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The Bi-Monthly Newsletter of the Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America
A MOAA Five Star Level of Excellence Chapter and MOAA Best Web Site 
Serving Suffolk, Chesapeake, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach since 1959

P.O. Box 4612
Virginia Beach, VA

VOL 29-NO 3
JUNE 2005

In This Issue
President’s Commentary
HRCMOAA Directory
From the Editor
Widows Membership
MOAA  Scholarship Fund
Legislative Spotlight
Dues Increase Recommended
VCOC Scheduled Functions
Community Affairs Activities
Congressional Luncheon
ID Card Renewal Form
Chapter Schedule
Volunteers Needed
Job Exchange
Employment Exchange
Membership Renewals
Need A Ride
May Luncheon
HRCMOAA Welcomes
Permanent ID Cards Update
MOAA Benefits Update
By-Laws Changes
June Luncheon
Auxiliary Members
The Tribute
In honor of those who have sacrificed
to keep our country free.
Courtesy of the Arlington National Cemetery Website 
Next HRCMOAA Luncheon is
June 24th
with guest speaker 
CDR John Fahey, USN (Ret)
noted Author and Educator
Click Here For Details
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US Air Force
US Army
US Navy
US Marine Corps
US Coast Guard
Visit  our “MOAA Best” website at, read the bulletin, access MOAA national, Service Departments, Health and Benefit  locations, U. S. Senators and Representatives and many others.  If you do not have the Members Only “Password” please contact any of our Officers. 
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President’s Commentary

Our second luncheon of 2005 was another great success! Again the attendance was in the middle 80’s. It was held at the Duck Inn Banquet room. The food was excellent and Delegate Terri Suit was our speaker. She brought us up-to-date on the recent efforts  the State of Virginia has taken to help active duty service members and their dependents. 

I’m proud to announce the following “Proactive” accomplishments of your Chapter: 

We have received the following MOAA Communications Awards for 2004:

MOAA 2004 Communications Awards Winner Best Electronic Newsletter (500-899 Members), Hampton Roads, “The Tribute”. CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret., Editor. I received this award for the Chapter with John on Wednesday, April 26th in Washington, DC at the annual Virginia Council of Chapters (VCOC) MOAA luncheon at the Capital Hill Club with our Senators and Congressmen.

MOAA Communications Awards 1st Runner Up Website (500-899 Members) Hampton Roads Chapter, Major Cliff Furedy, USAF Ret, Webmaster. This award was mailed directly to Cliff for the Chapter. 

CAPT Tim Stark, USNR was interviewed in a feature article, “Building on New Blood” in the May issue of Military Officer Magazine. This article discusses Tim’s role as the Chairman of the Chapter’s Community Relations Committee working with our ROTC and junior ROTC programs.   All of us are extremely proud of John, Cliff, and Tim and their outstanding dedication, professionalism, volunteerism and hard work on behalf of our Hampton
Roads MOAA Chapter.  Congratulations, thank you and well done! We salute you! 

I invite you to become a Proactive member of our Chapter by volunteering for one of our committees. Please contact me and I’ll be happy to match your talents/desires with one of the committees and introduce you to its Chairman. 

Again, if you have your own business, please consider taking an ad in our Newsletter or Directory to help offset the costs and to help advertise your business.

Remember HRCMOAA is “One Powerful Voice” both locally and Nation wide.

Smooth Sailing,

Ray Hart
HRCMOAA Directory




President: 430-8771
CAPT Raymond J. Hart, USN-Ret.
1st Vice President: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
2nd Vice President: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews, USA-Ret.
Secretary: 689-2463
CAPT Frank T. Hinchy, USN-Ret.
Treasurer: 427-2402
CDR John A. Rooney, USN-Ret.
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
CAPT Jon Haas, USN-Ret.
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
CAPT Patricia McFadden, USN-Ret.
LtCol Mary L. Baeumel, USAFNC-Ret.
CAPT Jim Jones, USN-Ret.
Program: 640-0947
LtCol James M. Dellaripa Sr, USAF-Ret.
Arrangements: 363-1094
MAJ Norman Crews, USA-Ret.
VCOC Representative: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
Legislative Affairs: 490-8383
Col Jack W. Hilgers, USMC-Ret.
Personal Affairs: 486-7639
CAPT James D. Hereford, USN-Ret.
Membership: 425-5934
COL James A. Smith, USA-Ret
Community Affairs: 445-4174
CAPT Tim Stark, USNR
Information Systems: 481-0694
Col Richard A. Vogel, USAF-Ret.
Webmaster 490-5792
Maj Clifton G. Furedy. USAF-Ret.
Editor: 382-9843
CDR John E. Vermillion, USN-Ret.
From the  Editor

The MOAA Scholarship Fund Board met during the month of April and it selected the students for the 2005-2006 school year.  Since the fund was started in 1948 MOAA has helped over 8,000 students attend college.  For the 2004-2005 school year, more than 1,200 children of officers and enlisted service members were helped.  This number represents only a small number of those who apply each year. Last year MOAA had to turn down 68% of those who applied.  Our help is needed to help more military children be able to afford to attend college.  Every dollar that is given to the fund is given to a student as an interest free loan or a grant. There are no overhead costs deducted from donations.  As the interest free loans are repaid by the students, the money is recycled back into the program to help students again.  These loan repayments this year will amount to $3 million dollars which will allow MOAA to help 750 more students in the coming year.  The average student payback is over 99.5% vs the national average of less than 90%.  You are encouraged to make a tax free donation by visiting


Widows Membership

If your spouse was a life member of National MOAA, then you will retain this life membership with National MOAA.  If your spouse was a member of the local Chapter, then you will remain an Auxiliary member of the local chapter until their membership expires, at that time you will be invited to renew your membership.  Auxiliary members are important to our Chapter and we look forward to your participation in our events and taking an active part in the running of the Chapter.  Contact any of our HRCMOAA Officers.

The Washington Monument, as seen from the Lincoln Memorial.
MOAA 75th Anniversary Scholarship Fund

In addition to annual contributions,   memorial contributions may be made for deceased members to the MOAA Scholarship Fund, at Dept 889, Alexandria, VA 22334-0889.  Contributions may also be made at  Or you  may call 800-234-6622

Legislative Spotlight

The Legislative Spotlight is prepared by MOAA’s Government Relations directorate. Spotlight items are coded in three ways:

DIS: Items to disseminate to chapter members
HILL: Items important enough  to contact legislators by letter/phone or email.

Concurrent Receipt (DIS)
Rep. Michael Bilirakis (R-FL) has introduced a new bill, H.R. 2076, that would provide immediate, full concurrent receipt to otherwise-qualifying retirees rated as "unemployable" by the VA.  The bill also would expand eligibility under current law to include members with 40% and lower VA disability ratings in the 10-year phase-out of the disability offset to military retired pay.  Under current law, disabled uniformed services retirees with 40% and lower disability ratings continue to forfeit one dollar of earned retired pay for each dollar of VA disability compensation. Those with "unemployable" ratings are compensated by the VA at the 100% disability rate, but the Defense Department so far has not included them in implementing new law that removed 100% disabled retirees from the 10-year phase-in and awarded them full concurrent receipt as of January 2005.  This is the third in a series of bills Bilirakis has introduced in an effort to "move the ball" on concurrent receipt. H.R. 303 would authorize full, immediate concurent receipt for all disabled retirees who are eligible to retire independent of any disability. The new H.R. 2076 is a lower-cost version that would provide a phased way to achieve that goal. A third bill, H.R. 1366, would expand combat-related special compensation authority to combat-disabled members who were forced to retire medically before attaining 20 years of service.

MOAA supports all of these bills in the interest of making progress on the remaining concurrent receipt inequities, and has listed them on MOAA Web site at

You can urge your U.S. Representative to support any or all of these bills by clicking on the link above, scrolling down to "Retirement Issues" and selecting the applicable bill(s).

House OKs Supplemental Funding Bill, Benefits Upgrades (DIS)
On Thursday, the House voted, 368 to 58, to approve a compromise version of H.R. 1268, the Emergency Supplemental Wartime Appropriations Act that increases military death and disability benefits in several areas. But the final bill dropped other initiatives sought by MOAA and other advocates for disabled retirees and Guard/Reserve members.  The Senate will pass the bill next week, and the President is expected to sign it into law soon afterward.

Here's a summary of selected provisions of the bill:

  • Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage.  Increase maximum coverage from $250,000 to $400,000 for all eligible members, effective Sept 1, 2005. Survivors of members who died in a combat zone or of combat- or operations-related causes between Oct 7, 2001 (the official start of the war on terror) and Sept. 1, 2005 will be eligible for retroactive payment of the extra $150,000. 
  • Military Death Gratuity. Establish a special $100,000 death gratuity for the survivors of members who die in a combat zone or of combat- or operations-related causes. For other active duty deaths, the standard $12,450 death gratuity will still apply.  Survivors of members who died of combat- or operations-related causes since Oct. 7, 2001 will be eligible for the $88,000 difference. NOTE: There remains some question whether the language of the bill may inadvertently have made the $88,000 retroactive payment subject to federal income tax. Hill leaders have indicated their intent to ensure it's not taxable. 
  • Free SGLI Coverage in Combat Zones. The Secretary of Defense may elect to provide the first $150,000 of SGLI coverage free for servicemembers assigned to a combat zone. 
  • SGLI election requirements. Married members who wish to decline SGLI coverage or elect less than maximum coverage will need the spouse's written consent in the future. In the case of single members who do so, the service will have to notify their next-of-kin of that decision. The government will notify spouses (but written spousal consent will not be required) any time a married servicemember changes his or her SGLI beneficiary. 
  • Traumatic Injury Protection. Authorizes a "traumatic injury" insurance rider to SGLI that would pay a servicemember $25,000 to $100,000 for certain severe injuries, ranging from significant burns or loss of a thumb and finger to total paralysis or coma.
  • Defense Health Program. Adds $35 million to military health programs to meet the additional workload from the war on terrorism. 
  • Navy Aircraft Carriers. Prohibits the Navy from carrying out a pending plan to eliminate an aircraft carrier. 

MOAA is disappointed that the final bill did NOT include: 

  • Non-binding language passed by the Senate expressing the sense of Congress that the Defense Department should provide full, immediate concurrent receipt of military retired pay and VA disability compensation to otherwise qualifying retirees rated as "unemployable" by the VA. (Sen. Reid has indicated that he intends to seek a statutory requirement for this in the Defense Authorization Act that may come up for Senate action later this month.) 
  • Senate-passed language authorizing federal agencies to make up any pay loss suffered by their federal employees who are mobilized as lower-paid members of the National Guard or Reserve (as many large civilian employers do for their mobilized employees).

Pharmacy Co-payment System
The first drugs identified are; 

* Nexium(R) (esomeprazole), to treat stomach problems and ulcers; * Teveten(R) (eprosartan); or * Teveten HCT(R) (eprosartan with hydrochlorothiazide), for high blood pressure.   Depending on where the prescription is filled, beneficiaries will have a $22 copay for a 30 day supply from a retail pharmacy (TRRx) or a 90-day supply from the mail order program (TMOP); or, the higher of $22 or 20 percent in retail non-network pharmacies. 

Third tier drugs will not be stocked in Military Treatment Facility (MTF) pharmacies, but will be special-ordered if prescribed by an MTF physician with a medical necessity determination and may be special-ordered if prescribed by a non-MTF physician to whom the patient was referred and with a showing of medical necessity. 

Beneficiaries who are taking Nexium(R), Teveten(R) or Teveten HCT(R) should check with their doctor to see if a less costly alternative would be equally as effective. To get a medical necessity determination, providers must show a valid medical reason why a patient must take the non-formulary 3rd tier medication. 

Beneficiaries who have already established medical necessity for Nexium(R) with the TMOP program, must get another medical necessity determination by July 17th to continue on the medication at the $9.00 formulary cost-share. Without an updated medical necessity determination, beneficiaries must pay the $22 cost share. 

Contact the retail pharmacy (TRRx) customer service line at (866) DOD-TRRX, (866) 363-8779, or visit: For the mail order pharmacy (TMOP) go to: call (866) DOD-TMOP, (866) 363-8667. For additional information go to the Formulary Search Tool for additional information about medications, their availability and cost at:

HRCMOAA Board Recommends Annual Dues Increase

In January 2005 the HRCMOAA Board of Directors recommended that Annual dues be increased beginning in 2006 to counter the effects of inflation on Chapter activities.  Upon approval by a vote of the membership at the Annual Meeting scheduled for November 2005, regular member dues will go from $12.50 yearly or $30.00 for three years to $15.00 yearly or $39.00 for three years.  While the Board struggled with this recommendation it is pleased to note that dues will be lower than other similar organizations in the Hampton Roads area.  Dues for Auxiliary members will remain at $7.50 yearly or $21.00 for 3 years. Should you have comments to offer, contact a Chapter officer.

VCOC Scheduled Functions

The VCOC Quarterly meeting was held at the Fort Lee Quarter  Master Museum  on 8 April 2005.  The Legislative Committee proposed the following legislatives objectives:

  1. Funding for the Virginia National Guard recruiting, bonuses and health care.
  2. Funding for the 3rd Veterans Care Center in Hampton Roads.
  3. Funding for the South West Veterans Cemetery.
  4. More claims officers for the DVS.
  5. In-State tuition for dependents of active-duty personnel.

VCOC Next Quarterly Meeting

The next meeting will be held in July, date to be determined, at Fort Lee  starting at 1030.  Contact your VCOC representative John Vermillion at 382-9843, if you would like to attend.  A carpool will be formed for the trip

Community Affairs Activities
-Posting the Colors-
The Spring Pass in Review ceremony was held at Norfolk State University for the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps Unit Hampton Roads.  This ceremony is normally held on the NSU Football Field but with cool weather and high winds, it was held inside the Gymnasium.  The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA presented an award for outstanding leadership to Officer Candidate James Reynoso.  The NROTC Unit, Hampton Roads was commissioned 1 July 1982, and brought into being an innovative concept known as the “NROTC Consortium.” Under this concept, Hampton Roads was the first unit  to offer complete NROTC programs at three separate institutions, including Hampton University, Norfolk State University, and Old Dominion University. 

Presenters needed for ROTC/JROTC awards

Member Participation is highly encouraged.  If you would like to participate and be a presenter, or just observe any of the awards presentations, please contact CAPT Tim Stark, USNR, our Community Affairs Chairman at 467-2899 (H) or 445-4174 (W). See our Chapter Schedule for events. 

Annual Congressional Luncheon 
Left to Right is Ray Hart, your president, Carrie Melvin, Legislative Assistant for 2nd District Congresswoman Thelma Drake, and Col Bob Norton, USA (Ret) from National MOAA.
The Annual Congressional Luncheon was held at the Capitol Hill Club on 27 April 2005.  Senators John Warner and George Allen were in attendance and spoke briefly on the VCOC/MOAA National Objectives.  The top priority objectives for 2005 were:
  1. Strengthen the Active Force, increasing ground force strength while maintaining air and naval capabilities.
  2. Strengthen the National Guard and Reserve Force, addressing the expanded role of the reserve force and significantly improving the National Guard/Reserve recruiting and retention benefits including; Health benefits, Federal and State tax incentives to employers for pay off-sets when mobilized, Increase ceilings on enlistment and re-enlistment bonuses, vigorous implementation/enforcement of the Uniformed Services Reemployment Act of 1994. 
  3. Fix the Survivor Benefit Plan, completely eliminating the “widows tax”.  Eliminate the Dependents Indemnity Compensation offset and move up the 30 year paid up SBP to 2005.
The HRCMOAA was represented by our President Ray Hart and our VCOC Representative, John Vermillion.  We were joined at our 2nd District table by Congresswoman Thelma Drake and three assistants from her office.  COL Bob Norton USA Ret., National Moaa also joined us for lunch.
The HRCMOAA has introduced a Military ID Card Notification Program to help chapter members remember to renew their ID cards and their dependent’s ID cards in a timely fashion.  This voluntary program is totally free to those wishing to participate.  A database will be maintained and participants will be notified in sufficient time to renew their military ID cards prior to expiration.  Once you and your dependents are enrolled, you need do nothing more.  You will be notified of your impending ID card expiration date in sufficient time for renewal prior to the expiration date.
To enroll in this voluntary program, fill in the form at the link below for each dependent and Send by Email or Print and Mail to: Military ID Card Notification Program, HRCMOAA, P.O. Box 4612, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-0612.
Military ID Card Notification Program

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events

Board Meetings

Board meetings will continue to be held on the 1st Saturday of each month at the Little Creek Eagle Haven Golf Club, starting at 0830.  Breakfast may be had at the Club Restaurant prior to the meeting.  All members are invited to attend.  This will be an opportunity to observe your Board in action and to see if there are any committees that you might be interested in helping out.  Just show up or contact the Chapter President. 

Volunteers Needed for the 
Hampton Roads Retired Activities Office 

Are you bored? Tired of sitting home? Would like to get involved in helping out retired members and their families?  If so, contact your Chapter coordinator: CAPT James Hereford, USN (Ret) at 486-7639 to participate and offer your services. No experience is required; we’ll train you. 

HRCMOAA Job Exchange

As an HRCMOAA member and employer, would you find value in knowing who among our membership is looking for work?  As an HRCMOAA member who is looking for work would you find value in knowing who among our membership has jobs to offer?

Doesn’t it make sense that we could help each other through a Job Exchange?  If you can identify yourself as fitting into one of these groups, please contact John Rooney at and let him know what you need.  He will maintain a listing of jobs and candidates so that members looking for opportunities to work with each other can be connected.  Employers, be sure to identify the type of job you have to offer and candidates be sure to include a copy of your resume.

HRCMOAA Employment Exchange

CDR Jim Brinkman, one of our active duty members, is retiring from the US Navy and is looking for employment in Maritime Homeland Security/Defense.  He is available August 1, 2005.  Jim’s most recent assignment as Plans and Exercises Division Head for the Coast Guard Atlantic Area has placed him squarely in the forefront of Maritime homeland security efforts.  His experience as an instructor who has seen the security environment both pre-and post- September 11th, from the Navy and Coast Guard Homeland Defense and Security viewpoints, gives him a unique perspective for training personnel entering the Maritime Security/Defense field. 

If you know of anyone looking to augment their staff with someone with Jim’s credentials or would like to view his resume, please contact CDR John Rooney at 757-409-2687.

Membership Renewals

Chapter memberships are due for renewal as of the end of the year shown on the Newsletter mailing label immediately following the addressee’s name.  Renewals prior to the end of the year will ensure no interruption in your receipt of the Newsletter. 

Need a Ride?

If you would like to attend one of our functions but cannot drive, Contact CDR John Rooney, USN (Ret) at 427-2402.  We will find someone to pick you up and take you home. 

HRCMOAA Luncheon
Your Chapter recently hosted a luncheon at the Duck Inn Club.  Over 80 members enjoyed a wonderful lunch and listened to a presentation on Legislative Actions and Objectives by our own Delegate Terrie Suit. Above is your president CAPT Ray Hart, USN (Ret) thanking our speaker Delegate Terrie Suit.  She was presented an engraved silver cup.  A vote was taken on changes to the By Laws, which would reflect the use of Auxiliary members for Chapter Officers and Directors.  The changes were approved.   All who attended enjoyed the lunch, the surroundings, and the presentation. 
Delegate Terrie Suit is shown talking with Sylvia Smith and Grace Gallagher before the luncheon.

To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.

Dependent Permanent ID Cards 75+

The 2005 National Defense Authorization Act grants dependants age 75 and older permanent military identification card (ID) status. However, DoD informs us the permanent ID card program will not be available until later this year. In the interim, the Defense Enrollment Eligibility System (DEERS) considers these dependents eligible for benefits so long as a death or divorce has not been reported meaning that TRICARE claims should not be rejected due to ineligibility.  DEERS, as does MOAA, strongly encourages those who are able to renew their ID card to do so. Until the permanent ID card change has been incorporated, the issued ID card will be good for 4 years. Once the change is implemented, the issued ID card will say INDEF. To locate the nearest ID Card facility call 1.800.538.9552 or visit

Contact Buck Hereford, Personal Affairs at 486-7639 or Walt Wesolowski at 518-0265 if you have any questions. 


The World War Two US Navy operating museum ship will cruise the east coast from May through July 2005.  The ports of call will include Robinson Terminals located in Old Town Alexandria, Va.  LST-325 will commemorate the 60th anniversary of the ending of World War  Two.  The LST will be open to public tours between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm daily.  The admission fees are; $10 for adults, $5 for Students K-12, and $ 20 for family.  You may visit the website at

MOAA Benefits Information Update

TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) is a Congressionally authorized premium-based health coverage plan for Guardsmen, Reservists, and their families.  This plan allows eligible servicemembers to purchase military health insurance coverage (TRICARE) similar to active duty coverage under TRICARE Standard and Extra plans. TRS coverage begins following the exhaustion of the 180 day Transition Assistance Management Program (TAMP} benefit after the servicemember has been released from active duty in exchange for a commitment to continued service in the Guard or Reserve.  The March 18th, 2005 MOAA Legislative Update highlighted the rules for the new TRICARE Reserve Select program, which went into effect on April 26, 2005. MOAA has decanted these rules into questions and answers, now available on MOAA’s web base at: If you or someone you know may be eligible for this new program, please review the information contained on MOAA's web site or the TRICARE web site

MOAA will also offer a Mediplus TRS supplement to provide coverage for cost-shares up to the annual TRS catastrophic cap, as well as excess charges (which cannot be applied to the cap). This supplement can help limit your out-of-pocket expenses. For more information on MOAA's supplement, call (800) 247-2192; visit, or e-mail The supplement was available May 1, 2005.   General Questions: MOAA's Member Service Center and Benefits Information Experts.  You may call (800) 234-MOAA (6622); visit, or e-mail  Eligibility Questions: Your reserve component personnel office, unit personnel office, or  Enrollment and Benefits: TRICARE Regional Contractor. You may visit or call (800)555-2605 in the North region, (800) 444-5445 in the South region and overseas, and (888) TRIWEST in the West region.

By Laws- Changes

The following By-Laws changes were approved by the Membership at our April 22 Luncheon. 

  • Article V; Officers and Administration, Section 1,  will be changed to read “Elected officers —— as set forth in Sections 2.a. and 2.b. of Article IV, —– prescribed.”
  • Section 4.a. will be changed to read “The administration —— as defined in Sections 2.a. and 2.b. of Article IV, —– a quorum.” 
These changes will reflect the National MOAA’s recommended By-Laws which allows for the use of Auxiliary members as Officers and Board of Directors for the Chapter.


WHEN: Friday, June 24, 2005
WHERE: Atlantic Shores Retirement Community
TIME: Social: 1100 hours, Lunch: 1200 hours
MENU: Chicken Vanderbilt (breast w/ ham, mushrooms) 
OR Tilapia Mediterranean (excellent filet of fish)
W/Vegetables and Garden Salad. Rolls & Butter, 
Pecan Cheese Cake for dessert.
PRICE: $16.00 (inclusive)
  Mixed drinks: $4.00, Beer/Wine $3.00
PROGRAM: John Fahey, Retired Naval Officer, noted Author and past member of VA Beach School Board.
“Licensed to Spy Behind the Iron Curtain”.
RESERVATIONS: Jim Dellaripa at 640-0947 or 
Frank Hinchy at 689-2463. 
Call between 0900 and 2000 hours. 
Or Lou Beaumel at 716-2497 at Atlantic Shores
CUTOFF DATE is June 21, (FIRM)
CDR John Fahey, USN (Ret.), Noted Author and Educator
Commander Fahey served twenty years in the U. S. Navy as a Navy combat airship command pilot during World War II, operations officer and executive officer at sea, and in Naval intelligence assignments. During the Cold War he served behind the Iron Curtain in East Germany as an American Liaison Officer to the Soviet Army, before, during, and after the construction of the Berlin Wall. For his collection of valuable intelligence information he was recommended for the Legion of Merit and awarded the Army Commendation medal. After retiring from the U. S. Navy in 1963, John Fahey began a second career as an educator. He taught for twenty-five years, twenty-two at Old Dominion University as an Assistant and then Associate Professor. He won awards as the College of Arts and Letters most outstanding teacher and the University’s most distinguished faculty member. He conducted over a dozen study tours to the Soviet Union, studied in a Moscow State University program, and made a site visit to the American Embassy in Moscow for an American contractor. 

He has served as a president of many educational and community organizations, President of the Virginia Beach Rotary Club, Governor of District 7600, Rotary International, President of the Naval Airship Association, and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Hampton Roads Educational Telecommunications Association (WHRO-TV, WHRO-FM, WHRV-FM). He served nine years on the Virginia Beach City Public School Board. 

He has written five books: A Cartoon View of Russia, Wasn’t I the Lucky One, Licensed to Spy, Kremlin Kapers and Maverick on the School Board . Over thirty of his articles have been published in scholarly and professional journals, including Missiles and Rockets, Space Journal, United States Institute Proceedings, The Russian Review, Russian Language Journal, Conservative Digest, and The Torch. 

His wife, Barbara wrote Berlin Wall Flower. John and Barbara will be married 60 years on June 23, 2005. 

Auxiliary Members 

Did you know Auxiliary members (eligible widows and widowers of officers) can hold office and have all the benefits that regular members do?  This is the result of our recent changes to the Chapter By Laws which were approved by the members in attendance at the recent luncheon held at the Duck Inn Club.


LTC William G. Cote, USA

LCDR Barry F. Turner, USN

Mrs. Viola M. Chandler
(CW04 Neil B. Chandler, USN (Ret).

 The chapter members extend their sincere condolences
to the surviving family members.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2005