Civic League General Meeting
Pembroke Meadows/Shores
November 17, 2005

The meeting began with a presenter from Lynnhaven waterways 2007 at 7:05 pm.

Following a brief remission,  the treasurer shared his report (attached) and the total balance $11, 110.93.
Some discussion followed concerning expenditures for the purpose of replacing a flag earlier than had been anticipated.

Don S., the PMCL president, shared information coming in the months ahead; membership, directory, and trying to encourage present members to bring in new members.

The position of Newsletter editor was announced following Clera Hall’s decision to resign the position after 11 years.

Robert W.  discussed the progress that was being made on the neighborhood directory.  Most of the most recent information had been outlined in the latest neighborhood newsletter.  The decision that had been reached with the board’s agreement was to include an insert requesting the needed information from the residents in the February newsletter with a self-addressed envelope to the PMCL P.O. box, along with the membership request.  Robert stated that the long range plans were to then have the newsletter distributors assist in collecting the remaining homes in March.  He and the other members (Katie, Carol, and Clif) would then hope to have the most recent information inputted into the neighborhood database by April. 

A report concerning the 15th Annual Halloween Walk was given by Jerry  R. and Belinda N..  They stated that there was estimated at over 350 participants, but that the usual donations and food were lower than normal.
The band from the local middle school did a terrific job and there were many comments about the success of the event shared.  A note that next year new decorations would have to be purchased to replace the old ones. 

The next event is the Ferry Plantation/PMCL Caroling and Hayride.  This is scheduled for Saturday, December 18th.  There will also be planned activities for all that participate back at the Ferry Plantation House including a school choir.  If anyone is interested it is $2.50/ person and you should call Jerry R. or Belinda N. to RSVP in advance. 

Hubert P. , the pool director, shared the recent successes of the Dining to Donate at the local Applebee’s restaurant and the Norfolk florist fundraisers. He stated that the pool will continue to support the PMCL in any way possible.  He then shared news about the Craft Bazaar /Open House sponsored by the PM Recreation Center at the nearby United Methodist Church on Friday, Dec. 2nd from 6 -9 pm.  He stated that there were fliers coming out in email form to remind people about the event and that a silent auction list would be included.  The coordinators of the event are Cindy Cooper and Vicky Vaughn.

Charlie R. then shared more information about the Food Lion MVP card.  He was able to collect the card numbers of those present to surpass the 25 names needed to meet the criteria established by Food Lion in order for the donation program to begin for the PM Recreation Center.

Travis, then shared that Clif had been able to add a tab about code enforcement on to the PMCL website.  He stated that Randy Blake, a city inspector, was due to come out the following Monday, 11/21 to alert people in the neighborhood about city violations that were a concern. 
Travis also shared that he had checked on the ‘Parking on the Grass’ motion.  He found that it hadn’t come before the City Council yet and that it may not until later next year.

It was shared that anyone interested in assisting with median clean up was to please contact Jim Price.

Wes, followed up Travis’s report asking that if you knew of any uneven sidewalks, broken curbs… to contact him or Travis and they will try to get the city to get it all done at one time. He also shared that he was looking into contacting code enforcement about the business trucks parked for periods of time on certain streets within the neighborhood.

Vivian clarified the agenda/social committee concerns for the months ahead:

  • No PMCL meetings in December
  • Requested and was approved for a gift card for Tiffany for Christmas to thank her for babysitting during the meetings.
  • Requested and was approved to purchase games/materials for the children to play with while at the PMCL General Meetings.
  • January 19th meeting will be at the Bayside Library with a tour of the building- refreshments in question??? ( Don S. stated that he would look into it.)
  • February 16th will be the Potluck dinner 
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Terri Hawley
PMCL recording secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006