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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers of America 
BIMONTHLY     VOL. 28,  NO. 3  JUNE 2004

CDR John E. Vermillion, USN
First Vice President:
CAPT Raymond J. Hart, USN
Second Vice President:
LCOL James M. Dellaripa, Sr., USAF
CDR Albert Leon, USN
CDR Harrell E. Peterson, USNR
COL Richard A. Vogel, USAF


Our April Social was enjoyed by all of our members who attended.  Our guest speaker was Mayor Oberndorf who brought us up to date on the direction of Virginia Beach for the next few years.  The speech was well received by the members in attendance.  We encourage all members to attend the next function on 11 June to be held at the Holiday Inn Executive Center for a prospective on Iraq from someone who has been there. 

Our Chapter and Major Clifton Furedy, USAF Ret., our Web Master was presented an award from National MOAA by BG Wes Edwards, President of the Virginia Council of Chapters.  The award was for the outstanding Web Site for our size chapter.  Our congratulations to Clif for all of his work on establishing and updating our Web Site.

Congress directed the DOD to establish a Uniform Formulary (UF) process which creates a new third-tier co-pay of $22 per prescription, in both mail order and retail pharmacy services, for medications that are designated "non-formulary".  The UF also creates a new DOD Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee (to make recommendations regarding which medications will be available at the third tier co-pay); and a new Beneficiary Advisory Panel (to review the Committee's recommendations). 

The pharmacy benefit will continue to include all Food and Drug Administration approved pharmaceutical agents that require an authorized provider's prescription, unless otherwise excluded from TRICARE pharmacy benefit coverage by law.  It will also continue the current tiers of $3 for generic medications and $9 for brand name medications. There will be no drugs in the third ($22) tier until the appropriate committees have met to evaluate drugs in accordance with the Uniform Formulary Rule and the final approval has been made.  For further details see

Beginning Jun 1, 2004, the TRICARE Retail Pharmacy program will be run by Express Scripts Inc.  Beneficiaries and caregivers are encouraged to close out outstanding paper claims from medications obtained prior to Jun 1, 2004.  Paper claims resulting from the use of non-network pharmacies or submitted for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses not covered by other health insurance, should be submitted to the current claims processor of your Regional Managed Care support contractor until Aug 31, 2004.  After that date, Express Scripts Inc. will be responsible for any outstanding claims.

Again we would like to encourage any member, who is interested in becoming actively involved in MOAA operations, to attend our Board meetings, normally held on the 1st Saturday of every month at the NS Little Creek Amphibious Base Golf Course clubhouse.  The meetings start at 0830.  The next Board meeting will be held on 5 June. 

We're Rolling,

Photos from April 2004 Social
Virginia Beach Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf was the April Guest of Honor and spoke about her committment to the military in the city and in particular, NAS Oceana.  She also listed many positive ways Virginia Beach uses their limited funds to make the city clean and safe.
The President of the Virginia Council of Chapters, BGen Wes EdwardsUSMC Ret.(on right), presents the National MOAA Communications award for the best Web Site to Maj Clifton Furedy, USAF Ret. the Webmaster for our Chapter.

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events


To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.

(As of 24 May 2004)
Previous Change Present
Regular 783 -89 694
Auxiliary 171 -35 136
Honorary 3 0 3
Totals 957 -124 833

     In Virginia, the budget impasse was resolved and the budget is in the hands of the Governor, who will  review it and return it to the General Assembly  with his comments and recommendations. Current  thinking is that none of the Veterans issues and the active duty subsidy will be affected.

     The budget provides for several Veterans-related Initiatives that were objectives of the MOAA Virginia Council of Chapters. Funding has been restored to the Department of Veterans Services to support the restoration of four field representative positions and support the staffing the new Albert Horton Memorial Veterans Cemetery in Suffolk.  Some funding also went toward planning for two additional Veterans Care Centers in Northern VA and Tidewater, and the operation of the Virginia War Memorial. The State met its funding obligation for the National World War II memorial in Washington, DC.

      Regrettably, as part of the revenue bill that supported the budget, tax increases and tax offsets
included: (1) the elimination of the $6,000 deduction for retirees 62 to 64 [to be phased out over the next two years] and (2) the commencement in 2006 of means testing for retirees 65 and older. The latter means that those 65 or older as of 1 January 2006, will be grandfathered and continue to receive the $12,000 deduction; however, those reaching 65 in 2006 will have their deduction reduced by $1 for every $1 that the taxpayer's federal adjusted gross income [less social security revenues] exceeds $50,000 for singles and $75,000 for married taxpayers.

     Active duty military stationed in Virginia (including those deployed) with out-of-state dependents will benefit from reinstatement of in-state tuition rates. This is guaranteed for only one year from the actual reporting date shown on military orders, allowing out-of-state dependents time to apply for Virginia residency so that they could continue eligibility for in-state tuition.
License renewals are extended for 60 days after return by deployed active duty personnel. This bill has been signed into law by the Governor.


     Did you know that MOAA provides a Leadership award to one Cadet or Midshipman from each College ROTC/NROTC or High School NJROTC?  The Hampton Roads chapter will present awards to three local colleges and ten local high schools by the end of the academic year. 

     As of 27 April, the awardees are:

Old Dominion ROTC: Cadet Megan L. Marshburn
Norfolk State/Old Dominion NROTC: Midshipman Amanda Leugers
Norfolk State ROTC: Cadet Timothy Sechrist

Princess Anne H.S.: Cadet Ltjg Chris Brown
Salem H.S.: Cadet William Everett
First Colonial H.S.: Cadet CPO Alex Hill

     There are plenty of opportunities to participate in the awards program.  The ceremonies are held at various times of the day, so there are ample opportunities for everyone to help out the chapter.

     If you would be interested in assisting in this worthwhile effort, please contact the Community Affairs Chairman, CAPT Tim Stark at 467-2899 or by email at:


     In yesterday's Special Update (, we reported on the tremendous progress made during the House Armed Services Committee deliberations on the FY2005 Defense Authorization Bill (H.R. 4200).  Next week it's the Senate's turn, and Senate SBP champion Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) intends to push for inclusion of a similar provision in the Senate bill (S. 2400).  The bill reported out by the Senate Armed Services Committee last week proposed no changes to SBP. But Sen. Landrieu will have the opportunity to present a floor amendment to phase out the age-62 annuity reduction. Details of her proposal are still being worked out, but her staff expects that it will be similar to the measure the House Committee approved Wednesday night.  With 55 senators on record as co-sponsors of various bills to eliminate the SBP annuity reduction, we believe the Senate will be reluctant to do less for military widows than the House...especially as we approach Memorial Day. But we need an avalanche of grassroots inputs between now and next Wednesday to remind senators that this is an important issue, and that there's no reason for further delay.

Please use MOAA's Action Alert:
Click Here to urge your senator to vote for Sen. Landrieu's SBP amendment. We hope you'll also follow that up with phone calls to your two senators' offices by using MOAA's toll-free hot line to Capitol Hill (1-877-762-8762). Just ask the Capitol operator to connect you to your senator's office and tell the staffer you want your senator to vote for Sen. Landrieu's SBP amendment to the Defense Authorization bill (S. 2400).

MOAA Legislative Update May 17, 2004


     The American people have always come together in times of crisis to assist each other in any way possible, whether to give blood or feed and clothe the victims of disaster, or offer some other means of support.

     The United States Armed Services have deployed hundreds of thousands of men and women across our nation and around the world for many years.  However, since September 11, 2001 these deployments have involved larger numbers of personnel and have required a more rapid 
response by our troops.  These soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen sacrifice their own safety and security to protect the freedoms that we all cherish.

     Unfortunately, for many of these men and women, deployment from home often means accumulated debts due to loss of normal income, extraordinary expenses arising from family emergencies, family relocation costs and sometimes the financial crisis faced by widows, widowers and orphans

     For over half a century, the Armed Services Relief Agencies have answered the needs of our military personnel with emergency funds and family assistance programs in peacetime or war. 

     Your support is needed now to assure that our active duty personnel, reservists and their families get the help they need.


All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2004