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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the
Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004
A Winner Web Site For 2011, a Runner Up, Printed Newsletter 2010, and Winner E Newsletter 2011. 
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 37-NO 3
MAY 2013

In This Issue
May Luncheon
June Luncheon
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
Legislative Update
From Legislative Affairs Chairman
HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
ID Card Notification Program
ROWS Valentines Luncheon
Community Affairs Upcoming Events
Princess Anne HS Drill Off
ROWS 40th Anniversary Luncheon
March Luncheon
Virginia Wounded Warrior
Chapter Schedule
February Luncheon
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memoriam
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

17 May 2013 Luncheon
The luncheon will be held at the Atlantic Shores Community, Magnolia Room.  Our guest speaker will be the Director of Virginia’s Department of Rail and Public Transportation, Thelma Drake.  DRPT is responsible for delivering a high quality public transportation and rail transportation system to the Commonwealth through service and assistance to transportation partners and operating agencies. The objective is to achieve a balanced transportation system in Virginia to ensure that the best alternatives are available to everyone.  Working in partnership with transit and commuter service agencies, freight and passenger rail operators, and their customers, the state will be able to move more people and goods effectively and efficiently throughout the Commonwealth.

21 June 2013 Luncheon
The luncheon will be held at the Virginia Beach Resort Hotel and Conference Center.  Our Scheduled guest speaker  will be the Commanding Officer at NAS Oceana, CAPT Robert N. Geis, USN.  He graduated AOCS in October 1987, and was designated a Naval Flight Officer in January 1989. CAPT Geis was selected for command of Strike Fighter Squadron 211 and transitioned to the F/A-18F Super Hornet. The command was awarded the Battle Efficiency award for 2005.  During his command tour, the squadron deployed on USS ENTERPRISE (CVN 65) in support of both Operations ENDURING and IRAQI FREEDOM. 
US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
President’s Message

Fellow Officers and Spouses:

Evelyn and I hope that all enjoyed a wonderful Easter with family and friends.  Spring is here – although the first few days seemed like winter!  Let’s start with good news – Lt. Steve Hackney, USN (Ret) has stepped up to be our Treasurer.  Steve and I made the transfer in March.  I wrote my first check as your Treasurer in late 2009 and I thank all who assisted me with this task during the past 4 years especially our super Web Master Clif Furedy.  Clif’s professionalism, patience and understanding made the task easy and actually, fun.  Please give Steve the same outstanding support provided to me.  Secondly, Rip Dellaripa has volunteered to serve as the Personal Affairs Officer for the remainder of this year.  And, finally, LCDR Sean A. Wilson has signed on to fill our Active Duty Liaison position.  Sean, welcome aboard and thank you.

While support of the HRC ROTC Scholarship Fund remains the top priority in our fund raising effort, another consideration for anyone is the support of the “MOAA MOBILE” project undertaken by the Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC).  When visiting the Veterans Cemetery internment site, there are many times when the surviving spouse or family member is not able to walk from the roadway to the grave site because of physical limitations.  The goal of the VCOC is to provide “golf cart” type vehicles to each cemetery to assist the spouse/family member to the grave site.  Maintenance of the carts is provided by the cemetery personnel.  Donations are tax deductible.  Additional information is available from our own Jack Hilgers at (757) 481 - 4164.  This is another good project to support.

National MOAA is launching a Veterans Service Officer Program (April 2013 Issue of the Affiliate) to provide assistance with VA Disability claim development, filing and appeal before the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Volunteers are being sought.  Any interested volunteer should contact CAPT. Jim Carman, USN (Ret), director of MOAA’s Transition Center at (800) 234-6622, ext. 107 or by email at

Our hard working “Luncheon Team” continues to meld a diversified program with different venues to satisfy our varied interest and tastes.  Please share with us any ideas you may have in this area.  We appreciate everyone’s support and look forward to the camaraderie we enjoy each month. 

Jim Edge

HRCMOAA Directory




COL James G. Edge
1st Vice President
CDR Roberto "Bert" Ortiz
Home: 482-1995
Cell: 560-3671
2nd Vice President
LCDR Aaron Zielinski
Former USN
Recording Secretary
CAPT Loren V. Heckelman
LT Steve Hackney USN-Ret
518-2124 (W)
Immediate Past President
CAPT Paul "Holly" Hollandsworth
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr.
CAPT Michael J. "Breeze" Barea
Col Lawrence M. King
Ms Jo Carter
Auxiliary Member
462-4744 Ext. 214
COL David C. Wade III
CAPT James V. Jones
Cell: 777-5972
CDR Roberto "Bert" Ortiz
Home: 482-1995
Cell: 560-3671
VCOC Representative
CAPT James V. Jones
Cell: 777-5972
Legislative Affairs
Col Jack W. Hilgers
Personal Affairs
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr.
Col Lawrence M. King
CDR John E. Vermillion
Community Affairs
COL David C. Wade III
Information Systems
Maj Clifton G. Furedy
Maj Clifton G. Furedy
CDR John E. Vermillion
(TOPS) Liaison
CAPT Loren V. Heckelman
Active Duty
Military Liaison
LCDR Sean A. Wilson
433-4228 (W)
MOAA Legislative Update (Weekly Issue)

President Obama released the administration’s FY2014 defense budget proposal in April – including $43 billion in cuts aimed at reducing our nation’s debt.  His proposal reduces outyear spending more moderately than the sequestration budget cuts required by current law. Overall, the proposed budget is an attempt at a “grand bargain” on debt reduction.  To reach that elusive grand bargain, the 2014 budget includes the adoption of a “Chained CPI” (C-CPI) formula for reducing cost of living adjustments (COLA) on military retirement, VA disability, Social Security benefits, and other federal annuities, as well as increasing taxes on corporations and wealthy persons. 

The DoD budget request totals $526.6 billion and lowers spending for weapons systems, caps the 2014 military pay raise at 1%, proposes a new round of base closures in 2015, and seeks dramatically higher TRICARE fees.  The Pentagon is again seeking to reduce TRICARE health care costs by increasing enrollment fees, co-pays and deductibles for military retirees, shifting $25 billion in costs to military beneficiaries over 10 years. Specifically the proposal would:

  • Increase annual TRICARE fees by $1,000 or more for retired families of all ages, including new enrollment fees for TRICARE Standard and TRICARE For Life (TFL);
  • Means-test TRICARE Prime and TFL fees, based on retired pay;
  • Double most pharmacy copays;
  • Require all beneficiaries except active duty members to get maintenance medication refills through the mail-order system or in military pharmacies; Enrollment fees for Prime and TFL would be phased in at increasing percentages of retired pay, subject to a flat cap; one cap for general/flag officers, and a lower one for other ranks. MOAA is adamantly opposed to means-testing service-earned benefits, and believes the proposed fees are far too high for all grades.  The proposed 1% military pay raise is little more than half the 1.8% raise experienced by the average American (the standard for annual military raises under current law).  The chained-CPI COLA would depress annual retired pay, Social Security, and other COLAs by about 0.3 percent per year – which can compound to impose significant cuts over time.

MOAA Storming Council and Chapter Presidents from all 50 states, accompanied by members of the national Board of Directors and headquarters staff, plus members of MOAA’s active duty, Guard, Reserve, spouse and auxiliary advisory committees swarmed Capitol Hill on April 17 to visit nearly all 535 representatives and senators in support of key legislative priorities. This year, the “Hill-stormers” met with their legislators, discussed the issues, provided fact sheets and brochures, and asked them to: 
  • Sustain the 1.8% active duty pay raise (fact sheet);
  • Reject disproportional TRICARE fee hikes (fact sheet and brochure);
  • Address remaining inequities for disabled retirees, surviving spouses, and Guard/Reserve retirees (fact sheet). 
MOAA Hill-stormers received very positive feedback from most legislators.  Our hope is that this will translate to support for these goals as the House and Senate Armed Services Committees begin drafting the FY2014 Defense Authorization Bill in the coming weeks.  The Hill-stormers’ personal efforts were buttressed by MOAA-sponsored full-page ads in The Hill and Politico newspapers on Wednesday. 

We’re also gratified at members’ response to the alert we sent last Friday asking you to support this effort by emailing your legislators.  You sent nearly 25,000 messages to Capitol Hill, and many legislators and staffers referenced the messages during their meetings with the MOAA stormers.

From Legislative Affairs
Our Legislative Affairs Chairman, COL Jack Hilgers, USMC-Ret. provided the following update on the status of the JLC priorities following the General Assembly session this year. 

Summary of 2012 Executive Order 29 (EO29). 

Provide for the electronic return of absentee ballots by overseas voters.
SB 830 (Puller) passed Senate (40-0) House Subcommittee Tabled.

Set aside land for the future Northern Virginia Veterans Care Center on the site of the state-owned Northern Virginia Training Center.  The training center is scheduled to close in 2015. 
HB 2175 (K Cox) passed House and Senate unanimously and approved by the Governor. Appropriate Budget language in FY14 General Assembly Budget without specifying a location. Governor supported.

Provide a Sales and Use Tax Exemption for Veterans Service Organizations. 
SB 730 (Puller) left in Senate Finance Committee.

Create business incentives for employers for hiring veterans. 
SB 831 (Puller) Passed Senate (40-0) left in House Appropriations Committee. 

Clarify the Code of Virginia section regarding In-State Tuition Eligibility for veterans to remove the element of intent to establish domicile in Virginia. 
HB 1461 (Lingamfelter) and SB 1242 (Stuart) passed House and Senate unanimously.

Ensure that the surviving spouses and dependents attending a Virginia public college or university as part of the Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program have the financial resources necessary to pursue their education by increasing the stipend for room, board, books, and supplies to $2,000 per year and appropriating and additional $600,000 (GF) for the program. 
HB2231 (Rush) Passed House and Senate unanimously.  Budget passed by the General Assembly set requested $2,000 amount at $1,800 for FY14.

HRCMOAA ROTC Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA is committed to funding  the MOAA scholarship fund at $25,000 in 5 years. That translates into $5,000 per year.  The contributions come primarily from membership donations.  Members who already donate to the national MOAA Scholarship may continue to do so. You just need to note on the check that it is for the Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC Scholarship Fund. MOAA will continue to send receipts to the donors.

Members may submit to the chapter treasurer, Col. Jim Edge, by mail (628 Secotan, Virginia Beach, VA 23451-7107) or in person at lunches.   The checks will be consolidated and submitted to MOAA who will send receipts to the donors.

Hampton Roads Chapter ROTC 
Scholarship Fund
Goal for 2013: $5,000.00
PLATINUM $500 and above
Ms. Shirley Clapp, $1000.00 to the scholarship fund in honor of her late husband, 
COL Archie J. Clapp, USMC (RET).

GOLD $250 to $499

SILVER $100 to $249
COL Jack Hilgers, USMC-Ret. 
LtCol Jim Dellaripa, USAF-Ret.

Bronze Under $100


Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
Retired Officers Wives Society
   Photo by Jim Edge
Rows held their annual Valentines Day Luncheon on 14 February 2013 at the Princess Anne Country Club in Virginia Beach.

Shown above are some Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA members and their wives.  They are left to right: CDR Bert Ortiz, USN-Ret. & Suzanne; CAPT Holly Hollandsworth, USN-Ret. & Shirley; COL Larry King, USMC-Ret. and Michelle; and  CDR Bob Deegan, USN-Ret. & Marie.  Not shown are COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret. & Evelyn

Community Affairs Upcoming Events
TBD Participation in Leadership Seminar at Princess Anne High School
8 June Honor Flight Departure Ceremony
3 May Presentation of Gold Bars and MOAA Memberships to those being commissioned at NSU AROTC 
10 May Presentation of Gold Bars and MOAA Memberships to those being commissioned at NROTC (incl. NSU, ODU, HU units), including the ODU AROTC units.
April  Presentation of MOAA Leadership Award to ODU AROTC 
May Presentation of MOAA Leadership Award at 5 JROTC high school programs in Virginia Beach.  (5 ceremonies) Landstown HS, 15 May; Salem HS, 15 May; Princess Anne HS, 16 May; First Colonial HS, 15 May; Green Run HS, 22 May.
28 May Presentation of MOAA Leadership Awards to the 5 JROTC high school programs in Norfolk (1 ceremony)
Memorial Day Ceremonies
27 May Presentation of wreaths at Memorial Day Ceremonies in Chesapeake and Virginia Beach (2 ceremonies)
Princess Anne High School Drill Off
Each year PAHS host a drill competition for several area high school NJROTC teams.  As many as 16 high schools attended.  Awards are given for color guard performance, rifle handling drills, marching formations, and academic performances.  In February this year, our president COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret. attended the competition and presented the Trophies to the winners.  Jim is shown above presenting an award to an unidentified cadet. 
Retired Officers Wives Society 
The ROWS will hold their 40th Anniversary luncheon on 9 May at the Princess Anne Country Club. 

The ROWS new officers will also be installed at this luncheon.

President/News Letter Editor; Carol Tippin.  495-3046.
Vice President/ Programs; Jill Harry. 
Treasurer/Membership; Barbara Smith.  427-3475.
Recording Secretary; Karin Barrett.  481-9586. 
Corresponding Secretary; Donna Branson.  424-5491. 
22 March Luncheon
The luncheon was held at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center.  Our guest speaker was Brigadier General Wayne A. Wright, Chief of Staff, Virginia Air National Guard.  General Wright is responsible for the establishment of command and control policy for over 1,100 Virginia Air National Guard members including the Joint Forces Headquarters, 192nd Fighter Wing,  203rd Redhorse Squadron and the 200th Weather Flight ensuring both peacetime and wartime readiness capabilities. 
The Army NG has over 7,000 members.

The VANG has both a Federal (Title 10) and State (Title32) mission.  The general discussed how the organization functions throughout Virginia.  By tracking their annual performance and taking corrective action, they have been able to improve their overall performance. 

Shown below is our President COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret. presenting the Jefferson Cup to General Wright.

Your Chapter President, COL Jim Edge provides the Vets House Director Willard Smith with a check for $250. Vets House serves homeless veterans in this area.  The address is 200 North Oceana Blvd. near Va Beach/Laskin Road exit off I264.  Vets House, Inc. is a nonprofit 501c (3) organization that provides housing, food, clothing, counseling and other assistance to homeless veterans of the US Armed Forces in order to facilitate their return to gainful, independent, responsible and productive lifestyles.  Visit the website at

The website provides information on how to donate. 

Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is available to receive contributions to support the Program. 

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100 ?  __$50   __ Other $_________

Please make checks payable to: 

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation For: VWWP
900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719. 

Please provide  the following; 
   Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
   Address _______________________________________________________
   Phone _______________________
   HRCMOAA Member   Yes ___    No ___

You may also donate on line by visiting the Virginia Veterans Services Foundation at;

Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

17 May Luncheon
Will be held at the Atlantic Shores Community, Magnolia Room.  Thelma Drake, Chairman of DRPT will be our guest speaker. 
21 June Luncheon
Will be held at the Virginia  Beach Conference Center, CAPT Geis CO of NAS Oceana. 
VCOC Schedule
21 May VCOC Congressional Luncheon
This is a big day at the Capital Club in DC for engaging with your local and national legislators.  Contact our VCOC representative CAPT Jim Jones, USN-Ret. at 777-5972 or 427-0395 for transportation details.
10 July 3rd Quarter Meeting
This meeting will be held at the Virginia War Memorial, 1000 hours.
9 October 4th Quarter Meeting
This meeting will be held at the Virginia War Memorial, 1000 hours.
This will also be the Biennial Dinner and Elections.
22 February Luncheon
The luncheon was held at the Atlantic Shores Community in Virginia Beach.  Our guest speaker was CAPT Cathy Wilson, USN-Ret., Executive Director Virginia Wounded Warrior Program.    Shown above is our President COL Jim Edge, USA-Ret., presenting a check of $700 to Cathy.  The wounded warrior program is state funded with some federal grants and donations. 

There are over 5,000 veterans in the VWW Program.  In addition to the VA Hospitals, there are three Veterans Care Centers located in Virginia; Roanoke, Richmond and soon there will be one in Hampton area.  These facilities provide veterans care including long term care.  There are three veterans cemeteries located in Virginia; Roanoke, Amelia and Suffolk.


To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CDR Francis F. Johnson, USN-Ret.

LCDR Carl F. Allen, USN-Ret. 

LtCol Billy H. Barber, USMC-Ret.

CDR Robert C. Wallace, USN-Ret.


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2013