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Hampton Roads Chapter Military Officers Association of America
Chapter Activities

HRCMOAA 50th Anniversary

The Hampton Roads Chapter 
Military Officers Association of America 
celebrated it’s 50th Anniversary as a MOAA chapter 
24th June 2009. 
The US Fleet Forces Band opens the ceremony during the social hour 
and with the Call to Dinner. 
The Marching on of the Colors! 
The flags of all services are marched on; US Army, US Marine Corp, US Navy, US Air Force and the US Coast Guard.
The assembled Color Guard has been formed.
Shown above before cutting is the 50th Anniversary Cake baked by CS2 Charles E. Tobler Jr., USS Ashland. 
Shown above is the National MOAA 50th Anniversary Affiliate Award.
Captain Joe Bouchard, USN Ret. and Eighty-Third District Delegate to the Commonwealth of Virginia House of Delegates, (left) is shown presenting the Virginia General Assembly Commendation Award to MAJ Norm Crews USA Ret. and Chapter President.
Col Lee Lange II, USMC Ret. (left) is shown presenting the MOAA 50th Anniversary Affiliated Award to Chapter President, MAJ Norm Crews, USA Ret.

Col Lange is the National MOAA Director of Council and Chapter Affairs and was our guest speaker for the evening.  He replaced Vice Admiral Norb Ryan, Jr. USN Ret. who was away on assignment for a fact finding trip to Iraq.

The head table at the 50th.  From left to right; CAPT Paul Hollandsworth, Mrs. Nordee Crews, Col Lee Lange, MOAA guest speaker, MAJ Norm Crews, Mrs. Janet Lange, CDR Mike Dewitt, XO Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek, and Mrs. Shirley Hollandsworth.
Col Lee Lange, after his speech, was given a Jefferson Cup as the Chapter’s thanks by MAJ Norm Crews, Chapter President. 
The Chapter was blest to have six Past Presidents attending the ceremony.  Left to Right; CDR John Salop (1977), USN Ret., Col Edward “Ted” Holt (1995), USMC Ret., COL Floyd Gilbert (1984), USA Ret., (Col Lee Lange), CDR John Vermillion (2003-04), USN Ret., CAPT Ray Hart (2005-06), USN Ret. and LtCol Jim Dellaripa (2007-08), USAF Ret. 
Cake cutting ceremony

Shown above is MOAA’s Col Lee Lange cutting the first piece of cake from the USS ASHLAND (LSD 48).  Watching this effort is Norm Crews and Holly Hollandsworth.  The cake was enjoyed by all attending members and guests. 

Above and below are several members enjoying the dance with music by the Durig Music Services.
Some folks would rather tell war stories.  Col Lee Lange talking with CDR Mike Dewitt, XO. 
A table set aside to remember those who could not be with us to celebrate this once in a life time event.
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Pictures below taken by Mark S. Crews, son of our President, Norman Crews.
The pictures are random and names are not included.
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All information contained in this web site is the exclusive property of Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA (HRCMOAA) © 2009