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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers of America 
BIMONTHLY     VOL. 28,  NO. 2  APRIL 2004

CDR John E. Vermillion, USN
First Vice President:
CAPT Raymond J. Hart, USN
Second Vice President:
LCOL James M. Dellaripa, Sr., USAF
CDR Albert Leon, USN
CDR Harrell E. Peterson, USNR
COL Richard A. Vogel, USAF


     Our February social was a success, with 60-plus attendees.  Our guest speaker was Commander Robert (Bobby) Rountree, Jr., USN (Ret).  Bobby is the Executive Director for Regional Air Operations at NAS Oceana. He was assisted by ACC Roy Firenze, USN (Ret). Bobby briefed attendees on the future of NAS Oceana with the introduction of the "Super Hornet."  Bobby also discussed the Navy's relationship with the City of Virginia Beach during this transition.  The briefing was well-received by members in attendance.  Captain "Buck" Hereford, USN (Ret) was presented an award for his outstanding service as Chairman of the Personal Affairs Committee and his volunteer service with the Navy Retired Affairs Office.  Five Past Presidents were present to be recognized for their outstanding service in past years.  We look forward to seeing as many of our members as possible at our next function, Friday 16 April 04 at NAS Oceana O'Club.  The mayor of Virginia Beach is scheduled as our guest speaker.

     The DEERS officials have emphasized the importance of updating records when personal eligibility information changes.  These changes include, military career status and family status such as marriage, divorce, birth, and adoption. 
For complete details see:

     The 2003 National Cemetery Act authorized the VA to establish six new national cemeteries to serve veterans in the States of Alabama, California, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania. Information on VA burial benefits can be obtained from national cemetery offices or from VA web sites at

     The Defense Department announced the creation of the Korean Defense Service Medal (KDSM).  The KDSM is a service medal to give special recognition for the sacrifices and contributions made by members of the U.S. armed forces who have served or are serving in the Republic of Korea.  Those authorized the KDSM must have served in support of the defense of the Republic of Korea. 
For further information go to

     SBP annuitants must complete Certificate of Eligibility annually. If you are a Survivor Benefit Plan annuitant, you should make a point to complete your COE.  Annuitants receive a tax statement and a COE annually.  The COE determines whether the annuitant continues receiving an SBP check each month.  The COE is automatically generated and sent to annuitants 90 days prior to their birthday each year.  The form should be completed and returned before the annuitant's birthday to avoid any interruption in pay.

     Again we would like to encourage any member, who is interested in becoming actively involved in MOAA operations, to attend our Board meetings, normally held on the 1st Saturday of each month at the Little Creek Amphibious Base Golf Course clubhouse, beginning at 0830. The next Board meeting will be held on 3 April.

We're Rolling,


If your mailing label on the 
April MOAA BULLETIN shows "2003" or "TEMP", 
your dues have either expired or not been received 
and this will be your last mailing unless renewed! 

To renew, use the form on the rear cover of the printed MOAA BULLETIN or Click here for an on-line form.  Regular member dues are $12.50 per year or three years for $30.00.  Auxliliary member dues are $7.50 per year.  Include your National MOAA membershiop number from the upper left of your address label for The Military Officer magazine.

Photos from February 2003 Social
At our social on February Social, Captain Buck Hereford, USN Ret. was presented an award, by HRCMOAA President Commander John Vermillion, USN Ret., for his outstanding service as Chairman of the Personal Affairs Committee and his volunteer service with the Navy Retired Activities Office.
The guest speaker at the February Social was Commander Robert (Bobby) Roundtree, JR., USN Ret.  Bobby is the Executive Director for Regional Air Ops at the NAS Oceana.  He was assisted by ACC Ray Firenze, USN Ret.  Bobby briefed attendees on the future of NAS Oceana with the introduction of the "Super Hornet".  The Navy's relationship with City of Virginia Beach during the transition was also discussed.  The briefing was well received by the 60 plus members in attendance. 
2004 - 2005 DIRECTORS
CDR John A. Rooney, USN 427-2402

To protect member privacy,
New Members and Directory Changes
are only available through the Members Access page.

(As of 24 March 2004)
Previous Change Present
Regular 779 +4 783
Auxiliary 167 +4 171
Honorary 3 0 3
Totals 949 +8 957

For the most current and up-to-date schedule of chapter events, click on Calendar of Events


     It will soon be time to select a nominating committee to develop a slate of new officers and directors to replace those whose terms expire at end-2004. If you are interested in this vital matter, and wish to serve on the committee, please contact Chapter President John E. Vermillion at 382-9843 or by email at


     After lengthy discussion, the Board of Directors agreed that, if there is sufficient member interest, the Chapter would sponsor a golf tournament. Golfers, your views are requested so as to determine whether there is enough interest to go forward with this idea. Point of Contact is 2d Vice President James M  ("Rip") Dellaripa. Contact him at 640-0947 or by email at:


     Surviving spouses are cautioned to be aware that your ID card has an expiration date, of which you must be watchful!  Be sure to apply for a replacement before your card actually expires, so as to avoid confusion with the DEERS system and your other benefits. If you have questions or require assistance, the Point of Contact is COL James A. Smith, USA (Ret), who may be reached at 425-5934 or via email at


On 6 March 2004 the Board approved the following price schedule for BULLETIN advertisements:

Full page           $135 per issue
7-1/2"W x 9-1/2"H  $750 for 6 issues

Half page  $75 per issue
(Vert. 3-1/2"W x 9-1/2"H) $300 for 6 issues
(Hor. 7-1/2"W x 4-3/8"H)

Quarter page  $40 per issue
(3-1/2"W x 4-3/8"H)  $200 for 6 issues

Business Cards  $25 per issue
(2"H x 3-1/2"W  $125 for 6 issues

The dimensions given are for "Camera-Ready" copy that is ready for the printer and requires no resizing by the chapter.

All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2004