Civic League General Meeting
Pembroke Meadows/Shores
January 19, 2006

General meeting was begun at 7:00pm at the new Bayside Library.  There were approximately 28 families in attendance for the tour of the library.

At the completion of the 30 minute tour the meeting was brought to order and the November general meeting minutes were read and approved.

The treasurer’s report was presented as of January 19, 2006.

A presentation from the pool board was given by Russ.  He shared a picture of what they hoped the pool would look like when completed.  He estimated that the cost at this point was $20,000.  The big items that would be updated were the windows in the bathroom areas, the ventilation, and the roofing.  The Pool Board was seeking the Civic League’s approval to continue with their plans for the stated budget.  Time for discussion and questions was provided.  Some discussion points were:

  • Construction to begin March 1st, 2006
  • Opening of the pool projected by Memorial Day
  • Changes in membership options
  • New Incentives
  • Other areas for clean up/improvement
  • A long term plan from the pool board to be shared with the PMCL by end of year
  • Pool board had voted and approved their proposal as of their Nov. meeting.

A motion was made to proceed with construction using the building plans in place with the authorization to use $20,000 of the pool board money.   This motion was quickly seconded.  The motion was put to a vote to those members present and was unanimously passed.

Robert Westmount shared information about the upcoming insert in the February newsletter.  He stated that this was the first step in collecting the information necessary for updating the neighborhood directory.  He passed around examples of the data collection insert.  He asked all those present to please complete and return the form, as well as ask their neighbors to do the same.  He then shared part two of the data collection would begin in middle March on foot by people within their neighborhood.  He clarified some questions.  The information collected would be inputted into a database and would then be updatable much more easily.

Travis then shared that he has had quick follow up from City Code Enforcement office and that if you have concerns about Landscape (overgrown bushes, trees, shrubs) to call 385-4661 or you can let the Buildings and Grounds committee know so they can document.  He also shared information regarding commercial truck size.

Waterways/Lakes chair, Jim Willenbrink shared that a committee sub chair was needed for the Lake Meadows area.

Clera and Jim introduced the new newspaper editors Kim and Roger Vaughn. 

February Pot Luck Dinner is scheduled for February 16th at 6:00 pm.

No New Business was shared.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Submitted by: Terri and Bill Hawley
Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006