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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

October 2015
MOAA Annual Meeting
MOAA’s affiliates compete annually to receive a four- or five-star Levels of Excellence Award, with the very best councils and chapters receiving five-star awards, and above-average councils and chapters receiving four-star awards.  More than 140 council and chapter leaders and their spouses, along with members of the national staff and board of directors, gathered Oct. 31 for the 2015 Levels of Excellence Award dinner held at the Buena Vista Resort hotel in Orlando, FL. Pictured below right is HRCMOAA Chapter President, Bert Ortiz, accepting the Chapter’s 2015 five star award streamer from Gen. Charles T. Robertson Jr., USAF (Ret), chair of MOAA’s board of directors.  Also pictured at bottom is Virginia’s Council of Chapter’s President, Col Victoria Revilla (seated center) with Chapter Presidents from around the state that received five and four star awards. “Councils and chapters continue to be the bedrock of our organization,” Robertson told council and chapter leaders. “When we want something done and done right."

Honor Flight:  October 17, 2015
At Zero Dark Thirty, Saturday October 17, 2015, Old Dominion University NROTC Hampton Roads Unit Bravo Company Norfolk State University, Old Dominion AROTC Monarch Battalion, Princess Anne and Landstown High Schools respective Navy and Army ROTC and JROTC students lined up to render honors to WWII and KOREAN WAR veterans.  The anticipation was high as our veterans walked to awaiting buses that transported them to Washington, DC to visit various War Memorials.  This ceremony takes place twice a year (Fall/Spring) and is also joined by several civic and veteran organizations. 

Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) members LTJG Scott Hatzung, Daryl Holland, Bert Ortiz, Jim Jones, Steve Hackney, Jim Edge and Michael Barea were present to help send off the veterans (pictured below from left to right).

Old Dominion University Military Instructor, CPT Joseph Brown, US Army served as Officer in Charge (OIC) providing guidance and instruction to the students participating in the departure ceremony.  Pictured L-R below:  Daryl Holland, Jim Edge, Mel Runzo.
Honor Flight Historic Triangle Virginia (HFHTVA) is a Williamsburg-based non-profit organization established in October 2008 with one goal:  Take every World War II, Korean War and terminally ill veteran in the Hampton Roads and Richmond areas that is able and has not visited the World War II Memorial on a charter bus day trip to Washington, DC.  Additionally, other scheduled stops include Arlington National Cemetery and the Marine Corps War (Iwo Jima) Memorial, Korean War, and/or Vietnam War Memorials. 

There is no charge to the veterans as they paid for it through their dedicated service to our great nation more than sixty five years ago. HFHTVA is a hub of the National Honor Flight Network, which was founded in 2005 and has over 130 hubs throughout the United States.  They have taken over 118,000 veterans to the memorial as of November 2013.

Pictured below, CPT Joseph Brown, USA and CDR William “Josey” Wales, USN (Ret) provide direction to the cadets.

23 October Luncheon
Department of Veterans Services Commissioner, John Newby joined us at our October luncheon at the Virginia Beach Hotel & Resort.  He discussed current veteran-related issues, current and future plans for veteran medical facilities including long term care facilities, and answered a number of questions from our members.  Below, CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret),  presents the Jefferson Cup to Commissioner Newby.
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