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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

May 2010

HRCMOAA 21 May Luncheon
The luncheon was held at the NAS Oceana Officers Club and the guest speaker was CAPT Frank Roberts, USN Ret. Executive Director of Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facility Alliance.  He discussed the organizations purpose and goals.  Shown above is MAJ Norm Crews presenting the Jefferson cup to CAPT Frank Roberts.
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Old Dominion University Commissioning
The Army ROTC commissioning ceremony was held at the Ted Constant Center in Norfolk, Virginia in May 2010.  COL Jim Edge, USA Ret. is shown presenting the Gold Bars to 2LT Virginia L. Peschke with a one year free membership to MOAA.
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Recruiting for MOAA

Photographer; CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret. and Chapter PAO.
The Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) works the MOAA booth on 11- 13  May 2010, along with National MOAA, at the Joint Warfighting 2010 Conference at the Convention Center in Virginia Beach, VA.  This Conference is sponsored jointly by AFCEA International and the U. S. Naval Institute.  The purpose of the MOOA booth is to make the attendees aware of MOAA’s mission and what we can do for them.  The Chapter and MOAA representatives explain the advantages of becoming a member and how MOAA helps to maintain a strong national defense and keep the earned entitlements of members and their families and survivors.  Eligible attendees were encouraged, as first time members, to sign for a one year free membership.  Shown above, from the left, is LTCOL Henry Hill, USA Ret., MOAA Representative, CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret., Chapter VCOC Representative, COL Bob Norton, USA Ret., MOAA Representative and Deputy Director of Government Relations, and CAPT Jack Colgan, USN Ret., Chapter Membership Chairman.  The Chapter splits the number of new members signed for Give Me Ten Purposes and encourages new members to join a local Chapter in their area.
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Memorial Day
The Hampton Roads Chapter, Military Officers Association of America participated in the Memorial Day celebration at the Tidewater Veterans Memorial in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  Shown above is, left to right, COL Jim Smith, USA Ret. and CAPT Jim Jones, USN Ret. as they prepare to place a wreath at the memorial along with several other Veterans Organizations from the area.  This celebration is presented by the Mayor’s Veterans Committee.  COL Floyd Gilbert, USA Ret. was the Master of Ceremonies and is a Chapter member.  Opening remarks were made by the Honorable William D. Sessoms, Jr., Mayor of Virginia Beach and the Keynote Address by the Honorable Glenn C. Nye, III, Second Congressional District.
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All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2010