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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter Since 2004, 2nd Runner-Up Web Site, a Winner, Electronic Newsletter and Winner, Printed Newsletter. 
Serving Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 31-NO 3
MAY 2007

In This Issue
President's Message
HRCMOAA Officer Directory
From the Editor
Dues Notice
MOAA Legislative Update
March Lunch - Congressman Forbes
May Luncheon
Chapter Schedule
ID Card Renewal Form
Junior Achievement
Virginia Council of Chapters
VCOC Scheduled Functions
MOAA Storms Hill
Personal Affairs
MOAA Scholarship Fund
HRCMOAA Welcomes
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 


Make your plans for the
HRCMOAA May 14th Luncheon,
at the Atlantic Shores Retirement Community.
 Our guest speaker will be 
Congresswoman Thelma Drake
who represents the Virginia 2nd District.


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US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our “MOAA Best” website at, read the “MOAA Best” Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
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President’s Message

If you didn't attend the March 19th luncheon at Atlantic Shores, you missed a great meeting with Congressman Randy Forbes. He began his presentation by thanking us for our service to our country.  He then discussed the economic and military status of China and the possible impact it might have on our nation unless our government generates more interest and becomes more involved.  There were 70 persons in attendance.

I'm concerned about the declining membership in our chapter.  It has dropped from over 800 members in 2005 to 742 in December 2006 to our current level of 519.  What's happening?  What do I and my staff need to do to get members to renew their membership?  Our Chapter represents our rights and interests at both national and state level.  It produces a bimonthly newsletter to keep members informed.  It supports local ROTC and Junior ROTC leadership programs.  It also supports other programs such as, "Toys for Tots."  These are some but not all of the activities in which HRCMOAA is involved.

Our most recent Chapter luncheon was April 20th at Atlantic Shores.  Our Speaker was Attorney Frances H. Hampton who provided excellent insight and information on Estate Planning.  Our next Chapter function is a luncheon on Monday, May 14th at Atlantic Shores.  Congresswoman Thelma Drake will be our featured Speaker.

Incidentally, did you know that you may be able to fly space available from Norfolk NAS to Lajes, Sigonella, Italy, Bahrain and Naples?  I'm proud to be a member of the HRCMOAA.  Are you?

God Bless America.

Jim Dellaripa
HRCMOAA Directory




President: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr,
1st Vice President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews,
2nd Vice President: 427-2402
CDR John A. Rooney,
Recording Secretary: 362-0030
Mrs. Patricia H. Doss,
Treasurer: 518-0265
LCDR Walter Wesolowski, USN-Ret.
CAPT Ray Hart,
USN- Ret.
CAPT Paul  Hollandsworth,
USN Ret.
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
USMC -Ret.
Mrs Mickie Jones,
CAPT Jim Jones,
USN Ret.
LCOL Loren  Peele,
USA- Ret.
CAPT Bill Lehr,
USCG- Ret. 
Program: 363-1094
MAJ Norm Crews,
USA Ret.
VCOC Representative:
CDR John E. Vermillion,
Legislative Affairs:
Col Jack W. Hilgers,
Personal Affairs:
MAJ Norm Crews,
Membership: 486-3318
LtCol Jesse Sandlin, USAF-Ret
Publicity: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
USN Ret.
Community Affairs:
CAPT Bill Lehr,
CAPT Pat McFadden,
Information Systems:
Col Richard A. Vogel,
Webmaster: 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy,
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion,
From the  Editor

America’s 400th Anniversary 

This celebration will commemorate the founding  of Jamestown and the United States of America.  Shown below is Mary Sherwood Holt the guest speaker at the February 22 VIPMOAA luncheon held at the Langley AFB Officers Club. 

Mary Sherwood Holt is the Chairperson of the Newport News/Jamestown 2007 Commission.  She covered plans to help celebrate the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown and the United States of America. 
The luncheon was attended by our Chapter President and Newsletter Editor, shown above from left to right are LtCol James Dellaripa, USAF-Ret., COL Ernest Hinojosa, Jr. USA-Ret. (VIPMOAA President), and CDR John Vermillion, USN-Ret.  All enjoyed the presentation by Mary Sherwood Holt. 


Important Notice
If your Newsletter Mailing label reads 2006 after your name this means that your membership has expired.  Please use the renewal application form on page 11 of the printed Newsletter to renew for 3 years, or click here to use the Website.  Remember to ask a friend, co-worker, or fellow church member, who may not be a Chapter member, to consider joining.
MOAA Legislative Update

TRICARE Benefits - Health Care Cost-Shifting to Military Beneficiaries
Issue: The FY07 Defense budget would triple health fees for military retirees under age 65:
  • Raising $230 single/$460 family TRICARE Prime enrollment fee as high as $700/$1,400
  • Raising annual $150 single/$300 family TRICARE Standard fees as high as $560/$1,120
  • Prime and Standard fees would be increased annually by medical inflation, starting in 2008
  • Retail pharmacy copays would be raised 67% for all beneficiaries. 
Background: DoD claims rising health costs impinge on weapons programs. The Joint Chiefs endorse the fee hikes because their leaders tell them that's the only way they'll get weapons funding. Defense budgeteers assume the changes will save money by causing hundreds of thousands of retirees to stop using their earned military benefits. Defense leaders say fees should bring military closer to civilian practices.

Comparing TRICARE with corporate practices is inappropriate. Exceptional military medical and retirement benefits are the primary offsets for enduring decades of extraordinarily arduous service conditions. Military retirees pay huge "up front" health premiums through 20 years of service and sacrifice. Recruiting problems show few Americans are willing to pay that heavy premium for that benefit.

The DoD proposed increases are grossly out of line with benefits enacted by Congress. Proposed increases would far outstrip annual retired pay increases and greatly erode retired compensation value. Congress knew enacting TRICARE For Life wouldn't be cheap. Don't penalize retirees for Congress' action.  Penalizing those who serve arduous 20- to 30-year military careers would be inconsistent with past congressional action. For the last two years, Congress refused to accept VA health fee increases for nondisabled veterans who had served as few as two years. Tripling and quadrupling fees for those who served 20-30 years in uniform would be even more inappropriate.

The Nation's obligation to military retirees exceeds corporate obligations. The government has a moral and practical reciprocal obligation to provide benefits commensurate with the extraordinary commitments it requires from career servicemembers. Mid-career military losses can't be replaced like civilians can. Eroding benefits for career service can only undermine long-term retention/readiness. Today's troops are very conscious of Congress' actions concerning their future benefits. MOAA surveys show 95% of active members oppose the DoD plan. Reducing military retirement benefits would be penny-wise and pound-foolish when recruiting is already a problem and an overstressed force is at increasing retention risk.

TRICARE has ongoing problems. Doctors say TRICARE is one of the lowest-paying plans in the country and imposes far more administrative hassles than other plans. Beneficiaries at many locations have difficulty finding providers willing to take them.  The country can afford to pay for both weapons and military health care. Today's defense budget (in wartime) is only 4% of GDP, one-third lower than the peacetime-year average since WWII. If we can afford hundreds of billions in pork and tax cuts, we don't need to make military retirees pay for weapons.

HRCMOAA Hosts a Luncheon at the
Atlantic Shores Retirement Community
The guest speaker at the March 19th luncheon was our 4th District Representative, Congressman Randy Forbes.  Randy has focused his efforts in Congress on protecting the security and sovereignty of our nation, preserving the moral and historical roots of our country. 
He spoke on the buildup of the Chinese Navy, including new warships, submarines, and a carrier.  He also stressed the importance of getting our Government Departments talking with each other.  He is a member of the Congressional China Caucus which takes a critical look at:
 I) Military/Shipbuilding, II) Economy/Trade, III) Intellectual Property, IV) Energy/Resources, and V) Human Rights/Religious Freedoms. 

Shown below is President Jim Dellaripa presenting Congressman Forbes with an engraved cup.


WHEN: Monday, May 14, 2007
WHERE: Atlantic Shores Retirement Community
Dam Neck Rd, Virginia Beach, Virginia
TIME: Social: 1100 Hours
Lunch: 1200 Hours
MENU: Salmon stuffed with Crabmeat
Mascarpone Chicken Breast
Spinach with Strawberry Salad, Roasted   Sweet & Red Potato Medley, Steamed Asparagus, 
Desert is Key Lime Pie.
PRICE: $17.00 per person
PROGRAM: Congresswoman Thelma Drake, our Second District Representative. (See more info below)
RESERVATIONS: Reservations by 1900 hours, May 10, 2007.
Call Norm Crews, 363-1094, or Jim Dellaripa, 640-0947.  Give name, Phone Number, Menu selection and Number attending.
Please print, fill-in and mail the pre-paid Reservation Form.
Click Here for a Reservation Form
You can print and mail
May Function
Representative Thelma Drake represents Virginia's Second Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. The Second District includes all of the City of Virginia Beach, parts of the cities of Norfolk and Hampton, and Accomack and Northampton Counties on Virginia's Eastern Shore. 

In the 110th Congress, Thelma Drake has been appointed to serve on the House Armed Services Committee and House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee. Representative Drake will be a member of the House Republican Policy Committee, which plays an integral role in shaping the House Republican position on major policy initiatives. 

Representative Drake’s position on the House Armed Services Committee is of tremendous importance to the significant military presence in Virginia’s Second District. As a member of the Personnel Subcommittee, she is a strong advocate for military personnel and their families, and for military retirees. 


For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

May 2007:  Monday 14th.  Congresswoman Thelma Drake.
June 2007: Friday 15th, TBD.
July 2007: No Scheduled Meeting.
Aug 2007: Friday 17th, TBD.
Sep 2007: Friday 21st, TBD.

Board meetings every month on the 1st Saturday at the Little Creek Golf Club.  Starts at 0830.

The HRCMOAA has introduced a Military ID Card Notification Program to help chapter members remember to renew their ID cards and their dependent's ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.  Note:  Over age 75 members, who are eligible uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.
To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program
Junior Achievement Wants You!
Are you interested in impacting the youth of our community?  Junior Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads is looking for volunteers who want to inspire and prepare young people for the future.  Through training provided by the JA staff, volunteers become mentors to students in Kindergarten-12th grade by preparing them for a financially stable future through lessons on topics such as, free enterprise, financial literacy, ethical business practices and work force readiness.  JA provides user friendly materials at no cost to the volunteer, teacher or school.  Last year Junior Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads reached 15,080 students with the help of nearly 500 volunteers.  All funding for this non-profit organization is provided by local businesses, grants, and individual donors from our community with all financial support staying in local schools.  It’s territory extends from Williamsburg down to Elizabeth City.  If you would like to impact the future and share your life experiences contact April Hile today at (757)455-9500 for more information.   Also contact CAPT Bill Lehr or CDR John Vermillion
The Virginia Council of Chapters
Last month seven of our Chapter members attended the Twenty Second Annual VCOC Congressional Appreciation Luncheon, honoring the 13 member Virginia Congressional Delegation for their efforts in support of  Active Forces, Veterans and Retired Military and their families.  The luncheon was held in the Cannon Caucus Room in the Cannon House Office Building.  Senator John Warner was presented the VCOC’s Legislative Award in gratitude for lifetime support of our uniformed services. 
Shown above, left to right, is COL Bill Flanagan, USA-Ret and VCOC President, The Honorable John Warner, Senior Senator from Virginia, and LTC Pat Green, USA-Ret and VCOC  Vice President.  Senator Warner is holding the VCOC Legislative Award.  The award is a unique plaque, with postage stamps of milestones during the Senator’s past 60 years of service to the nation.  Senator Warner has always been there for the men and women in the unformed services, for this the VCOC of Military Officers Association of America  is thankful for his life-long service to the nation. 
Annually, the VCOC recognizes a member or group from National MOAA Headquarters for their outstanding support of Virginia Chapter members.  The Awardee is given a replica of the Minute Man and retains the statue for one year.  The award was established in 1988.  The award was presented this year to COL Chris Giaimo, USA-Ret. and past Director, Council  and Chapter Affairs, who is shown above.  Chris has recently retired from this position.
The Hampton Roads Chapter’s 1st Vice President, MAJ Norm Crews, USA Ret., recently participated in the Old Dominion University’s 32nd Annual Presidents’s Review and Awards Ceremony for their U.S. Army ROTC Monarch Battalion of the University.  After forming the troops, University President Dr. Roseann Runte trooped the line with Lieutenant Colonel Barry Hendricks, Professor of Military Science.  Shown below is MAJ Norm Crews, USA-Ret presenting the MOAA Outstanding Leadership Award to Dominic E. DiGiovanni.
Shown below is President, Dr. Roseann Runte as she troops the line with Lieutenant Colonel Barry Hendricks.  It was a beautiful day for the awards ceremony and the troops were looking sharp.  A total of 33 awards were given out to the Cadets. 
VCOC Scheduled Functions 
The next VCOC Quarterly meeting, on 13 July, 2007,  will be held at Lexington, Virginia.  The October meeting will be held on the 12th and is scheduled to be held at Ft. Monroe.  This is our Bi-Annual meeting, where we recognize the Chapter members who have died during the past 2 years.  The October meeting is being held in this area to recognize the 400th  Anniversary of Jamestown Celebration.
MOAA Storms Hill for
Troops, Survivors, Retirees
MOAA Council and Chapter Presidents from the 50 states and Puerto Rico, accompanied by members of the national Board of Directors and headquarters staff, swarmed Capitol Hill on April 18 to visit representatives' and senators' offices on key MOAA legislative initiatives. 

This year, the "Hill stormers" focused on three main issues, supporting efforts to: 

  • Oppose disproportional TRICARE fee increases proposed by Defense leaders; 
  • Fix Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) inequities for survivors of members who died of service-connected causes and "Greatest Generation" retirees;
  • Authorize a larger pay raise for the troops than the 3% proposed in the President's budget. 
MOAA representatives carried a wealth of information supporting those goals, including information brochures outlining the problems and the needed fixes.  Hill-stormers received very positive feedback from most legislators, and we've already seen a jump in the number of cosponsors for MOAA-supported bills on these topics.  Check your representatives' and senators' co-sponsorship status for these bills: H.R. 579 and S. 604 - Protect against disproportionate health fee increases; H.R. 1589 and S. 935 - Repeal the SBP-DIC offset; H.R. 784 and S. 935 - Accelerate paid up coverage for SBP to October 1, 2007.
Personal Affairs 
National MOAA has enhanced their planning documents to improve Personal Affairs.   The Personal Affairs Work Book is now available in the form of interactive, computer based worksheets that can be completed on line and saved to a file.  The forms are PDF and easy to download and print.  They can then be retained with your records and shared with family members.  This is a new offering to MOAA members.  To reach the interactive forms on the MOAA Website please follow these instructions:
1.  Log on to MOAA’s Website at
2.  Select Books and Guides from the Publications drop-down menu.
3.  Choose “Help your survivors now, a guide to planning ahead”
4.  Select the links on that page to download the forms in which you are interested.

You may also call 1-800-234-6622 to have a printed copy mailed to you.  Life members please call special access number to receive priority order status.

MOAA Scholarship Fund 
Memorial contributions may be made to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, for deceased members of our Chapter, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889.  Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622. 

To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Dick Vogel
You may call Dick at 481-0694 or email


This month we will honor the military men and women
who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country free.
 Let us also remember the families who are left behind.
 We will also pray for all of the students, and faculty killed in the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech and please remember their family members. 


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2007