Hampton Roads Charter MOAA member CAPT Mike "Breeze" Barea,
USN (Ret) was honored to be the guest speaker and administer the oath at
a recent Hampton Roads Naval ROTC Unit Commission Ceremony held at Norfolk
State University (NSU) Saturday 17 DEC. MOAA certificates, applicable one
year free subscriptions and Gold Bars were successfully distributed.
Pictured from left to right: 2nd Lt Dustin Hughes, USMC;
Truitt Rounsavall, USN; ENS Mark Randazzo, USN; 2nd Lt Jonathan
Zehner, USMC; 2nd Lt Hunter Kennedy, USMCR; CAPT Mike "Breeze"
Barea, USN (Ret.); 2nd Lt Anthony Glassford, USMCR; ENS Matthew Wallner,
USN; 2nd Lt Bradley Sanders, USMC; ENS Donna Vorpagel-Gunther,
USN; and 2nd Lt Irma Mosqueda, USMC |