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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter 2004-2005, 
MOAA Best Web Site, and a MOAA Best Electronic Newsletter.
Serving Suffolk, Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 30-NO 2
MARCH 2006

In This Issue
President's Commentary
HRCMOAA Directory
From the Editor
March Function Canceled
Legislative Issues
Membership Advantages
MOAA Scholarship Fund
ID Card Renewal Form
Chapter Schedule
Volunteers Needed
VCOC Scheduled Functions
Legislative Update
VA Surviving Spouse Web Site
USS Franklin Notice
Storming The Hill
HRCMOAA Membership
HRCMOAA Welcomes
Invalid Email Addresses
In Memorium
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website Images 

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US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our “MOAA Best” website at, read the “MOAA Best” Electronic Newsletter, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
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President's Commentary

Newsletter revised schedule: No, you are not imagining that you just received a News letter last month. Your Executive Committee and the Board recommended that we change our Newsletter monthly distribution to start in January and every other month for 6 issues per year. In order to do this, we have to publish the Newsletter 2 months in a row to get on this schedule; thus, this March issue. 

Chapter Goals for 2006: Our major goal is to continue to be a MOAA Five Star Chapter. This entails a great deal of dedication and hard volunteer work by your leadership team. Here are some thoughts and ideas that were sent to me after we reviewed our 2005 Goals which were mostly accomplished. 

Membership goal is to keep the membership between 850 and 899 as a minimum. (Do we want to become a larger chapter; i.e., 1,000 members or more?)  Membership without activity is not very effective. We need to move toward improving interest and participation of more members at our various activities and events. This is a great idea; however, we need you to come out to our events to make this happen. If you have a constructive idea and are willing to help us accomplish it, send me a note. We get many ideas but few volunteers to make them happen. However, be positive and it can be done! 

Recruit at least 40 new members. This is a good goal; however, it is not enough. We need to recruit at least 70 to 100 new members each year to account for the attrition (deceased members, members moving out of the area, and illness due to aging.) If every member were to recruit at least one new member, this problem would disappear and our Chapter will remain strong and powerful. Our dues are cheap enough. Why can't we recruit more officer members for our Chapter? How do we convince potential members that we have what they want? Any ideas? 

Improve programs by getting speakers recently from duty in Iraq. Establish a “speakers search committee”.  Great idea! We need a mix of speakers throughout the year from local and state government, active military Commanders, local business leaders, local health care providers,  etc. We want speakers to know our concerns and to know how they plan to serve our community, especially the military and its retirees. We need some members to come forward and volunteer to take on this worthy goal. Will you volunteer? We need help and someone dedicated to this task. 

Continue to Schedule some luncheon meetings. These seem to be more popular than evenings with certain members; however, how do we attract younger, more energetic officers to attend? Should we just be content with getting more participation and action from existing, older members? 

Get more Chapter officers to participate in NROTC/JROTC award ceremonies. This needs more publicity, particularly in the schools involved and in the local newspaper and on TV. We need a publicity person to help us here. Any Volunteers? 

The foregoing does not include all our goals, just the major ones. I think that our chapter needs to be more that just a group of retired officers who lobby Congress and local politicians. This is very important, but as military professionals, we must keep in mind the overall good of our country, our state and cities, our families, our brothers and sisters in arms. We need to do some community outreach programs, such as, visit veterans and wounded service members and do something for their families. Any volunteers?

These are more than thoughts to share. Its an appeal to you to join the team and be active. Many hands make light work and more hands can accomplish great things! 

Smooth Sailing,

Ray  Hart.
HRCMOAA Directory




President: 430-8771
CAPT Raymond J. Hart, USN-Ret.
1st Vice President: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
2nd Vice President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews, USA-Ret.
Secretary: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews, USA-Ret.
Treasurer: 739-3904
LCDR M. Catherine Liberatore, USN-Ret
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
CDR John A. Rooney, USN-Ret.
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
Mrs. Mickie Jones, AUX . 716-2644
LtCol Mary L. Baeumel, USAFNC-Ret.
CAPT Jim Jones, USN-Ret.
CAPT Bill Lehr, USCG-Ret.
Program: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
Arrangements: 362-0030
Patricia H. Doss, Aux
VCOC Representative: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
Legislative Affairs: 490-8383
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
Personal Affairs: 486-7639
CAPT James D. Hereford, USN-Ret.
Membership: 425-5934
COL James A. Smith, USA-Ret
Publicity: 363-1094
MAJ Norm Crews, USA-Ret.
Community Affairs: 445-4174
CAPT Tim Stark, USNR
CAPT Pat McFadden, USN-Ret.
Information Systems: 481-0694
Col Richard A. Vogel, USAF-Ret.
Webmaster 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy. USAF-Ret.
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
From the  Editor

A Monument to Naval Aviation

The Naval Aviation Monument is almost complete, with the major construction  work finished at the end of December 2005.  The Monument is located at Atlantic Avenue and 25th Street in Virginia Beach.  The Monument will commemorate the sacrifices of our Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard men, women and civilians.   It would recognize the contributions of Naval Aviation and the citizens of the city of Virginia Beach to the defense of our nation.  The project got rolling when, in October 1997, Virginia Beach policeman, Dennis Free, presented an idea to the Hampton Roads Squadron of the Association of Naval Aviation to build a monument to Naval Aviation in Virginia Beach.  The ground breaking ceremony was held on Monday, 25 October, 2004.  All funding will be from the private sector.  The final cost of the first stage of development is approximately $1.5 million.  A second stage will add a bronze Homecoming statue depicting a reunion of a Naval Aviator and his/her family following a deployment.  An eight - foot long bronze sculpture of a carrier will also be added.  This stage will be financed through an additional $350,000 fund raising campaign.  The Dedication Ceremony is presently scheduled to take place at 1200 hours on Saturday, 6 May 2006.  All contributors should receive an invitation some time in April.  The ANA web site is


World War II aviators manning their aircraft.
Modern Day Aviators.
Important Notice to Members.

The Function scheduled for 17 March, 2006 has been canceled due to lack of space at the NAS Oceana Officers Club.  Squadrons stationed at Oceana have priority.

Legislative Issues

Issue 1:   MOAA Testifies Before Veterans' Affairs Committee 
Military and veterans service organizations testified this week before the House Veterans' Affairs Committee.  MOAA was represented by Deputy Director for Government Relations COL Bob Norton (USA-Ret), who recommended that the Committee: 
  • Fully fund the VA health care system for all enrolled veterans to meet the rising demand among Iraq and Afghanistan veterans including more than a half million Guard and Reserve veterans now eligible for VA care.
  • Oppose a proposed $250 user fee and increased drug co-pays for certain non-disabled enrolled veterans.  Norton recommended that Congress reject these fees, as it has for the past three years. 
  • Press the VA and DOD for timely implementation of a “seamless transition” between military and VA programs, including a jointly usable electronic medical record, a "joint" VA-DOD separation physical, and expanded transition assistance services for separating members.
  • Increase medical research and construction funding for VA Polytrauma Centers that treat severely wounded veterans.
  • Restore cuts in the VA claims processing system and improve training and technology support to reduce the huge claims backlog and improve decision quality.
  • Enact a "total force Montgomery GI Bill" that matches education benefit rates to service performed by combining active duty and reserve GI bill programs under one law.  Norton also publicly thanked retiring Subcommittee Vice Chairman Mike Bilirakis (R-FL) for his many years of dedicated service and for his leadership and tenacity in championing elimination of the unfair "disability tax" on earned military retired pay.

Issue 2:  Pentagon Leaders Continue Fee Hike Campaign on Hill
This week, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Peter Pace, USMC, and Army Chief of Staff Gen Peter Schoomaker testified once again, this time before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense and continued to push fee increases for retirees under age 65.

Gen Pace picked up where he left off last week by again emphasizing the need to “renorm” the health care cost share for retirees under 65.  Gen Pace stressed that health care costs have doubled in the past five years up from $19 billion in 2001 to $37 billion in 2006 and there has been no fee increase over the past ten years. 

Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-CA) was surprised that there had been no premium adjustment since 1996 and said this “needs to be reviewed” to ensure retirees pay their “fair share.” 

At a separate hearing on Feb. 15, the House Appropriations Subcommittee for Military Quality of Life and Veterans Affairs, DOD witnesses included Dr. William Winkenwerder, Asst. Sec. Def. for Health Affairs.  Chairman James Walsh (R-NY) stated, “It’s going to be politically difficult for Congress to support these fee increases.”  Rep. Chet Edwards (D-TX), the panel's senior Democrat, asked Winkenwerder to “get the facts on the table” about where the proposed savings would come from.  Published reports indicate the large majority come from the expectation that the fee increases would drive large numbers of beneficiaries out of TRICARE.  Pressed about how many the budget plan is expected to drive away, Winkenwerder said “about 150,000.” 

Later that afternoon, the Subcommittee heard from the Services’ senior enlisted leaders.  When asked point blank by Rep. John Carter (R-TX) if they “...agree that the Department should increase health care costs for retirees,” they restated their civilian leaders’ stock answer that the budget proposal “puts priority on sustaining the current benefit,” adding only that the burden should not be on those retiring due to disabilities. 

MOAA rejects Pentagon leaders’ disingenuous double-talk about exorbitant fee increases being “necessary to sustain the current benefit.”  We think it’s unconscionable to put the Joint Chiefs and Senior Enlisted Advisors in the position of having to advocate a benefit cut in order to fund weapons programs.  We're in the process of meeting with key congressional leaders and their staffs to rebut the DoD case.

Issue 3:  MOAA Meets with Senate Democrats
On Feb. 16, MOAA President VADM Norb Ryan, Jr. (USN-Ret) and leaders of several other military and veterans’ associations were invited to a meeting with senior Senate Democrats.  Hosted by Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Harry Reid (D-NV), others in attendance included Senators Jack Reed (D-RI), Patty Murray (D-WA), Daniel Akaka (D-HI), Christopher Dodd (D-CT), Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), John Kerry (D-MA), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ), and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI).

The primary purpose of the meeting was for the senators to express their continuing support for full funding of VA health programs and their opposition to Administration-proposed fee increases for certain non-disabled veterans.  Association attendees expressed their appreciation for this support and outlined a number of problems that need to be fixed.  One representative observed that the VA is a “terrible bureaucracy.”  “If you don’t have PTSD when you get to the VA, you’ll have it when you leave,” he said.  “Veterans who did battle in Iraq shouldn’t later have to do battle to receive care for their wounds.  Everybody says they support the troops.  It’s time to put their money where their mouth is.”

VADM Ryan also took the opportunity to highlight several issues, including the need to:

  • Oppose the large and unfair fee increases the Administration budget wants to charge military retirees (which are four times as big as the VA-proposed fees Congress already rejected).
  • Oppose manpower cuts for the Army.  “Our overworked troops are meeting themselves coming and going,” he said.  “Our volunteer force isn’t broken, but it’s headed for the ditch unless we do something quickly.  The last thing we need is more military manpower cuts.”
  • Eliminate the “SBP widow’s tax” imposed on survivors of members who die of service-connected causes and implement 30-year paid-up SBP coverage.
  • End the “disabled veterans tax” on disabled retirees designated by the VA as “unemployable.”
Membership Advantages 

The lifeblood of any organization is its members. It is the members who determine the direction and effectiveness of the organization's mission. 

The Chapter last year brought in 78 new members, ended the year boasting 830 regular and auxiliary members, and had an active year. However, so far this year, we have yet to hear from some 200 of last year's members that they are going to renew their Chapter memberships. To those we say, we hope to hear from you soon. 

As with any organization, our Chapter membership is determined by several factors: 

  • The personal value derived by a person of what is done or accomplished on their behalf;
  • The contribution made by the organization to the community and society; 
  • The social and professional bonds which are created, and; 
  • The friends, colleagues, and associates he or she makes. 
Despite the many recent MOAA successes, much work remains to be done.  It's important our Chapter remain a vibrant, dynamic organization to ensure its voice is clearly heard at the national level on issues vital to national security. Of equal importance are issues of health, welfare and morale which affect those who have done the fighting to preserve our nation, and the families who are left behind and often alone. 

Please be a part of the solution of the vital issues which remain, and ensure you have renewed your Chapter membership. Call Jim Smith at 425-5934 if you have any questions. 

Together, our Chapter can make a difference.

Jim Smith
Membership Chairman

MOAA Scholarship Fund
Memorial contributions may be made for deceased members to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889.  Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622
The HRCMOAA has introduced a Military ID Card Notification Program to help chapter members remember to renew their ID cards and their dependent's ID cards in a timely fashion.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled,  you will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.  Note:  Over age 75 Members, who are eligible Uniform family members and survivors of deceased personnel are now eligible for Permanent Identification Cards.  Apply within 90 days of expiration of current ID card.
To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

Board Meetings

Board meetings will be held on the 1st Saturday of each month at the Little Creek Eagle Haven Golf Club, starting at 0830.  All members are invited to attend.  Come and observe your Board in action and see if there are any committees that you might be interested in helping out.  Contact a board member to confirm the meeting date. 

Volunteers Needed for the Hampton Roads 
Retired Activities Office 

Are you bored?  Tired of sitting home?  Would like to get involved in helping out retired service members and their families?  If so, contact your Chapter coordinator: CAPT James Hereford, USN (Ret) at 486-7639 to participate and offer your services. No experience is required; we'll train you. 

VCOC Scheduled Functions
The VCOC 1st Quarterly Meeting was held on 6 January 2006, at Fort Lee.  The VCOC Storming the Hill in Richmond was held on 23 January 2006.  The report will be contained in the next Newsletter. The annual Congressional Luncheon is scheduled to be held at the Senate Russell Building, Caucus Room SR-325, on 5 April 2006,  Contact your VCOC representative John Vermillion at 382-9843, if you would like to attend.  The next quarterly meeting will be held at Fort Lee on 21 April 2006. 

State Legislative Update:  As this goes to press, the General Assembly is still in session and all of our legislative objectives have not yet been completely acted upon. So, while it's still too early to declare “victory”, it does appear that we have advanced our agenda very well. The results of our fall campaign of contacting legislators and of our “Storming the Hill” on 23 Jan look very promising. Here is where we stand on our top priority issues.
Increased Support for National Guard/Reserve and Families:
Governor Kaine has submitted a budget amendment of $1.4 million to help NG retention by providing a $2,000 re-enlistment bonus, which is in addition to all federally funded bonuses and inducements. Also, a  bill establishing The Military Family Relief Fund has passed both the House and Senate and $1 million was provided in Governor Warner’s proposed budget. This fund will help provide relief for both NG and Reservists families who have financial difficulties when their sponsor is deployed.
In-state Tuition for Active, Guard, and Reserve Members and their Families: 
While Governor Warner’s budget submission proposed funding for two years (we currently have one year of in-state tuition), we have been advocating for a full 4 year in-state tuition program.  Four bills were introduced in the House (now rolled into one bill – HB695) and one in the Senate (SB121). The good news is that SB 121 has passed the Senate 40-0 and HB695 has passed the House 100-0. The bad news is that the two bills are not exactly alike. The Senate bill applies to military and dependents  stationed in Virginia; but is contingent upon an appropriation of general funds. The House bill simply says that dependents of military stationed in Virginia will be considered state residents for purposes of in-state tuition, but it does not apply to military members – only their dependents. Now the two bills must be reconciled and we'll have to wait to see how they come out. We haven't scored yet, but I think we're inside the ten yard line on this one. 
Provide $1 million to help the construction of a “Fisher House” near the McGuire Veterans Hospital in Richmond: 
The total cost is $3 million and the Fisher House Foundation will provide half the cost. We are asking the state to provide $1 million and then $500,000 will be raised from private sources. Only one bill was introduced for this in the House. However, Governor Kaine’s budget amendment will also ask for a million dollars to fund this. This type request from the general fund sets some type of precedent that may not sit well with some of our legislators. So, it’s still too early to tell if this much-needed grant of money will be approved.
Funding for a 3rd Veteran’s Care Center in Hampton Roads: 
We have been told that Governor Kaine’s budget amendment will include authorization for a treasury loan to cover the state’s 35% cost share. Delegate Cox ‘s bill to the same effect has passed the House 98-0. 
Additional part time hires for the Dept. of Veteran’s Services for 2007 & 2008: 
Delegate Cox has introduced a bill to fund these additional hires. In addition, Governor Kaine’s budget amendment covers these and other costs for the DVS strategic plan.
Bottom Line: All of our priority legislative objectives appear to be on track. 
(Note: Although not a “priority” objective, the status of the effort to construct a veterans cemetery in SW Virginia has passed the Senate 39-0 and the House 100-0. A great deal of credit for this goes to LTC Pat Green, 1st VP of VCOC and member of the Roanoke Chapter.)
Thanks to all of our members who have worked so hard for these objectives this year. We are truly becoming “ONE POWERFUL VOICE”!

From Col Sam Wilder, VCOC Director Legislative Affairs

New VA Surviving Spouse Web Site
The VA has launched a web site for surviving spouses and military dependents of veterans who died on active duty and surviving spouses of veterans who died after serving their country.  The new Web site, contains answers to many frequently asked questions and links to other federal agencies and organizations that offer benefits and services to survivors and dependents, including relief societies, support  organizations, support organizations, and the casualty assistance offices for each of the Armed Forces.
If you are a survivor or a family member of a survivor who served on board the USS Franklin, which was attacked and severely damaged in the raid on Pearl Harbor, please contact the Editor at 757-382-9843
Community Affairs







Princess Anne 
First Colonial 
Green Run 



Crown Plaza
Lake Taylor 
Booker T. Washington 
(Combined Ceremony)




Interested Members please contact CAPT Tim Stark at 836-1646 to help present awards.
Storming the Hill
COL Jack Hilgers, our Legislative Representative, is shown introducing
Congresswoman Thelma Drake to the VCOC attendees.
The Virginia Council of Chapters stormed the hill in Richmond on 23 January, 2006.  The HRCMOAA was represented by CDR John Vermillion, Maj Norm Crews, CAPT Jim Jones and COL Jack Hilgers.  The meeting was held in the Legislature Building.  We received short talks by Delegate Kirk Cox, Speaker Bill Howell, Delegate Bill Janis, Senator Walter Stosch, Lt. Gov Bolling, and Congress Woman Thelma Drake.  We also had a visit with Delegate Terrie Suit to discuss the VCOC Legislative Objectives.
HRCMOAA Membership

To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.

Directory Changes and Email Corrections should be sent to
P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA  23454-0612
Attention Dick Vogel
You may call Dick at 481-0694 or email
Invalid Email Addresses

C.  “GIL” ERB <>

If you have a new Email address, email it to Dick Vogel at

LCDR Robert E. Brunson, USN (Ret)

CDR Paul J. Hoffman, USN (Ret)
CDR Hoffman’s cremains will be scattered
at sea in the Atlantic Ocean this summer.

CDR Billy R. Crim, USN (Ret)

 The chapter members extend their sincere condolences
to the surviving family members.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2006