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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

May 2013

Commissioning Ceremony
Old Dominion University Ted Constant Convocation Center was the site for the Annual Spring US ARMY and US NAVAL SERVICE ROTC Commission Ceremony, held on Friday 10 MAY 2013.  The Naval Service ROTC Unit commissioned 50 Ensigns in the Navy and eight Second Lieutenants in the United States Marine Corps.  Seventeen Second Lieutenants in the US Army, Army National Guard and Army Reserves were also commissioned.  MOAA Hampton Roads Chapter President Colonel Jim Edge, USA (Ret),rt. and Board of Director Captain Mike "Breeze" Barea, USN (Ret), left. pictured in the center of an impromptu photo, awarded each newly commissioned officer a set of Gold Bars. The photo was taken by Ensign Andrew Heckel, USN
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17 May Luncheon
Returning members, left to right, CAPT Cameron Lowe, USN (DC) Ret., CAPT Ralph Nettelhorst, USN(DC) Ret., Karin Barrett, and LCDR Jeff Barrett, USN-Ret.  Welcome back to members who have not attended for a while. 
Luncheon Speaker
Chapter President presents the Jefferson Cup to our guest speaker Thelma Drake.  Thelma is the Director of Virginia’s Department of Rail and Public Transportation, DRPT. 
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Virginia Council of Chapters, MOAA conducts 28th Congressional Appreciation Luncheon
Shown above are HRCMOAA members who attended the luncheon at the Capitol Hill Club on 21 May 2013.  From the left, CDR Don Buzard, USN (Ret), COL Jim Edge, USA (Ret), CDR Bert Ortiz, USN (Ret), and CAPT Jim Jones, USN (Ret).
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 Memorial Day Celebrations in Virginia Beach
The HRCMOAA participated in the Memorial Day observances at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial in Virginia Beach.  This observance was presented by the Virginia Beach Mayor’s Veterans Committee.  Shown above presenting the HRCMOAA wreath, are COL Jim Smith, USA-Ret and CAPT Jim Jones, USN-Ret.
 Memorial Day Celebrations in Chesapeake
The HRCMOAA also participated in the Memorial Day observance in Chesapeake Virginia at the Veterans Memorial located in front of City Hall.  Shown below, presenting the wreath at the Chesapeake Veterans Memorial, are CDR Matt Krakower, USN-Ret and CDR Bert Ortiz, USN-Ret. 
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All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2013