Pembroke Meadows Civic League
General Meeting
March 16, 2006

General meeting was opened with a speaker from Chiropractic Center of Virginia Beach.  The speaker went through the Seven Steps to the Peak Energy Challenge and provided all present with some relaxing stretches to use at their leisure.

The meeting then reconvened at 7:50 pm with a welcome from the president, Don Sanders, to all present.

The secretary, Terri Hawley, read the previous minutes and they were approved as read.

Jim Hall shared the treasurer’s report.  The account balance is $13, 050.01.  The total expenditures since last month were shared with all present.

Kim Vaughn reported that the newsletter was doing well. She thanked everyone for their contributed articles and apologized that they (she and her husband) weren’t able to get them all in this month’s edition. 

Jana Sias reported the membership dues that have been paid to date from 142 homes, with 19 homes contributing more than asked for and 5 businesses paying for newsletter/dues memberships since the beginning of the year.

A directory update was given by Robert Westmount.  He said as of today, 146 forms have been returned with more coming in daily.  With Carol and Bruce Scott’s help the data has been entered weekly.  Robert and others have been working on organizing the canvassing of the neighborhood with the use of Block Captains and newsletter distributors, and putting together a volunteer list to assist. The target date for the canvassing is scheduled for the first or second week of April.

A proposal was given by the pool board to revise the pool bylaws to include the following: 

"Category VI – Corporate Membership.  Upon approval by the Recreation Committee and payment of designated fees, a business entity, regardless of structure, may become a Corporate Member.  Such membership shall entitle a properly designated representative of such Corporate Member to nominate one family or individual to enjoy the privileges of Category I or Category II membership per summer season.  Such family or individual must then be approved by the Recreation Committee.  A Corporate Member may purchase more than one Corporate Membership per summer season, and each membership purchased shall entitle the Corporate Member to designate one family or individual to enjoy membership privileges for one summer season.

Once designated, the family or individual shall not normally be changed during the course of the same summer season.  The Recreation Committee may consider exceptions to this rule for compelling circumstances which, if shown, would permit a substitution.

The Corporate Member shall, at all times, remain responsible for the conduct of the family or individual designated to enjoy membership.  Such responsibility includes financial responsibility if any shall arise from the willful, reckless or negligent acts or omissions of the designated family or individual.  Such family or individual shall at all times be subject to the rules and policies of the Recreation Center and the supervision of the Recreation Committee."

Again, this is a suggested proposal and must be published, reviewed by the PMCL, and then brought to the members at a general meeting for a vote of approval.

The pool representative then shared the latest information:

  • Fund raising information. The Fun Run and the American Doll chances fund raiser was a success. They have just received approval for an Outback Steakhouse meal deal.  The details of this program will be advertised at a later date. 
  • Pool Recreation Center progress - The pool area has been cleared and the area readied for landscaping.  The pool materials will be moved on March 24/25th from the pool center to a donated storage space unit. Volunteers are needed to assist with moving the supplies to the unit.  All are welcome to help.
  • The pool roof design has had to be modified because of budget concerns.  The modifications will include solar tubes instead of windows and a small change in the roof line at the entrance.  For details please speak to a pool board representative.
  • A reminder was given about the dining fundraiser at Fuddruckers on April 4th. 
The president, Don Sanders, requested a financial report from the Recreation Center of expenditures, committed funds, and revenue since the close of last season to the present.  Mrs. Price stated that she would get that information to him before the PMCL next board meeting. 

Sid Seward provided movie tickets from Cinema Café for all members that were present at the meeting.

A reminder was given to all about the neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.  It is scheduled for April 15th.  Donations of candy, small plastic eggs and/or monetary funds are requested.  For more information please contact Vivian Hance, the social committee chair.

Travis Little, the second vice – president, shared the following information: 

  • Redevelopment of Virginia Beach meeting at Bayside Library from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on March 23, 2006.
  • A neighborhood youth has been found responsible for some of the graffiti damage throughout the neighborhood.  More progress is expected on this issue.
  • A reminder was given to keep your eyes out for information about the Spring Fling.  The PMCL is considering contacting Princess Anne HS students to assist in this year’s clean-up. 
New business:  Next month’s program is about a neighbor sharing a new business venture – Pirate Ship Experiences.  Please come join us to learn more.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Terri Hawley
Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006