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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004, A Winner Web Site For 2007, and Winner, Printed Newsletter For 2006. 
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 33-NO 2
MARCH 2009

In This Issue
Installation of Officers
March 27 Luncheon
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
MOAA Legislative Update
From the Editor
ID Card Notification Program
2009 JROTC and ROTC Program
MOAA Scholarship Fund
Wounded Warrior Program
HRCMOAA January 29 Luncheon
Joint Leadership Council Objectives
Give Me Ten Effort
Annual ROWS Dinner & Dance
VCOC Quarterly Meeting at Ft Lee
VCOC Schedule
Storming the Hill - January 26
Chapter Schedule
HRCMOAA New Members
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Arlington National Cemetary
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

Installation of Officers
The HRCMOAA 29 January Luncheon was Officer election and installation time.  Shown above are the Chapter Officers for the 2009 and 2010 years.  Left to right are MAJ Norm Crews, USA Ret., President; CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret., Board Member and VCOC Representative; CDR Earl L. Byers II, USN Ret., 2nd Vice President; CAPT Loren Heckelman, USN Ret., Secretary; LCDR Walt Wesolowski, USN Ret., Treasurer; COL David Wade, USA Ret., Board Member and Community Affairs; and CAPT Holly Hollandsworth, USN Ret., 1st Vice President.

March 27th Luncheon
Guest speaker will be Doctor Richard Carlson, Capt. USN, (Ret).  Dr. Carlson graduated from Loyola University, Stritch School of Medicine in 1965, magnum cum laude. Internship at Naval Hospital, Bethesda, MD. He was then assigned to the Naval Aeromedical Institute in Pensacola, FL. being designated as a Naval Flight Surgeon in March 1967.  Following a tour at Barber's Point Naval Air Station, he returned to Bethesda for his residency in ophthalmology.  He completed that tour in 1972 and aquired his board certification from the American Board of Ophthalmology in 1974.

He left active duty  and established a private practice in Norfolk.  Since July 1998, he has been a partner in Mid-Atlantic Eye Care, a large multi-subspecialty group of ophthalmologists and optometrist.

In addition to his practice of ophthalmology, he also practices aviation medicine; has a masters degree from the University of California in Safety; holds a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at Eastern Virginia's Medical School; is adjunct professor on the Staff of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical  University teaching aviation physiology, human factors, and aviation safety; and assists as consultant to the Federal Air Surgeon in ophthalmology.  He maintains his aviation interests as a Senior Aviation Medical Examiner and a frequent speaker at seminars sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration.  Dr. Carlson completed 26 years of Naval service and retired as a Captain.   Join us at NAS Oceana at 1100 hours.

US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our website at, read the Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
President’s Message

Fellow Officers:

On behalf of your Officers and Board of Directors, we wish to thank you for the confidence you have shown in electing us to serve you this year.

Last month a delegation from our chapter, led by Jim Jones, our Virginia Council of Chapters Representative, and Jack Hilgers, our Legislative Representative, “Stormed the Hill” in Richmond in support of the VCOC legislative objectives for the current year.  These objectives are listed elsewhere in the newsletter.  Your new Community Affairs Chairman, Dave Wade, accompanied by “Rip” Dellaripa, John Vermillion and myself presented our annual contribution to the Princess Anne High School JNROTC unit to be used for trophies at the annual “Drill-off.”  I was privileged to present the trophies to the top three schools on February 17th.  You would have been proud and pleased to have seen these young Cadets perform on the drill field and for the academic performance achieved by them.  It is one of the many things we do as a chapter for which we can be justifiably proud.

One of the highlights of this year will be our 50th Anniversary celebration. “Holly” Hollandsworth, our 1st Vice President and Program Chairman has appointed a committee to plan this event.  Your Board of Directors kicked around some ideas to get us started and we hope to make this a memorable event in the history of our Chapter.

We plan to find a way to provide you nuggets from our board meetings in future issues of the Newsletter and to make each of you feel a real part of what we do on your behalf and for the general membership to be as much a part of our activities as you choose to be. 

I look forward to seeing many of you at our luncheon on February 25th at the Oceana Officers Club and to hearing your ideas on how we can enhance our membership and participation in the Hampton Roads Chapter,

With Respects and best wishes,

HRCMOAA Directory




President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews,
1st Vice President:
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, USN Ret
2nd Vice President:
CDR Earl L. Byers II
Recording Secretary:
CAPT Loren Heckelman,
Treasurer: 518-0265
LCDR Walter Wesolowski, USN-Ret.
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr,
CAPT Ray Hart,
USN- Ret.
CDR John E. Vermillion, 
USN Ret. 
CAPT Jim Jones, 
USN Ret. 
CAPT John G. Colgan, 
MRS Theodora Rink,
Auxiliary Member
COL David C. Wade III
Program: 496-9248
CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, USN Ret
VCOC Representative:
CAPT Jim Jones, 
USN Ret.
Legislative Affairs:
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
Personal Affairs:
MAJ Norm Crews,
Membership: 496-9524
CAPT John G. Colgan,
Publicity: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
Community Affairs:
COL David C. Wade III
Information Systems:
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Webmaster: 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
MOAA Legislative Update (Weekly Issue)

How Will The Stimulus Package Affect You?
Here's a summary of selected provisions: 

Federal Income Tax Rebate: Working employees (including the self-employed) would see a reduction in federal income tax withholding and liability of up to $400 (single) or $800 (married filing joint return). This tax credit would be calculated at 6.2% of earned income, up to the capped amount. The credit would phase out for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes above $75,000 (single) or $150,000 (married joint return). 

Special Payment: Social Security annuitants, disabled veterans, and certain others would be eligible for a one-time $250 payment. Anyone who is eligible for this payment and also eligible for the federal income tax rebate mentioned above would have the $250 deducted from the latter in determining the end-of-year tax liability. 

Military Homeowner Assistance Program (HAP): HAP benefits (normally payable only at BRAC locations) are extended to certain military homeowners who bought homes before July 1, 2006 and who sell the homes before Sept. 30, 2012. To qualify the person must have received PCS orders or must have incurred a service-caused condition during a deployment in that period that caused disability retirement. For a member who died during a deployment, the surviving spouse is eligible. The HAP authorizes the government to reimburse the homeowner for a loss on the sale up to 95% of the original value, or to purchase the home for up to 90% of the original value. Market values are determined by the Defense Department. 

Education Tax Credit: Taxpayers with college education expenses would receive a tax credit of up to $2,500 for the cost of tuition, books, and related expenses during 2009 and 2010. The credit would be 100% of the first $2,000 and 25% of the next $2,000. The credit would phase out for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes above $80,000 (single) or $160,000 (married). 

First-time Homebuyer Tax Credit: For 2009, the credit would be 10% of the purchase price, up to a maximum for $8,000. The previous requirement for homeowners buying homes after January 1, 2009 to pay the money back would be removed, unless the house is sold within three years of purchase. 

Vehicle Sales Tax Deduction: Taxpayers purchasing a new car, light truck, RV or motorcycle in 2009 will be able to deduct state and local sales and excise taxes paid on the vehicle. The deduction will phase out for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes above $125,000 (single) or $250,000 (married). 

Incentives to Hire Unemployed Veterans: Businesses would get a tax credit of 40% of the first $6,000 in wages for hiring unemployed veterans who are within 5 years of leaving active duty and who have drawn unemployment compensation for more than 4 weeks during the year before being hired. 

Bill Seeks to Ease Troop/Family Stress
MOAA President VADM Norb Ryan (USN-Ret) joined leaders of several other military and veterans associations at a Feb. 12 press conference announcing introduction of bipartisan legislation, H.R. 1052, calling for more reasonable "dwell time" for military units between combat deployments. 

Sponsored by Rep. Ellen Tauscher (D-CA) and more than a dozen other House members including Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC), the bill would set a minimum standard that active duty units should be home for at least the same duration as the previous deployment before being deployed again. For Guard/Reserve units the standard would be three times the length of the previous deployment. 

The bill establishes goals to increase the dwell time to three times deployment length for active duty units and five years for the Guard/Reserve. 

The bill would authorize waivers to dwell time requirements for volunteers, special operations forces, and in times of emergency.  "We recognize that mission comes first, and that current missions and force levels keep us from being able to meet these dwell time requirements for now" said Tauscher, "and that's why we included the waiver provisions." But she insisted that the nation can't keep extracting the current level of sacrifice from military members and families. 

Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) observed that requiring multiple, short-turn combat tours means compounding the exposure of military men and women to combat trauma and stress conditions that could affect them for the rest of their lives. She noted that, for the first time in January, the number of military suicides exceeded the number of combat deaths.   VADM Ryan expressed MOAA's support for the legislation, saying, "This bill lays down a marker that we can't backtrack from planned force increases. If we have to give waivers for even these very modest dwell times, that's a clear warning signal that our forces are far too small for the missions we're expecting of them. We simply must 'stay the course' on the current plan to grow the force. The alternative is consciously forcing our troops and families to keep bearing an ever-greater share of the nation's wartime sacrifice, and that's a recipe for an eventual retention and readiness meltdown." 

From the Newsletter Editor 

This issue I will use the From the Editor space to include an article written by Representative Robert Wittman from the Virginia 1st District and published by the Rappahannock Record, Feb. 12, 2009 page A4.

By Rep. Robert Wittman, Congressman, Virginia 1st District

Just a month ago I had an opportunity to visit our servicemen and women overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan. I was able to witness first hand what many of you already know: that they are some of the best and brightest our country has to offer and they do an outstanding job protecting us day in and day out. It is only right that we return the favor by extending to them the healthcare they deserve and provide opportunities for them to succeed when they return home.

Last week, I attended the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) Take the Hill Day in Richmond. MOAA is the nation’s largest association of military officers and prides itself on being a voice for our veterans. I spoke with many veterans and their families and heard their ideas. Much of our work focuses on our servicemen and women after they have completed their service. However, we must also ensure that we provide for them while they are still on active duty. This includes strengthening our all-volunteer military by increasing and expanding the size of our ground forces. I would like to see the Army grow to at least 700,000 soldiers and our Marine Corps expanded to 202,000. These increases should not be done at the expense of our Navy and Air Force and should not be achieved by re-instating the draft. Our soldiers, seamen, airmen and Marines have heard the call of duty and have willingly chosen to serve our country and our ideals.

Additionally, after military members leave the active ranks, we must ensure their success in civilian life. Toward this end I have introduced legislation to amend the Small Business Act to make service-connected disabled veterans eligible for the 8(a) business development program. This legislation would equate service-connected disabled veterans to women and minorities in the small business arena. Our veterans have made a great sacrifice on our behalf and they deserve equal treatment in small business management opportunities and tax relief. Through this program I am excited to see how our veterans would be able to strengthen our economy, our communities, and the opportunities for their families.

Last, as our veterans enter retirement, we must keep the promise we made to them upon their initial call to service and provide the opportunity for affordable healthcare. This means ensuring that TRICARE fees are not increased in an attempt to shore up budget shortfalls. I cosponsored the Military Retirees’ Healthcare Protection Act in the 110th Congress and have done so again in the 111th. This legislation is a preemptive strike in case the Defense Department again attempts to raise deductibles, co-payments, and enrollment fees for our veterans. If enacted, this legislation would not only protect those who have served, but it would continue to attract future generations to our nation’s military. The service must remain a competitive option in the employment field for our youth, and maintaining affordable healthcare for life is a promise we, as a Congress, must keep.

I am blessed to have met so many of our nation’s finest, not only on my trips overseas, but here in America’s First District. We are home to facilities that are vital to our national security and, like any service-oriented organization; it is the people who truly make the institution.  We must continue to provide for our military personnel and aggressively explore ways to improve their future. Our men and women in uniform have answered the call of duty, and we must honor their sacrifice. [Source: Rappahannock Record, Feb. 12, 2009 page A4]

Military ID Card Notification Program
This program is designed to help Chapter members and their dependent’s  to renew their ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.

Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.

To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program
2009 JROTC and ROTC Program
Please contact David Wade, our Community Affairs Chair, and volunteer to present an award at one of our local High Schools or Colleges as they hold their annual JROTC/ROTC awards ceremonies.  It  is a very rewarding experience. 

Each year the Princess Anne High School NJROTC unit, host a Drill Competition which is normally attended by at least 16 other High School Units, some from out of the local area.  This year the event was be held at the Little Creek Amphibious Base in the gymnasium.  The Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America, each year, provides a check to help purchase the trophies for the winning units.  This year, the Chapter provided a check for $600 to support this effort.  Shown below left to right are:  COL David Wade, USA Ret. Community Affairs Director;  LtCol Jim Dellaripa, USAF Ret., Past President; MAJ Norm Crews, USA Ret. Chapter President;  Brittany Dixon, Commanding Officer NJROTC Unit;  and Rejina Stallings, Executive Officer NJROTC Unit.  The Senior Naval Science Instructor is CAPT Louis Giordano, USN Ret.

MOAA Scholarship Fund 
Memorial contributions may be made to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, for deceased members of our Chapter, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889. Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 
Virginia Wounded Warrior Program
How can I help?
Virginia has provided a limited amount of funding for the Wounded Warrior Program. The Commonwealth anticipates that its citizens will want to help. The Virginia Veterans Services Foundation is available to receive contributions to support the Program.  The Foundation is an agency of the state and is eligible to receive tax deductible contributions under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2-2719.  Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund. In this case, they only can be used for the Wounded Warrior Program.  Donations to the Foundation are audited annually by the Commonwealth’s Auditor of Public Accounts. This assures that the maximum amount of citizens donations will go to our veterans and not to administrative overhead.  Information about contributing is provided on the following page.

Contribution/Pledge of Support
Yes! You can count on my support to assist Virginia’s veterans, members of the Virginia National Guard, Virginia residents of the Armed Forces Reserves not on active federal service, and their family members, who are dealing with the effects of traumatic brain disorders, combat stress, and post-traumatic stress disorders resulting from their combat service and sacrifice in the U.S. Armed Forces.

I am enclosing/pledging my most generous contribution in the amount of:
__ $1,000   __ $500   __ $250   __ $100   __ $50   __ Other $________

Please make checks payable to:

Virginia Veterans Services Foundation
For: VWWP: 900 East Main Street, Ground Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Your contribution is tax exempt under Internal Revenue Service Section 170 (c) and Code of Virginia Section 2.2.2719. Donations are placed in the Veterans Services Fund and cannot revert to the Commonwealth’s General Fund.  Please complete the following five lines for contributions of checks or cash, or when making a pledge.

Name(s)  ______________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
Home Phone _______________________ 
Work Phone _______________________
Employer __________________________ 
Occupation ________________________

For additional information about the Foundation or about contributing, contact Col. Jack Hilgers (USMC, Ret) at the Department of Veterans Services, 900 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, 804-382-3715 or 757-481-4164 or Steven Combs at the Department of Veterans Services, 804-786-0294.

HRCMOAA January 29 Luncheon
The luncheon for installation of Officers featured: Mr. Kenneth M. Rome who serves as the Executive Director Force Generation, U. S. Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM).  He is responsible for overseeing USJFCOM’s execution of the conventional joint force provider mission within the Global Force Management process.  He briefed members on the JFC’s structure, function and current operations.  Shown above is Chapter President Norm Crews presenting the Jefferson Cup to Mr. Rome as a thank you gift. 
Joint Leadership Council of Veterans Services Organizations  (Commonwealth of Virginia)
2009 Legislative Objectives
Automated System for the Electronic Preparation of Veterans’ Disability Claims:  The JLC recommends that the Governor and General Assembly direct that “subject to the availability of sufficient funds, the Department of Veterans Services shall … develop and deploy an automated system for the electronic preparation of veterans’ disability claims.”
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children:  The JLC recommends that the Governor and General Assembly enact HB395 (2008), Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.
Burial Vaults for Virginia State Veterans Cemeteries:  The JLC recommends that the Governor and General Assembly appropriate funds so that burial vaults may be provided at no cost at Virginia state veterans cemeteries.
Military Family Relief Fund:  The JLC recommends that the Governor and General Assembly enact legislation providing that benefits paid from the Military Family Relief Fund shall be nontaxable.
Real Estate Tax Relief for 100% Disabled Veterans:  The JLC recommends that Governor and General Assembly pass legislation to amend the Virginia Constitution that would require local governments to grant real estate tax exemptions for 100% disabled veterans without regard to means testing.
Homeless Veterans Study:  The JLC recommends that the Governor and General Assembly fund a study to examine the current level of services provided to homeless veterans in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the need for and cost of additional services.
Give Me Ten Effort
Shown above,  left to right, is COL Floyd Gilbert, USA Ret. , CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret., and CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret. as they manned a table at the 80th Training Conference held at the Virginia Beach Resort and Conference Center.  The Objective was to recruit new members for MOAA and receive credit for the GMT program.  From 30 to 31 January, the HRCMOAA and the VIPMOAA Chapter worked the crowd and signed up 18 new members. 
HRCMOAA Attends the Annual ROWS Dinner/Dance
Every year the Retired Officers Wives Society holds their Annual Christmas Dinner Dance at the Princess Anne Country Club.  The local MOAA Chapter is invited to attend.  A number of the ROWS members husbands belong to the Chapter.  Shown below are some of the Chapter attendees: 
CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret. and wife Jane
LtCol Bob Giovanelli, USMCR Ret. and wife Martha
CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret. and wife Marty
COL Jim Smith, USA Ret. and wife Sylvia
VCOC Quarterly meeting was held at the Quartermasters Museum at Fort Lee in Petersburg, VA.
The guest speakers for the January 9 meeting, were Ms. Linda Speed, MOAA’s Transition Services Deputy Director, and Mr. Tom Kelly, Virginia State Networking Coordinator.    Shown below is the VCOC President, LTC Pat Green, USA Ret. presenting the traditional cup to the Guest Speakers.
VCOC Schedule
2009 Quarterly Meetings:
March 13, Charlottesville, VA at Glenmore CC.
April 28, DC Congressional Luncheon
July 10, Lexington, VA at VMI.
October 9,  Petersburg, VA area.

January 26, Richmond, VA “Storming the Hill”.
51 VCOC members attended.  Governor Kaine spoke to the group in the Capitol Building.

Storming the Hill January 26
The Virginia Council of Chapters had their day at the General Assembly on 26 January.  Shown below are chapter members, delegates and Gov Tim Kaine.
 CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret. and CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret.
Del Kirk Cox introducing Speaker William Howell
Lt Gov Bill Bolling
Gov Tim Kaine
Chapter Schedule

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

Their will be no socials during the Summer Months of July and August.  The next socials will be in September, October and November.  The Chapter will also join with the ROWS in December.

To protect member privacy,
New Members, Renewals and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.
Click Here for Member Access

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Clif Furedy
You may call Clif at 490-5792 after 1830 or email
Click Here for Membership Information
and Renewal Form


CDR William L. Blumling, USN (Ret)

CDR Martin J. Mulderrig, Jr., USN (Ret)

CDR Martin M. Leibowitz, USN (Ret)

CWO4 David M. Wolchko, USN (Ret)

LCDR Fletcher A. Manning, USN (Ret)

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2009