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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004
A Runner-Up Web Site For 2009
A Runner Up Printed Newsletter 2009
Winner E Newsletter 2009
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 34-NO 3
MAY 2010

If the date on your home delivery "The Tribute" printed mailing label shows 2009, your dues expired in December 09,  Please complete the membership renewal form here
In This Issue
May Luncheon
Memorial Day Celebration
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
MOAA Legislative Update
From the Editor
Navy Agent Orange Exposure
ID Card Notification Program
Temporary Medicare Fix
April Honor Flight
Joint Warfighting Conference
MOAA Scholarship Fund
Virginia Wounded Warrior
Community Affairs
February Luncheon
Return Home Banner
March Luncheon
Chapter Schedule
HRCMOAA New Members
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Hampton Roads Chapter Luncheon
21 MAY 2010
The luncheon will be held at the NAS Oceana Officers Club commencing at 1100 hours with a social hour and lunch at 1200.  The scheduled speaker will be Delegate Christopher P. Stolle, 83rd District.  He will discuss the latest Legislative session.

Delegate Stolle was a graduate of the  United States Naval Academy, MD with a B.S., 1981. Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, MD M.D., 1988. The College of William and Mary in Virginia , M.B.A., 2004. 

Delegate Stolle served as Vice President of Medical Affairs, Riverside Regional Medical Center, 2005-present. Commander, United States Navy, retired Doctor, United States Navy, retired Chairman of the OB/GYN Department, Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia Department Head for OB/GYN, Naval Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida. 

We look forward to seeing you at the luncheon.

US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
2010 Memorial Day Celebration, 31 May
The wreath laying ceremony will be held at 1200 hours at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial in Virginia Beach.  This event is sponsored by the Virginia Beach Mayor’s Committee.  Please join together with other Chapter members for this celebration.
President’s Message

Fellow Officers:

We have recently learned that once again John Vermillion and Clif Furedy have won awards for excellence for our chapter.  The chapter has been awarded 2nd runner-up awards for print Newsletter and Website, and Best E-Newsletter by national MOAA.  I know that you all join me in congratulating John and Clif and in expressing our deep and abiding appreciation for their dedication and hard work on our behalf. 

Dave Wade is scheduling our leadership award presentations for the ROTC, NROTC and NJROTC units which we support.  In fact we have already begun with the Norfolk State University ROTC at which ceremony Jim Smith represented us.  Please let Dave know if you can assist in making a presentation at one of the high school NRJOTC awards ceremonies.  I assure you that it will be a meaningful experience to spend a couple of hours with these fine young men and women who are spending their time doing something worthwhile.  We will also continue our “Gold Bar Program” as we present the first set of rank insignia to the newly commissioned officers at ODU and Norfolk State.  They are also given a free year of membership to national MOAA at that time. 

Jim Smith organized and supervised another Honor Flight send-off for our World War II veterans on April 17th.  We appreciate the time consuming coordination effort for this most worthwhile program and thank Jim for his time and attention to detail.  In order to keep abreast of legislation that effects us in the fast paced legislative environment in which we find ourselves I recommend that each of you with email capability log on to and sign up to receive the Legislative Update.  It is a weekly electronic newsletter from the Legislative Liaison branch at MOAA.  It is most informative and provides an opportunity, through a MOAA Legislative Alert Notification, to send a prepared email to our Senators and Congressman on specific legislation which MOAA has identified to be of serious concern to us.  As Admiral Ryan recently pointed out – numbers count.  The latest one concerned the cut in physician reimbursement for Medicare/TRICARE enrollees which Congress passed but the Senate did not before they adjourned for “Spring Break.”  The 21% reduction went into effect April 1 but if the Senate acts immediately upon their return it will not be too late to reverse that reduction.

I wish each of you and your families the very best and look forward to seeing you at our upcoming luncheons.


HRCMOAA Directory




President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews
USA Ret.
1st Vice President:
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth
2nd Vice President:
CDR Earl L. Byers II
Recording Secretary:
CAPT Loren Heckelman
Treasurer: 417-6394
COL James G. Edge
USA Ret.
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr,
CAPT Ray Hart,
USN  Ret.
COL James G. Edge
USA Ret.
COL James A Smith
USA Ret. 
CAPT John G. Colgan, 
USN Ret 
MRS Theodora Rink,
Auxiliary Member
COL David C. Wade III
Programs: 496-9248
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, USN Ret
VCOC Representative:
CAPT Jim Jones, 
USN Ret.
Legislative Affairs:
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
Personal Affairs:
MAJ Norm Crews,
USA Ret.
Membership: 496-9524
CAPT John G. Colgan,
Publicity: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
Community Affairs:
COL David C. Wade III
Information Systems:
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Webmaster: 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
MOAA Legislative Update (Weekly Issue)

From MOAA President: National Health Reform and You
Dear members and friends of the military community,

In recent days, we’ve seen a barrage of information (and misinformation, in many cases) about how national health reform legislation might affect currently serving and retired service members and their families. 

Now that President Obama has signed the initial legislation into law, I want to lay out for you what we know. 

The biggest question on our members’ minds has been: “How will passage of national health reform legislation affect me?” For members under age 65, based on what we know so far, the answer appears to be, “Not much, if at all.” 

There are some changes to Medicare, but it remains to be seen what the real impact of those may be over time. The most significant of them is likely to be some reduction of availability of Medicare Advantage HMOs. 

In the meantime, MOAA has prepared answers to the most-frequently asked questions that we hope you’ll find useful. 

Unfortunately, there already are messages flying around the internet to the effect that “I heard this will end TRICARE” or “This will force military people to buy other coverage.” That’s simply not true. If you get such messages, please help educate the senders with MOAA’s answers. 

As MOAA has said from the beginning, everyone we’ve talked to in the Administration or the House or the Senate, of either political party, supports protecting military and VA beneficiaries from adverse effects associated with national health reform. 

Just to be sure, MOAA and loyal members like you generated more than 100,000 messages to Congress urging protection of the unique military and VA health benefits and protection against any taxation of those benefits. And your voices were heard. 

In as clear an indication of that as anyone could ask for, the House unanimously passed separate legislation explicitly citing TRICARE as “qualifying health coverage” for purposes of the new law. The Senate is working now to pass the same legislation. VA care and TRICARE For Life already were explicitly designated in law. That means eligible beneficiaries of those programs won’t be subject to financial penalties that can be imposed on people who don’t have qualifying insurance. 
That said, let’s be clear on another key issue. 

Can anyone guarantee that there will never be any unfavorable changes to military and VA programs? No. 

Do we know for sure how all the details will play out? No. 

There’s always a potential for unintended consequences, and there’s always the potential for new initiatives to arise (see below). 

But if you were worried that national health reform legislation is somehow aimed at whacking military beneficiaries’ health coverage, that’s just not so. 

Frankly, we think the much more significant issue for Medicare – and for the military community and the rest of America -- is what proposed changes will be recommended by the new National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform that’s supposed to report by Dec. 1 on options to reduce the national debt. 

You have my personal pledge that MOAA will continue to be vigilant as implementation of national health reform proceeds – and as the new debt commission proposals become known – and your association will continue to do everything in our power to protect your interests and your service-earned health benefits. 

All the best, 

VADM Norb Ryan Jr., USN (Ret) 

From the Editor 

The Military Aviation Museum

We are lucky to have one in our back yard.  It is located at the Virginia Beach Airport on 1341 Princess Anne Rd. in the Pungo area of Virginia Beach.  The museum was founded in 2005 and provides a home for more than 25 World War II and earlier vintage aircraft, most in flyable condition.  The original founders of the museum are Gerald and Elaine Yagen.  It has taken years to collect and restore these wonderful airplanes.  Jerry has traveled around the world to locate these rare and historic airplanes. 

The Director of the Aviation Museum is David Hunt.  I have visited the museum several times and it is certainly worth while.  The picture below is an aerial view from the museum’s website.  The runway is approximately 4000 feet in length and, as seen, is a grass strip. 

My recent visit was to see the P-51 Mustang fly.  It was a beautiful sunny day for flying.

Several pictures are shown below that were taken at the museum. 

Warbirds over the Beach is the next big event on 22 and 23 May 2010. 
Visit the website at

Agent Orange Exposure For Some Crews
Some “blue water” Navy veterans were exposed to Agent Orange and other herbicides while their ships operated on inland rivers of Vietnam.  The Department of Veterans Affairs has released a list of vessels with confirmed participation in “brown water”  operations.  All Vietnam Navy Veterans are ask to review the list of Navy Vessels and operation dates released by the VA and posted on the News page of  This new information from the VA will make it easier for veterans to prove exposure and will hopefully facilitate more timely determination of benefits. If you or someone you know served aboard any of these vessels a VA claim for exposure to an herbicide agent should be filed ASAP.  To start a claim, contact your nearest VA Regional Office or contact Chris Slawinski at or 1-800-372-1924, Ext. 115.
Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program
21% Cut is fixed, until June
Congress can act fast when it absolutely has to, and it absolutely had to on April 15 the last day Medicare could avoid imposing a 21% cut in payments to doctors that many doctors say would cause them to stop seeing Medicare and military patients.  Within the space of five hours, the Senate voted to defer the 21% cut until June 1.  Because that was a month longer delay than the House proposed, House leaders greased another vote to approve the longer delay, and the bill was rushed to the White House so President Obama could sign it into law that night.  The cuts technically went into effect on April 1, but Medicare exercised its authority to hold claims for up to 10 business days, in anticipation that Congress would approve the delay.  Still, the fact is that this is one more can-kicking exercise.  Now, legislators will try to figure out a way to push back the cuts until the end of the year, and next year they'll have to go through a new drill to avoid a 25% cut in January 2011. The constant battles on this issue stem from the inability of Congress to agree on how to pay for the $240 billion permanent fix. More and more legislators are insisting it should
be paid for by cutting other spending. But finding a package of $240 billion in spending cuts that a majority of legislators would vote for is an equally daunting challenge. Needless to say, this isn't a trivial issue. Hill leaders simply must find a way to get past this problem so seniors and military beneficiaries aren't being held hostage to monthly threats of having their health care access cut off.
17 APRIL 2010
Community Affairs. 
Once again on 17 April 2010, the Hampton Roads Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America helped coordinate the departure ceremonies for World War II veterans in South Hampton Roads to visit Washington as part of the Honor Flight program. 

Military officers and uniformed cadets from Old Dominion (ODU) and Norfolk State Universities (NSU) were on hand at 4:30 AM on a balmy spring day, to form an honor guard for the World War II veterans as they boarded the buses. Color Guards were provided by ODU ROTC Monarch Battalion. Some 30 veterans and over 15 attendants, including medical personnel boarded in Virginia Beach. They joined additional veterans in Williamsburg and Richmond to make the trip to Washington and spend the day visiting and touring the World War II Memorial, and the Lincoln, Korea and Vietnam Memorials.

(Picture by David Wade)
ROTC & NJROTC Awards Presentations
NSU Army ROTC  Leadership Award 7 April Completed
Hampton Roads NROTC (NSU, Hampton U, ODU)  Leadership Award and Gold Bars 24 April  1030 NROTC, 3 units combined into one ceremony. Jim Jones, Walt Wesolowski
0900 Pass in Review, NSU Football Field
ODU Army ROTC Leadership Award 
Gold Bars
22 April
7 May
1400  Jim Smith
Jim Edge
NSU Army ROTC Gold Bars 7 May Jim Smith
High Schools:
Norfolk High Schools
(5 combined)
Leadership Award TBD Brooker T. Washington, Granby, Lake Taylor,  Maury, Norview.  Earl Byers
Virginia Beach High Schools      
First Colonial Leadership Award 19 May 1830 Jack Colgan
Princess Anne Leadership Award 19 May 1830 Loren Heckelman
Green Run Leadership Award TBD Norm Crews
Landstown Leadership Award 19 May TBD
Salem Leadership Award TBD Jim Jones
Forth Annual Joint Warfighting Conference and Exposition, 11 May thru 13 May 
Click Here for Conference & Expo Details
At the subject Conference and Exposition, MOAA will be a major player and exhibitor. We will once again man the booth along with the MOAA personnel and will have only one HRCMOAA REP for each assigned watch period. The Watch Bill follows: 
11 May Tuesday 0800 to 1215 Capt. Jack Colgan, USN (RET)
11 May Tuesday 1215 to 1630  
12 May Wednesday 0800 to 1215  
12 May Wednesday 1215 to 1630  
13 May Thursday 0800 to 1215  
13 May Thursday 1215 to 1630  
Please contact Jack Colgan at 496-9524 to sign up for one of the time slots.
MOAA Scholarship Fund 
Memorial contributions may be made to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, for deceased members of our Chapter, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889. Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
How can I help?
Virginia has provided a limited amount of funding for the Wounded Warrior Program. The Commonwealth anticipates that its citizens will want to help. The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is available to receive contributions to support the Program.  The Foundation is an agency of the state and is eligible to receive tax deductible contributions under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2719.  Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund. In this case, they only can be used for the Wounded Warrior Program.  Donations to the Foundation are audited annually by the Commonwealth’s Auditor of Public Accounts. This assures that the maximum amount of citizens donations will go to our veterans and not to administrative overhead.  Information about contributing is provided on the following page.

Contribution/Pledge of Support
Yes! You can count on my support to assist Virginia’s veterans, members of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia residents of the Armed Forces Reserves not on active federal service, and their family members, who are dealing with the effects of traumatic brain disorders, combat stress, and post-traumatic stress disorders resulting from their combat service and sacrifice in the U.S. Armed Forces.

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100   __ $50   __ Other $________

Please make checks payable to:

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation
For: VWWP: 900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719. Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund.  Please complete the following five lines for contributions of checks or cash, or when making a pledge.

Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ 
Work Phone _______________________
Employer __________________________ 
Occupation ________________________

For additional information about the Foundation or about contributing, contact Col. Jack Hilgers (USMC, Ret) at the Department of Veterans Services, 900 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 804-382-3715 or 757-481-4164 or Steven Combs at the Department of Veterans Services, 804-786-0294.

By COL David Wade
Heads-Up to Coming Activities
Massing of the Colors. The Massing of the Colors, scheduled for 2 May, at the US Military Aviation Museum on Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach has been cancelled.
Development of 2010 JLC Objectives
Your Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC) was very successful in accomplishing five of six JLC objectives with the Virginia Assembly during  the last year.  It is now time to develop both state-wide and national objectives within the over-arching goals of MOAA. To that end, your chapter is working to collect issues and concerns of the membership so they can be aggregated into meaningful goals that the VCOC and MOAA can pursue. To that end HRCMOAA members are encouraged to submit up to three of their concerns or issues, at state or national level, to the chapter board and VCOC representatives. This can be done by (1) sending them to HRCMOAA  P.O. Box 4612 Virginia Beach, VA, 23454-0612; or (2) email your VCOC representatives at or or contact your HRCMOAA board members at luncheon meetings or through their contact information on the HRCMOAA website.  All input will be considered by your board for submission to VCOC. 
HRCMOAA 26 February Luncheon 
Above, President Norm Crews presents the Jefferson Cup to guest speaker Rear Admiral David Anderson, Vice Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command.  He discussed Haiti Operations, Search for an Out Lying Field (OLF) and F-35 Basing.

The Admiral covered the introduction of the F-18 with 8 squadrons at Oceana and 2 at Cherry Point. The first effort to determine another OLF location in Washington County NC, was met by a law suit in Federal Court for environmental reasons.  The Court found for the plaintiffs.  Since, five alternative sites have been identified in Virginia and North Carolina.  These sites were selected to minimize impact on landowners and residents.  Public outreach is very important.   72  members attended.

Norfolk Air Terminal Banner
Below is a new Banner to be installed at the Naval Station Norfolk Air Terminal to provide a send off to our Military Personnel as they depart the USA for some form of overseas duty.  This Banner was provided by the Chapter.
HRCMOAA 26 March Luncheon
The guest speakers were John Burnett (above) and Joe Maggiore (below), Veterans Benefit consultants in Hampton Roads, with an office in Chesapeake.  They specialize in helping veterans, members of a veteran’s family or the surviving spouse understand how to obtain long term care benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Most veterans are not aware of the benefits available through the veterans health care. 

New Member Welcomed   From the left; Mike Leach, Walt Wesolowski, Marty Stephenson,  and Jean Whittaker, welcome new Auxiliary member, Edith Lytle, Navy Aux, shown on the right.

NROTC Guests of the HRCMOAA for lunch on 26 March
Guests were: 
1. Captain Michael J. Barea, USN, Commander, Hampton Roads Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Battalion, shown above. 
2. Officer Candidate Corrine Sims - - a Senior student at ODU, studying Civil Engineering. Hampton Roads Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Battalion, shown below. 
3. Officer Candidate Steven Smith - - a Senior student at ODU, studying History.  Hampton Roads Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Battalion, shown at bottom.
Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

Board Meetings; held the first Saturday of each month.
21 May 2010 Luncheon, Representative Chris Stolle, Atlantic Shores Community.

1 May 2010, Board Meeting at Bubba’s Restaurant.

June 2010, Evening meeting, TBD.

VCOC Schedule
8 July 2010, near Quantico, hosted by the Heritage Chapter.


To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CAPT William F. Agnew, USN (Ret)

Mrs. Lillian M. LeBlanc
wife of CAPT Georges E. LeBlanc, USN (Ret) 

CAPT John M. Mathews, USN, (Ret)

CDR William H. Austin, Jr., USN (Ret)

Mrs. Audrey Kufahl, Auxiliary


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2010