Civic League General Meeting
Pembroke Meadows/Shores
September 15, 2005

Interim- President, Jim Willenbrink made opening remarks at 7:05pm.

He shared some of the mail that had been received by the Civic League since the last meeting. 

  • Campaigning candidate, Thelma Drake was offering to speak to the group
  • Prescription benefits program advertisement(put out for others to review during meeting)
  • Police Department crime alert for auto and identity theft
A review of Civic League Policy:  During an election year - the PMCL should not invite one candidate to speak to the group without inviting all of the candidates to speak as well. 

Following this review of policy a reminder was also given that signs (ie; political nomination signs) should not be posted on the neighborhood median and especially on the neighborhood’s gazebo.  The posting of signs on any public by-way is illegal. 

At this time, Jim W.  stated that Don Sanders had been nominated by the nominating committee for president of the PMCL and approved by the board. 
No nominations were made from the floor. 
Don Sanders was elected by acclimation.  It was decided that the swearing in of Don S. would be conducted after old business had been discussed at the meeting.

Clif F. made a reminder, that coincided with the police alert about identity theft, to the group that as of Sept. 1, 2005 that you could check your own credit history from three different companies and the information to do this was in this month’s newsletter and also on the PMCL website. 

The first vice-president, Peggy C., stated that she had nothing to report but that she did have some general announcements to share with the group.

  • Clera H. and Katie H. were  trying to organize a tour of the new library for October 15th. 
  • Phyllis A.  has had heart by- pass surgery and is at Bayside Rehab. - she asked that donations be given to the Red Cross instead of sending flowers during her recovery.
The minutes were read by the recording secretary and approved as read.

Second vice-president, Travis stated that Jim Price was organizing the median strip sign-up and that they were looking for volunteers for the months ahead.

People present were asked to say hello and share about themselves at this time.

Treasurer, Jim H.  reported the balance $11,240.63.  A copy of the report was given to the interim-president Jim W.
Jim H. also reported that the cost of printing the newspaper circular had increased because of the need to find a new printing company when the previous one closed this past spring.

Membership chairperson, Jana  shared that we have 593 residents ($1,940) , 20 businesses (11 businesses $810) providing a membership collection of dues since January to be totaled at $2,750.

Jim W. made a request at this time for the return of any old PMCL records so that everything could be maintained in one central location at the Ferry Plantation House.

Hubert P.  the pool director, spoke on behalf of those present from the pool board.  He stated that the pool needed the community’s support and that he and the board would like to work with the PMCL board to improve upon their past relationship for the betterment of the community.  A fundraiser has been started by the pool board in the hopes to raise money to assist in making some renovations and improvements to the pool and they were asking for all present to support it.
Hubert, also made a request to have a sign posted to advertise the pool’s location within the neighborhood.  Discussion followed and Hubert was asked to attend the next PMCL board meeting for further discussion.

Wes D., building and grounds as this time clarified the use of a weed sprayer that could be used in the community.
He also sent around a sign-up sheet for those interested in helping to plan the gable roof design and for those that were interested in being on the work force when needed.

Robert W. was not present to speak, but had sent word with Clif F. that the first phase of the directory was almost finished.  The 2004 directory listing is now in a database and that it was just a matter of updating.

Webmaster, Clif F.  asked that if anyone had any updates for the web to please let him know. 

Newspaper, publicity, and welcoming committee shared that they had nothing to report.

Lakes and Waterways, Jim W., shared his concern and that of others about the alligator weed that was becoming invasive and harmful to the water areas. He asked that those that are interested in getting organized to prevent the ongoing spread and damage to contact Jeff Sias or himself.

Pet Lost and found reported that since 1991 they have had over 300 reunions of pets and owners. Jerry R. reported that it was 33 such reunions over the past summer.

Vivian, the social chair, stated that she and her committee would be more than happy to help Jerry R. with the Halloween Parade this year.  She also enlisted the help of others for the following month’s general meeting.

As of 8:23 Don S. the nominated president was sworn into the office. 

New Business

Jerry R. requested that they would need help and donations with the Halloween walk this year.  The walk is scheduled for October 29th, Saturday at 3pm.  The contact people are Belinda Nash and herself.

Jeanette W. shared that the annual wreathe sale was beginning and hopes that all will support it.  She also made an open invitation to all the ladies in the community to meet at C&M cafeteria next Thursday.  She stated that it is usually every 4th week every Wednesday or Thursday alternately.

Discussion about the pool and the surrounding grounds followed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50pm.

Submitted by: Terri and Bill Hawley
Recording Secretary

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Civic League of Pembroke Meadows, Inc. © 2006