November 2009
HRCMOAA Annual Toys for Tots Luncheon
Each year the Chapter and it’s members host the local Marine Corp Squadron
that heads up the Toys for Tots in this area. All members attending
are asked to bring an unwrapped toy for the program. This luncheon
is also our annual business meeting where we elect new Board Members and,
or, Officers for the next 2 years. Our President Norm Crews,
is shown above center, presenting the Jefferson Cup to LtCol Jack Merkel,
USMC (far left) who was the guest speaker standing in for LtCol Stewart
McKnelly, USMC Commanding Officer of MAG 49 Detachment D. Other
Marines, left to right, PFC Joseph Golinske, SSgt Thomas Rodriguez,
Cpl Caleb Johnston, Cpl Todrick Body, and LCpl Errick
Cunningham Jr. |
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New Board Members Installed
Chapter President Norm Crews installed two new board members
for the next two years at the November 2009 Luncheon. Shown at center
taking the oath of office are COL James Edge, USA Ret and (right)
COL James Smith, USA Ret. |
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