Adhock committee that had met with the new neighborhood bank.  The bank is still in the preliminary states of planning. 

Directory News – Carol, Bruce, and Robert Westmount – shared that the canvassing was still going on.  He stated that they had almost finished creating the data base and were then going to turn over the information to the PMCL board to decide how they would like to continue from this point.

Gerry R. shared information regarding Ferry Plantation; there are planned events for May 6th and May 16th.  They are also planning on continuing the summer camps.  Please contact Ferry Plantation if you are interested in more details.

Jim Willenbrink reminded those present about Clean the Bay Day scheduled for June 10th.  Orange bags will be provided for debris.  In the past they have had about 75 people in attendance to help clean the local waterway areas.  Jim also shared that Charlie Russ will take over the open sub-committee position for Lake Meadows area.  Other news shared was on the below topics:

  • Street sweeper requested for Spring Fling
  • Dredging and aeration of the weeds
  • Shad in the area have not returned
  • Retention ponds – see Robert Westmount if you have questions.
Danielle, the corresponding secretary, shared about the Easter Egg Hunt at the park.  She stated that there were about 30 kids present, it was a great day and everyone had fun with finding the eggs, sharing some snacks, and making crafts. 

Peggy Cavarly, the First Vice President introduced Joe Avoli as our new program director.  He will start in the Fall with lining up programs for our meetings.

Vivian will continue to be the social chairman for the Pot Luck/ Easter Egg Hunt events, but would like to share the responsibilities for the monthly meetings with others that attend the general meeting.  A request was made for volunteers to provide drinks and snacks for next month’s meeting. 

Danielle K.  also shared that a card had been sent out to the Walker family for the recent death in the family.

Everyone was reminded that Wes Denton had the sprayer for the weeds.  It is available for those in the neighborhood that want to borrow it to use in their area.

The Garden Club stated that they were working on the median area.  They requested an allocation of money be given to them from the PMCL to purchase flowers for planting.  Discussion followed and it was put to a vote to provide the Garden Club with $200 to purchase plants and flowers for the median area.  If you are interested in volunteering to help plant, please call any member of the Garden Club (Clera, Peggy, Jeannette…)

Also, a reminder was given that the women’s group meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at someone’s house… if interested please attend.

No new business was added.
Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,
Terri Hawley
Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006