March 2007
MOAA Annual Congressional Appreciation Luncheon
Shown above with Congresswoman Thelma Drake are COL Floyd
Gilbert, USA Ret; CAPT Ray Hart, USN Ret; LtCol James Dellaripa,
USAF Ret; and CDR John Vermillion, USN Ret. All took advantage
of a break in proceedings at the March 21st Military Officers Association
of America Annual Congressional Appreciation Luncheon held at the Cannon
Building Caucus Room in Washington, DC. Not shown are Lcdr Walter
Wesolowski, USN Ret. and Maj Mike Leach, USMC Ret (Photographer). |
VIPMOAA Chapter Luncheon
Shown above, from left to right are LCOL James Dellaripa, USAF
Ret., COL Ernest Hinojosa, Jr. USA Ret. (VIPMOAA President), and
John Vermillion, USN Ret. All enjoyed the presentation by Mary
Sherwood Holt on America’s 400th Anniversary Jamestown Celebration.
The presentation was held at the VIPMOAA Chapter Luncheon at Langley AFB
Officers Club. |
March Chapter Luncheon
Shown above are Hampton Roads Chapter MOAA Members, LCDR Bill Long,
USN-Ret, with his wife Martha Long as they visit with Congressman
Randy Forbes, 4th District Representative. Congressman Forbes
was the guest speaker at the March 19, 2007 Luncheon |
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