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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the
Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004
A Runner-Up Web Site For 2009
A Runner Up Printed Newsletter 2009
Winner E Newsletter 2009
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 34-NO 4
JULY 2010

In This Issue
Memorial Day 2010
ODU Commissioning
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
MOAA Legislative Update
From the Legislative Rep
Gold Bar Presentations
ID Card Notification Program
Color Guard for Honor Flight
AROTC Awards at ODU
Salem High NJROTC Awards
MOAA Scholarship Fund
Virginia Wounded Warrior
May Luncheon
Recruiting for MOAA
April Luncheon
Chapter Schedule
HRCMOAA New Members
Join Our Chapter
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Memorial Day - 31 May 2010
The annual ceremony sponsored by the Mayor’s Veterans Committee, was held at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial in Virginia Beach.  Each year the Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA places a wreath at the Memorial, along with several other Veterans Organizations.  The Master of Ceremonies was COL Floyd Gilbert, USA Ret. and a chapter member.  Opening remarks were by the Honorable William D. Sessoms, Jr. Mayor, Virginia Beach.  The Keynote Address was by the Honorable Glenn Nye, III Second Congressional District.  Shown above, left to right, are chapter members COL Jim Smith, USA Ret. and CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret. as they prepare to place the wreath. 
US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
Old Dominion University Commissioning
The Army ROTC commissioning ceremony was held at the Ted Constant Center in Norfolk, Virginia in May 2010. COL Jim Edge, USA Ret. is shown presenting the Gold Bars to 2LT Virginia L. Peschke with a one year free membership to MOAA.
COL Jim Edge, USA Ret. is shown presenting the Gold Bars and one year free MOAA membership to 2LT Marcus Smith in the picture above.   Below is Jim Edge and 2LT Matthew Hovespian.  Total number of 2LTs receiving their gold bars that day were 14. 
President’s Message

Fellow Officers:

Summer has arrived and with it your Chapter will take a break as you take yours.  Many of you have shared with me some wonderful plans for summer vacations.  Trips to Italy, Alaska, Scandinavia and many others both in the United States and abroad are being planned and enjoyed.  I wish you all a wonderful summer and look forward to seeing you in September when we resume our activities for the remainder of the year.  Rumor has it that “Holly” is planning something special for our September meeting.  Stay tuned.  The September meeting of the board of directors will be held on September 11th at “Deuce” McGee’s on Shore Drive.

The end of the school year has come and gone.  As of last count, we presented Gold Bars to 51 graduating seniors who were commissioned in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps at ODU, Norfolk State and Hampton University.  We also presented MOAA Leadership Certificates and Medals to the outstanding Cadet at the three universities and 10 NJROTC programs at the area high schools we support.  Kudo’s to Dave Wade and Jim Smith who coordinated this effort and to the officers who made the presentations at the schools.

Now it has come time to ask for your help.  As you know, John Vermillion has been editor and publisher of our newsletter for many years.  The time has come for John to turn this responsibility over to another.  Computer literacy is necessary as is familiarity with Microsoft Word and preferably Microsoft Publisher.  You may begin this venture by working with John for a few months and then he will work with you for several months after you assume responsibility.  For more information please contact John by phone or email.  He will be happy to discuss this with you.  I am sure you are aware that during the years John has been our editor the newsletter has won awards from MOAA each and every year.  There is probably no other effort that is more important to the continued success of our chapter than good communications.  The newsletter and our website, so ably operated by Clif Furedy, are the core of our communications effort.   Please consider seriously serving our chapter in this capacity.  I know many of you are competent and able to perform this task – please take a look inside and see if you can add “willing” to that equation.

Again, have a great summer and I look forward to seeing all of you in September.


HRCMOAA Directory




President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews
USA Ret.
1st Vice President:
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth
2nd Vice President:
CDR Earl L. Byers II
Recording Secretary:
CAPT Loren Heckelman
Treasurer: 417-6394
COL James G. Edge
USA Ret.
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr,
CAPT Ray Hart,
USN  Ret.
COL James G. Edge
USA Ret.
COL James A Smith
USA Ret. 
CAPT John G. Colgan, 
USN Ret 
MRS Theodora Rink,
Auxiliary Member
COL David C. Wade III
Programs: 496-9248
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, 
VCOC Representative:
CAPT Jim Jones, 
USN Ret.
Legislative Affairs:
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
Personal Affairs:
MAJ Norm Crews,
USA Ret.
Membership: 496-9524
CAPT John G. Colgan,
Publicity: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
Community Affairs:
COL David C. Wade III
Information Systems:
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Webmaster: 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
MOAA Legislative Update (Weekly Issue)

21% Medicare Cut Is Here
Despite far too many months of legislative thrashing, the saga of the 21% cut in Medicare and TRICARE payments to doctors is about to take a turn for the worse.  In late May, we reported that the House of Representatives managed to pass a fix as part of the American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act (H.R. 4213).

The good news is that, unlike the month-to-month fixes Congress has adopted recently, the new House-passed plan would prevent any cuts through the end of 2011, and substitute 2% payment increases for 2010 and 2011. 

The bad news is that the House's delay in passing it until just before the Memorial Day recess caused the Senate to delay the start of its consideration until June 8 - a week after the June 1 implementation date for the 21% payment cut. 

Medicare officials came to the interim rescue -- announcing they would exercise their administrative authority to hold up processing of new claims for the first two weeks of June, in hopes Congress could pass corrective legislation within that time. 

But continued haggling over amendments and costs sent that faint hope crashing, as Senate leaders announced the Senate won't vote until next week - beyond the date Medicare is allowed to hold up claims processing. And even assuming the Senate gets a successful vote, House and Senate leaders still will have to negotiate a new compromise between their different versions of the bill, and that compromise will have to be approved again by both chambers. 

Given that scenario, Medicare will have little choice but to implement the 21% payment cut as of June 15 - retroactive for Medicare-covered service since June 1.  While that's extremely regrettable, it's not the end of the world. 

In fact, the same thing happened in January 2006, when Congressional dithering past the deadline caused Medicare to implement payment cuts. After Congress eventually passed a fix several weeks later, Medicare reprocessed the claims and made retroactive payment increases to doctors. 

But Congress' inaction forced doctors to float an interim loan to the government for the payment differential. And the 2006 cut was only about 4% -- a far cry from the current 21% cuts, so doctors are going to be very unhappy. 

TRICARE beneficiaries under 65 and their doctors can take some consolation, since this is strictly a Medicare problem, at least for now. That's because TRICARE normally implements payment changes about a month after Medicare does. So as long as Congress fixes the problem within a month, payments should be seamless for TRICARE. 

But the payment delays and administrative hassles can only make doctors more reluctant about seeing Medicare and TRICARE patients alike.

Update on TRICARE Retired Reserve
The FY2010 Defense Authorization Act, at the urging of MOAA and The Military Coalition, established the TRICARE Retired Reserve (TRR) program to provide TRICARE coverage for "gray-area" retirees (retired Guard/Reserve members who haven't yet attained age 60). The program is the final step in providing Guard/Reservists continuous TRICARE coverage throughout and after their military careers. To be eligible for TRR, a member must meet the following requirements:
  • Qualified for a non-regular retirement at age 60 but is not yet age 60 
  • Not enrolled or eligible to enroll in Federal Health Employees Benefits Program (FEHBP)
The program was authorized to begin on October 1 of this year, and TRICARE officials say they expect enrollment will begin on schedule. 

One potential snag is the administrative process of placing this program in the federal register. 

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) needs to approve an interim final ruling before the Pentagon can begin implementing TRR. MOAA and the Coalition have written OMB Director Peter Orszag urging expeditious action to allow TRR implementation on schedule. 

TRR coverage will be exactly the same as TRICARE Standard (which covers 75% of allowable charges after a deductible of $150 single/$300 family), except that eligible beneficiaries will be required to pay a premium. 

Unlike the existing TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) program - in which premiums are 72% subsidized by the government - gray area retirees will be responsible for paying premiums equal to the full cost of coverage. 

MOAA will provide updates on implementation progress as information becomes available.

From The Legislative Representative.

Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC Ret

The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA will provide the following list of Objectives for consideration for the VCOC/JLC 2011 Legislative Proposals at the State level.  This list is not prioritized. 

1. Objective: Sustain funding for the development of the Automated Claims Processing System.

2. Objective:  Sustain funding for the Virginia Wounded Warrior Program.

3. Objective:  Provide funding to sustain the Department of Veterans Services Cemetery Program. 

4. Objective:  Deliver a means by which veteran job seekers can translate their skills and habits into the civilian workforce. 

5. Objective:  Provide for a program to identify and assist homeless Veterans. 

Gold Bar Presentations
The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA recently participated in the spring awards ceremony for the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps of Hampton Roads.  CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret presented Gold Bars to 32 Officer Candidates, Midshipmen, and MECEPs in a ceremony held at NSU in Norfolk.  In addition, all received a one year free membership to National MOAA.  Also in attendance was CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret, Photographer.  Jim is shown presenting Gold Bars and MOAA membership to Officer Candidate Jacqueline Gulla, a senior at ODU.  Shown to the left is Vice Admiral Melvin G. Williams Jr., USN, Commander, U.S. Second Fleet.
Shown above, Staff Sgt. Joshua Fisher
Shown below, Midshipman Brad Kuharik
Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification
Program Form
The Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association participated in the Norfolk High Schools NJROTC Awards Day held at the Norfolk Naval Station on 03 June 2010.  The MOAA Military Leadership Award, consisting of a Certificate and Medal, was presented by CDR Earl Byers, USN Ret.  The students receiving the award are, from the left, Cadet Jaiquan Sivells, Booker T. Washington H.S.; Cadet Jadon McGee, Granby H.S.; Cadet Wright, Lake Taylor H.S.; Cadet Richard Barrera, Maury H.S.; Cadet Nicole Cooper, Norview H.S.  These events are always a rewarding experience for both the presenter and the awardees.
Color Guard honoring World War II Honor Flight
The photo below was taken following the presentation of HRCMOAA Certificates of Appreciation to the ROTC cadets for their participation in the Color Guard honoring World War II Honor Flight veterans departing Virginia Beach for Washington.  D.C. 

Shown from the left, COL James A. Smith, USA-Ret. HRCMOAA, who presented the certificates to; Cadet Jonn Lane, Cadet Bradley R. Anderson, Cadet Mark D. Beyer, Cadet  Charles E. Boone, and Cadet Charleston Wallace.  Cadet Wallace was the Color Guard Commander. 

2010 AROTC Awards at ODU
A Rewarding Experience!
Every spring at this time, the U.S. Army ROTC Monarch Battalion at Old Dominion University, holds their annual President’s Review and Awards Ceremony.  Again, the weather cooperated with a beautiful spring day on this 22nd day of April.   The Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America was honored to be one of the many award presenters at the ceremony.  Shown above is COL James Smith, USA Ret. presenting the MOAA Leadership Award to Cadet Stephanie Corsaro.  The award consist of a Certificate and Medal with Ribbon for outstanding Academic and Military Achievement and showing a high potential for military leadership.  Stephanie is a Junior at ODU and is majoring in Nursing. 
Salem High School NJROTC
The Hampton Roads Chapter representative, CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret. presents Cadet LCDR Gabriel Pancho, shown in the picture below on the right, with the MOAA Military Leadership Award.  The Chapter presents this award to outstanding cadets at each of five high schools in Virginia Beach and five in Norfolk.
MOAA Scholarship Fund 
Memorial contributions may be made to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, for deceased members of our Chapter, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889. Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
How can I help?
Virginia has provided a limited amount of funding for the Wounded Warrior Program. The Commonwealth anticipates that its citizens will want to help. The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is available to receive contributions to support the Program.  The Foundation is an agency of the state and is eligible to receive tax deductible contributions under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2719.  Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund. In this case, they only can be used for the Wounded Warrior Program.  Donations to the Foundation are audited annually by the Commonwealth’s Auditor of Public Accounts. This assures that the maximum amount of citizens donations will go to our veterans and not to administrative overhead.  Information about contributing is provided on the following page.

Contribution/Pledge of Support
Yes! You can count on my support to assist Virginia’s veterans, members of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia residents of the Armed Forces Reserves not on active federal service, and their family members, who are dealing with the effects of traumatic brain disorders, combat stress, and post-traumatic stress disorders resulting from their combat service and sacrifice in the U.S. Armed Forces.

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100   __ $50   __ Other $________

Please make checks payable to:

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation
For: VWWP: 900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719. Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund.  Please complete the following five lines for contributions of checks or cash, or when making a pledge.

Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ 
Work Phone _______________________
Employer __________________________ 
Occupation ________________________

For additional information about the Foundation or about contributing, contact Col. Jack Hilgers (USMC, Ret) at the Department of Veterans Services, 900 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 804-382-3715 or 757-481-4164 or Steven Combs at the Department of Veterans Services, 804-786-0294.

HRCMOAA 21 May Luncheon 
The luncheon was held at the NAS Oceana Officers Club and the guest speaker was CAPT Frank Roberts, USN Ret. Executive Director of Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facility Alliance.  He discussed the organizations purpose and goals.  Frank showed that the Federal Government spends approximately 24 Billion dollars in this area.  That is almost 50 cents on every dollar spent in the area.  In the Defense spending area,  Virginia is number 2 behind Texas.  The top 5 current issues are; Stability of Home Porting, Future of Oceana, Future of Langley AF Base, Future viability of Langley Research Center, and Growth Opportunities. 
Shown above is MAJ Norm Crews presenting the Jefferson cup to CAPT Frank Roberts.
Recruiting for MOAA and the Chapter 
The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) worked the MOAA booth on 11- 13  May 2010, along with National MOAA, at the Joint Warfighting 2010 Conference at the Convention Center in Virginia Beach, VA.  This Conference is sponsored jointly by AFCEA International and the U. S. Naval Institute.  The purpose of the MOAA booth is to make the attendees aware of MOAA’s mission and what we can do for them.  The Chapter and MOAA representatives explained the advantages of becoming a member and how MOAA helps to maintain a strong national defense and retain the earned entitlements of members and their families and survivors.  Eligible attendees were encouraged, as first time members, to sign for a one year free membership.  Shown above, from the left, is LTCOL Henry Hill, USA Ret., MOAA Representative, CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret., Chapter VCOC Representative, COL Bob Norton, USA Ret., MOAA Representative and Deputy Director of Government Relations, and CAPT Jack Colgan, USN Ret., Chapter Membership Chairman.  The Give Me Ten program benefits MOAA and the Chapter.
HRCMOAA, April 29th Luncheon 
at Harbors Edge in Norfolk, VA
The guest speaker at the luncheon was CAPT Kathy Beasley, USN Ret.  CAPT Beasley is the MOAA Government Relations for Health Affairs.  She discussed TRICARE, Medicare, and the impact of Health Care Reform.  Areas highlighted were; Medicare payment fix, Medicare part B premiums, Tricare & VA care.  She noted that TRICARE meets the standards laid down in the Health Care Reform bill.  Chapter President, MAJ Norm Crews is shown presenting the Jefferson Cup to CAPT Beasley in the above picture.
Other guests at the luncheon were from the Norfolk State University Army ROTC and Old Dominion University Army ROTC.  In the picture above is  LTC Nicholas M. Anthony Jr., US Army Aviation and Professor of Military Science and Leadership at NSU.  The Cadets, who are both Juniors at NSU, are Sergeant First Class Roger Garay and Master Sergeant Juelisa Hines.
In the picture above is MAJ Michael Summers, XO Department of Military Science and Leadership at ODU.  The Cadets are Cadet Elizabeth Hayward a Senior at ODU and Cadet Stephanie Corsaro a Junior at ODU.
Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, 
click on Calendar of Events

Board Meetings; normally held the first Saturday of each month.  Next board meeting will be in September.
There will be no functions scheduled for July and August.  The next function will be held in September 2010, program and location to be determined.

VCOC Schedule
8 July 2010, near Quantico at the Globe & Laurel Restaurant, Quantico Corporate Center.  Hosted by the Heritage Chapter.  Contact Jim Jones our VCOC Representative if interested in attending.  The time is from 1000 hours to 1400 hours.


To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


Mrs. Barbara Lott, 
wife of COL Kirby J. Lott, USA (Ret).


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2010