Greetings. I would like to take this opportunity
to invite everyone to attend our next function which will be held in the
NAS Oceana Officers' Club on 18 September. The social hour will commence
at 1800 hours followed by dinner at 1900 hours. Our guest speaker will
be Mayor Meyera Oberndorf, City of Virginia Beach. Now will be your opportunity
to ask about new and ongoing programs for the City that are of interest
to you.
Again this year your Chapter is participating
in the U.S. Naval Institute Seminars and Exposition. We will have a booth
located near the USNI booth, which should make it easier to find. A representative
from the National MOAA organization will join us in our booth. Our objective
this year will be to recruit new members for both our local Chapter and
the National Organization, especially from active duty officers. You should
have received with this BULLETIN a registration packet for USNI's Annual
Warfare Exposition and Symposium, entitled, "Lessons from the Deserts."
Please join us on 8 and 9 October for this event which includes high-level
guest speakers, interesting panel discussions, and a chance to mingle with
fellow active duty officers and let them know that they can be members
of the MOAA organization, both Nationally and Locally. Let them know that
the MOAA theme, "One Powerful voice", is so very important when it comes
to promoting legislation that affects all of us, both active duty and retired.
Starting 1 October 2003, DEERS will reflect
TRICARE Eligibility for unremarried former spouses, using the spouse's
own SSN and not the former sponsor's. Health care information will be filed
under the unremarried former spouse's own SSN and name. These beneficiaries
will now use their own name and SSN to schedule medical appointments and
to file TRICARE claims. Their current ID card is still valid until its
expiration. Upon renewal, the unremarried former spouse will be issued
a replacement ID. After 1 October 2003, they may contact or visit the nearest
identification card issuing facility for questions or assistance.
For locations, visit
Members can contribute to the MOAA Scholarship
Fund through the 2003 Combined Federal Campaign (CFC); look for the Military
Officers Association of America Scholarship Fund, #2142.
For information on the Combat Related Special
Compensation (CRSC) and a copy of the application form go to
Again, we would like to encourage any member
who is interested in becoming actively involved in MOAA operations, to
attend our Board meetings, normally held on the 1st Saturday of every month
at the NAB Little Creek Golf Course clubhouse. We have some new committees
that we want to establish and new members are needed to fill the vacancies.
The meetings start at 0830 hours. The next Board meeting will be held on
4 October.
We're Rolling,