June 2010
The Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association participated
in the Norfolk High Schools NJROTC Awards Day held at the Norfolk Naval
Station on 03 June 2010. The MOAA Military Leadership Award, consisting
of a Certificate and Medal, was presented by CDR Earl Byers, USN
Ret. The students receiving the award are, from the left, Cadet
Jaiquan Sivells, Booker T. Washington H.S.; Cadet Jadon McGee,
Granby H.S.; Cadet Wright, Lake Taylor H.S.; Cadet Richard Barrera,
Maury H.S.; Cadet Nicole Cooper, Norview H.S. |
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Salem High School NJROTC
The Hampton Roads Chapter representative, CAPT Jim Jones, USN
Ret. presents Cadet LCDR Gabriel Pancho, shown in the picture below
on the right, with the MOAA Military Leadership Award. The Chapter
presents this award to outstanding cadets at each of 5 High Schools in
Virginia Beach and 5 in Norfolk. |
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21 June Luncheon
Randy Forbes, our guest speaker from the Fourth District, attended
with his wife Shirley and thanked MOAA and its members for their service
and family sacrifices. He started off by saying that this country
is in a dangerous place. On the right above is Congressman Forbes
with our President Maj Norm Crews, USA Ret. |
Among those attending the June luncheon are Past President CAPT
Ray Hart USN Ret. (right) and his wife Jane. |
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2010 Communications Awards
COL Sam Wilder, USA Ret., President of the Virginia Council
of Chapters, presented the 2009 Communication Awards for our newsletter
and our website. Maj Clif Furedy, USAF Ret., Chapter Web Master,
accepted both awards on behalf of he and John Vermillion who was not in
attendance. Sam Wilder also said we were one of the best 5-Star Chapters. |
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