February 2010
HRCMOAA 26 February Luncheon
Above, President Norm Crews presents the Jefferson Cup to guest
speaker Rear Admiral David Anderson, Vice Commander U.S. Fleet Forces
Command. He discussed Haiti Operations, Search for an Out Lying Field
(OLF) and F-35 Basing.
The Admiral covered the introduction of the F-18 with 8 squadrons at
Oceana and 2 at Cherry Point. The first effort to determine another OLF
location in Washington County NC, was met by a law suit in Federal Court
for environmental reasons. The Court found for the plaintiffs. |
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HRCMOAA Annual Check Presentation to the Princess
Anne High School NJROTC
CAPT Paul “Holly” Hollandsworth, Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA
First Vice President, is shown presenting a $600 check to Cadet LCDR
James Dwight, Commanding Officer of the Princess Anne HS NJROTC Unit.
Also on hand is Cadet ENS Ryan Gardner, Executive Officer.
The money will be used to help purchase the trophies for the February Drill
Competition to be held at the Little Creek Amphibious Base gymnasium.
At least 12 High Schools will participate. |
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